How to Write a Case Study in History: Let’s Make It Easy!

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If you study History, then sooner or later you will encounter such a task as a case study. It is a kind of research work on a person, society or situation that occurred in a certain period of time. Therefore, the implementation of such a task in history is quite logical.

Yes, such a task will be difficult to complete in an hour, but nevertheless, everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. For some reason, most students do not like this type of task. But most likely the only reason for this is a misunderstanding of what is required. But do not worry, with our guide on how to write a case study in History you will change your attitude towards this task by getting history assignment help from our experts. And complete it easily!

What Is the Essence of Case Study in History?

What do you need to understand about a case study? To make it easier for you and to figure out what is expected of you, we will decompose this task in a simple way. So, the case study consists of two parts. One part is a problem (object), and the second part is a discussion of this problem.

That is, you will need to mark the problem and analyze it. Identify what led to this problem and with what help it can be solved. To be exact, in addition to the analysis, you will need to provide recommendations on how to solve these problems. When it comes to a historical event, it will be necessary to describe not only how the problem could be solved, but also how to prevent its occurrence again.

In fact, it resembles the discussions that arise in your History classes, when you are discussing a specific event with the whole class. Only now you will need to state all this in writing and back it up with facts, reliable sources.

This task is very simple, as you will explore historical events. All you need to do is deeply understand the topic. For example, completing this task in Economics is much more difficult than in this subject. Let’s get started with our walkthrough on how to write a case study in History.

If you can’t manage all the details and complexity of a case study in History, use a history essay writing service. This service will provide you with professional help in writing well researched, structured and original essays to your specifications. With access to experts who know the historical context and analysis you will save time and ensure your work meets academic standards. Whether you’re looking into ancient civilisations or modern historical events, this will help your case study.

How to Write a Case Study in History: Follow This Step-by-Step Guide

We have already said that we will help you to complete this task simply. All you need is to follow the recommendations. It’s optimal to start with the preparation for this task, and only then let’s start writing the text.

How to Choose a Suitable Topic?

The most significant and first step in working on this task is to select a topic. Fortunately, in History, there is where to roam. Here are the main areas of history that are most often used for case studies:

  • Paleolithic. This era is known as the Stone Age, which ended in 10,000 BC.
  • Neolithic. This era is known as the New Stone Age and as a period of development of mankind.
  • Ancient history. The period of powerful empires, ancient Egypt and the era that laid the foundation of the modern world. This is the most common area for case studies, as there are many topics to analyze.
  • World War I. One of the largest wars in the history of mankind (1914-1918). In this direction, you can easily find good topics.
  • Industrial revolution. Changing the lifestyle of mankind in connection with the use of machines. Also a good area, from where you can create many suitable topics for your task.
  • The Second World War. The largest armed conflict in world history, in which 62 states took part at that time period (1939-1945).

The above periods in History are the most common and are ideal to choose a topic. Of course, you can consider other areas that are most interesting to you. For instance, you can consider the activities of people who played a significant role in world history. But if you still cannot decide on the topic, then here are a few ideas:

  1. Colonization in South America;
  2. Stone Age Culture;
  3. The First World War: Causes and Consequences;
  4. The Phenomenon of Civilizations of Ancient India;
  5. The USA in The Second Half of the 20th Century;
  6. The Development of Far Eastern Civilizations In The Era Of The Middle Ages.

Learn Task Requirements

Most students make a mistake at the very beginning of their assignment. Namely, they do not read the task itself. All assignments are compiled in such a way that they contain the main points that will help to fulfill it properly.

Therefore, read what is required of you several times. Most likely you will understand what is the point. You probably remember the recommendations of almost all professors before the test, that you need to carefully read the assignment. Believe, this advice really works. So do not neglect such advice.

Answer These Questions Before You Start

Sometimes it is extremely difficult to begin work on a task. Therefore, to put everything on the shelves, provide answers to the following questions.

  • What is the main problem with your chosen topic?
  • What questions will give you an understanding of the root of the problem and its solution?
  • What sources can help you with analysis?

Now you have an understanding of where and how to start. This method always works when you seem to understand what to do, but you still can’t start it. So you can use this method not only to complete the case study.

Book reports too can be just as challenging, especially if you have multiple assignments to juggle. A book report helper will provide you with tailored help, to break down complex texts and present your analysis. With personal help you can focus on understanding the material and produce high quality reports. Whether it’s a historical text or a modern piece, this will make your book report shine.

Outline the Problem

Your whole analysis will be regarding the problem, so you need to identify it. Until you understand the essence of this problem, it will be difficult for you to make recommendations and solutions.

Selecting Sources and Theories for Analysis

In fact, a case study in History is a very simple task. You have access to information to begin your analysis. You can use both textbooks and third-party historical resources. So in all probability, you will not have problems with the choice of sources.

Read Similar Works On Your Topic

Most likely you can find similar works on your topic. So be sure to try to find similar materials. Firstly, you can find something new, and secondly, you can recognize what should be reflected in your text.

Take Notes Throughout the Analysis

It often happens that important information is forgotten. Especially when you are processing a large array of data. So take notes throughout the study of the topic. History is not a subject where you can miss data and statistics.

What Are the Key Features of the Structure?

Let’s figure out how you should structure your work. If you think this task is like an essay, then this is not entirely true. Yes, there is an introduction, the main part, and a conclusion. But here, you will have to deeply work with the main part. Do not worry, now everything will become obvious to you.

  • Introduction: At the very beginning, it will be significant to clearly identify the problem that your topic implies. Also, do not forget about the thesis, do not exceed more than two sentences. Such a volume for the thesis will be quite enough.
  • Body: In the main part, it is necessary to provide background information, alternatives, solutions, and recommendations. Further, you will learn more about each point.
  • Conclusion: Provide a brief conclusion of the whole work. Focus on decisions and recommendations. But don’t forget about brevity.

As you can see, this task is different from the essay and requires deep analysis. Let’s take a closer look at each item in more detail.

What Do You Need to Reflect in the Body?

Let’s stop on the body. This part will be the most significant in your task. Let’s look at each item.

Background Information

Here it is necessary to describe why the problem you have chosen is a problem. Using this information, you will set the right direction for readers to think. Remember to back up explanations of the problem with facts, numbers, and reliable researches.

Be sure to follow the logical sequence when expressing your thoughts. You should understand that every sentence is like a grain, which at the end should create a general picture.
This type of assignment does not imply that you must vehemently convince the reader of your opinion. Other opinions are acceptable here. But the more convincing you are, the more likely it is that the reader will think just like you. And this is very good!


In this kind of task, it will be vital to propose several alternatives. But it is a mistake to think that it is enough to list them only. You need to refute them and provide an explanation of why.

Solution and Recommendations

Once there is a problem, then a solution should be provided. This is the key point in your assignment. Be careful at this point, as it plays a decisive role in how correctly you completed the task.
So what should be the solution? A decision cannot be made from heaven. You will need to justify why such a solution is optimal. But this justification should be supported by theory, not just words. To make it easier for you to make a competent decision, you can use the following leading questions:

  • Why can this decision be considered as a solution?
  • What are the risks/barriers to implementing this solution?
  • What will be required to implement the solution?
  • How long will the solution take?

Hone the part where you provide the solution to perfect condition. It should look so that there are no more questions about why and how. Well, since this is a case study on history, you will not have problems with providing a solution. In this case, you can be calm that you get a good mark.

The Final Tips to Complete a Task

The fact that you wrote the text does not mean that your work on the task is over. But don’t be upset! The point is that you need to check your work. Agree, it will be a shame if you get a lower mark due to a grammatical mistake. That is why we recommend you to use the following tips.

Make a Pause Before the Check

Before you start checking your text, you need to take a break. Postpone the case study for at least an hour, and only after the break starts the proofreading. This is due to the fact that you simply will not notice many mistakes if you start checking immediately. But when you rest, you can safely proceed to the check.

Pay Attention to the Following While Proofreading

In addition to grammatical and punctuation mistakes, you need to check the logical sequence of your thoughts. When you work on the text for a long time, it may happen that you make the text unreadable. So read your text out loud, and then all mistakes will become apparent. This is the most effective exercise that will help make the text understandable and readable, so you can apply it to all written exercises.

Check the Format

Most likely your professor informed you in accordance with which format you should design your work. Such a requirement should not be neglected since usually this issue is given special attention. So go over the text and see if everything is done in the canons of the required formatting style.
This was the last stage of work on this academic assignment. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief! You completed a case study in History. Agree, everything is not as complicated as it seemed to you before this guide.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

Patric Johnson Head of Writing Center

Patric is a 4th year and Assistant Engineer who can juggle his studies and work. He’s also a dedicated parent and husband. Despite his busy schedule he never misses a Texas Longhorns baseball game.

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