How to Write a Classification Essay in Ethics: Improve Your Writing!

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What do we mean when we say a “classification essay”? First of all, when writing this type of college paper, you have to classify various items into specific types of categories. Provide your readers with an idea of what a descriptive notion of the categories is, supply every point with interesting information, as well as include goo examples in order to write a strong classification essay and earn the best grades.

By its content, the classification essay in ethics is the type of a paper that is based on two sides: both analytical and expressive. In plain language, the classification essay in ethics is the project in which the author is focused on ethics in this or that society. You may work on either the whole aspect of the subject of ethics, just talk about some parts that form the whole notion of ethics or a single part associated with people in the chosen society. When the question is about ethics, it deals with a range of logically expected norms of conduct that exist on the globe.

It’s ethics that is an integral part of the society that lets us tell what good or bad deeds are when it comes to people’s conduct. A classification essay in ethics can be considered a kind of an analytical paper, especially when you give a dispassionate viewpoint on the ethics thesis that you write about. In such case, the paper becomes a scrutiny of pros and cons that come from the range of morals in the context.

Classification Essay: The Process of Making an Outline

In order to complete a classification essay in ethics, the author has to create a strong plan with all important steps and parts. Before you begin to work on the introduction part of the essay, create an outline. Make sure it includes the main argument of your classification essay and serves as a real roadmap for your future assignment.

The student/writer has to consider the overall title, the related subtopics, the examples and definitions. To write a high-quality classification essay, you have to check the next steps:

  • Pick an attention-grabbing and new topic;
  • Give good and eye-catching introduction;
  • Provide different and similar issues about the categories;
  • Give similar facts about every category;
  • Give important information in logical order in order to classify all the categories;
  • Provide proper conclusion.

Choose the Topic for an Essay

Choosing the right topic for a classification essay is an important step that you have to take greater responsibility for. The thing is that is you choose the topic that you’re not passionate about, chances are you won’t be interested in the process of work. This may lead you to the point of procrastination and academic failure as a result. Look at the list of some of the recommended ethics classification essay topics. We have divided them into a range of categories in order to make it easier for you to choose. That’s what we call categorizing!

  • Types of Lifestyles That Exist Today;
  • Types of Theories in Ethics;
  • Types of Ethical Systems to Follow;
  • Types of Principles in Ethics;
  • Different Types of Business Ethics;
  • Different Types of Ethics Education;
  • Types of Violations of the Norm of Ethics;
  • Types of Ethical Dilemmas in Academic World;
  • Types of Ethical Guidelines for Business Environment;
  • Types of Ethical Issues in The Area of Healthcare.

When choosing a classification essay topic in ethics, keep in mind that it is better to keep away from large topics like ethics and choose the narrow ones. Make sure to focus on applied ethics and its sub-categories instead of a broad issue.

Create a Perfect Outline for the Classification Essay in Ethics

Making a perfect classification essay outline is an integral part of the process because it provides you with an opportunity to get a real “roadmap” for writing. Having a strong outline at hand is the right way to success – you have an informative guide that helps you plan your text, its paragraphs and the filling.

A good outline usually consists of three basic sections: introduction, body and conclusion. For you, it is important to be aware of what every section includes. Thus, you won’t have to waste your precious time on editing when the writing part is done.

If the topic of your classification essay in ethics is ‘The Major Types of Normative Ethics’, your outline might look this:

I. Introduction
A. Normative ethics is the area of study of ethical action. This is the segment of ethics that explores the set of questions that appear when one considers how one should act, speaking in moral context.
B. During the middle of the century, there have emerged different categories of normative ethics.
Thesis: The two main categories or sub-sections of normative ethics include virtue ethics and hedonism.
II. Category 1: Virtue ethics goes about the character of a moral agent that is the driving force for ethical behavior, and it is the key issue that describes the ethics of Aristotle, Socrates and other early philosophers in Greece.
A. Item 1: Stoicism
B. Item 2: Contemporary virtue ethics
III. Category 2: According to hedonism, the principal ethic is about minimizing pain and maximizing pleasure.
A. Item 1: Cyrenaic hedonism
B. Item 2: Epicureanism
V. Conclusion
The two main categories in Ethics, virtue ethics and hedonism, come from the first Greek philosophers.

Writing the Introduction with a Thesis Statement for Classification Essay

It is recommended to begin your story with explaining what your classification essay is going to categorize, what your achievements are and why exactly you did what you actually did. Writing experts recommended using some special hook sentence in order to attract attention of potential readers. For instance, you can use:

  • Rhetorical questions;
  • Interesting facts and statistics;
  • Jokes or anecdotes;
  • Allegories, smiles or metaphors;
  • Quotes from poetries, etc.

What is the most important part of the introduction? The answer is – your thesis statement. You have to make it powerful enough in order to ensure your readers will understand the main point. At the same time, you have to be concise and brief in your classifications.
Write the thesis statement that:

  • Specifies certain classes and briefly explains them;
  • Point out the important methods that the author of the essay will test;
  • Sets certain expectations for the readers.

Write the thesis statement at the end of the introduction paragraph. Remember that you will have to repeat it when you write the first lines if the conclusion.

Writing the Main Text

The body of the classification essay is where you provide all of your categories with attached information. One of the mistakes that students do here is wandering away from the central theme. Thus, it is important to concentrate on the details that are relevant to ethics.

The main part of the essay includes the paragraphs. The number of those depends on the number of categories that you’ve planned to describe in your essay. Structure every paragraph well in order to make sure it contains a critical discourse of an issue or your point of view on a subject. In case with the classification essay, the goal of the text will be to give different categories relevant to the topic, and explanations of why some items are better for this or that sub-section. Use your essay text to fully explain the question that you have raised in the introduction paragraph.

If you do the comparison of the systems that classify items, for instance, you may want to demonstrate differences between current and past systems, as well as give more words about the influence the systems had on the things they were used to categorize.

Concluding the Ethics Classification Essay

Conclude your classification essay by writing up a summary of all main points of the project, and restating the key purpose of it.
Use your conclusion paragraph as your last opportunity to have the final say about what you have just talked about. Just like the introduction paragraph enables the author to make the right first impression, the conclusion is your chance to make excellent final impression.
The goal of the classification essay in ethics is to go over the key points of the paper once again. To cut the long story, the last part of the classification essay should be used to remind your reader of all the strengths of your argument through repeating the most significant evidence of the categories. At the same time, the author has to remember that the conclusion of the essay is not only about repeating some of the points from the body of the essay. If you decide to do so, you will simply dilute all the arguments you’ve made in the main text. Instead, provide a conclusion that persuasively and concisely retells your thesis statement. Make sure you never give any new information in the conclusion part.

Classification Essay in Ethics: Things to Remember

When you write this type of assignment, it is important to keep in mind some minor details:

  • Never jump around this or that idea. When writing an essay, always make sure to move straight towards the main idea that you are going to elaborate on. Exert every effort in order to describe different classes and always give detailed explanation of your stand when any issue requires you input.
  • Make sure you clearly indicate where one paragraph starts and where it ends. Don’t just feel like writing endlessly because thus you will confuse your readers (including the ones who have remarkable knowledge in the subject).
  • Stick to the number of words required by your college professor. If he or she wants you to provide a certain amount of words, you have to be cautious in order to keep to the demand. This is always rewarded.
  • Never use words that may question your confidence on the subject of categorizing, names “I guess”, “I assume”, “Maybe”, “Probably” and so on. They are pretty confusing.
  • Don’t forget to edit your classification essay. On the internet, the author may find many tools that once used help you detect and fix all possible errors in grammar, punctuation or style. Use Grammarly to see if your essay contains any incorrectness and is one hundred percent authentic. Or, as one more option, consider using Ginger – an innovative software that integrates with your web browser in order to ensure the user never makes spelling or grammatical mistakes.
  • Use proper terms and terminology in ethics. It’s recommended to use related vocabulary. However, if you use complex terms but in the wrong context, you will most likely confuse your reader and get a lower score.

Congratulations! Everything you have to do now is to select some interesting topic in order to impress both your friends in class and your professor (select one from the list or come up with an idea on your own). Once you begin the opening line you will see that a classification essay in ethics is nothing complicated if the authors makes just a bit of effort.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

Patric Johnson Head of Writing Center

Patric is a 4th year and Assistant Engineer who can juggle his studies and work. He’s also a dedicated parent and husband. Despite his busy schedule he never misses a Texas Longhorns baseball game.

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