How to Write an Exemplification Essay

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Nowadays, students are still given homework. One of its types is essays. Students around the world struggle with this topic every day, but fortunately, there are articles like this one. They are designed to help students and others write an essay in a few steps. You will learn why it is so important to take a break, how it can help you write an essay, and also make an action plan that will make writing an essay as easy as possible. Why do you need an exemplification essay? The answer to this question is, in fact, very simple: the main task of such an essay is to reveal the topic with the help of an example. That is why you should study as many examples from the Internet on different topics as possible.

After reading this article, you can get the job done, even as a beginner, because the information is presented in the simplest way.
First, let’s make a definition of an exemplification essay. An exemplification essay is an essay that is mostly reasoned, with many examples that support the author’s point of view. Today, along with a professional essay writer we will figure out how to write this type of essay in a few steps.

Select a Theme

Many people are intimidated by just the thought of an essay. This type of work will not seem so scary to you if you choose the right topic. Most often, teachers provide a ready-made list of topics. If you have this list, select the one that meets the following criteria: interesting to you, clearer to you the meaning of what is written, you can debate on this topic.
After selecting topics, rate each topic by subject. Do you have interesting observations and ideas on this topic, can you surprise the reader with something, do you feel inspired thinking about this topic? You must understand that in the process of work you need to indicate your thesis and prove it reasonably.


There are various ways to find ideas for your essay. One such method is brainstorming. Brainstorming is a way to find new ideas. It is based on stimulating creativity. You should write down any ideas and thoughts that come to your mind. In fact, there are many variations of this method. The most important thing in brainstorming is the number of ideas, not their quality. As a result, all unnecessary ideas are eliminated and only the necessary ones remain.
The brainstorming technique has several rules to help you get started. The first rule is no ratings. Any kind of evaluation of your thoughts is prohibited. The second rule is to express even the most absurd ideas, because later they may turn out to be the most valuable. Carefully study the topic of your essay, find several sources and the Internet with information on this topic. You can, for example, find essays on the Internet with examples.

Make a Plan

To facilitate the task, you need to make an outline, following which you will quickly and efficiently write an essay. Read some samples. Your essay should consist of the following points:
  1. The first paragraph is a generalization and main idea. However, don’t be in a hurry with hasty generalizations. The audience should be able to follow the logic given in the article. Make the main statement.
  2. Next is the “body” of your essay. In this promotion, one should delve into the information and reveal the main subject of the letter.
  3. Conclusion. For another idea, add the following phrases: “Summing up, …”, “After analyzing all the information, we can conclude: …”, “In conclusion…” and other phrases that perform correctly to complete your academic work.

Write Out The Main Idea

This point is very important, as it is the key to understanding the article or essay. By identifying the main idea of the text, you memorize keywords and phrases. When you have a small sketch with ideas and headings for your future text, it’s time to think about the key message of the text that you want to convey.

The main idea of the text always conveys your attitude to the topic and your point of view, only very succinctly. The ability to see the main point among many ideas is extremely important since it is on it that the reader’s understanding of the text depends.

Get Started Writing

Writing an essay is effective because it gives the author an opportunity to develop the skill of quickly and clearly articulating his thoughts, structuring information, using basic concepts, illustrating experience with examples, and arguing their conclusions. Remember that the essay must:

  • Match the selected topic or topics. To do this, you need to read a sufficient amount of information and sources to be erudite in your topic.
  • Be readable, because no one wants to read the text without paragraphs, headings, and logical meaning.
  • Have abstracts;

Take Breaks

Many people know that good work and study results come from taking breaks. If you do not do them, the amount of resources is gradually depleted. Taking short pauses can help you distract yourself and unload your brain. Take short breaks, perhaps during these breaks, you will have a brilliant idea for your essay.
Once, scientists conducted an experiment: they conducted a printing session for two groups. On it, the subjects had to type text. The difference was that one group was not given rest, while the other group was given the opportunity to take a break. The study showed that the brain activity of the first group was lower than that of the second group. Another interesting fact is that brain activity was higher during rest, and not during work, as one might think.

Make Last Edits

Read the text, pay attention to paragraphs and subheadings, headings, and keywords. Correct what is superfluous, unsuitable, and tidy. If you are checking errors in Word or Google Docs, don’t worry, as this feature is built-in.

Some tasks are difficult for students. One of them is an essay. Sometimes this becomes a rather difficult task since it is beyond the power of even teachers to reveal the topic and find the necessary, and most importantly, correct information. Writing a sample essay is a complex topic and needs to be learned before writing the actual work. In this article, we discussed the main points and necessary tips, following which you can write an essay competently and efficiently on any topic. We talked about such a technique as brainstorming, understood why rest is really important and made a plan of action.

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