How to Write a College Essay

Writing guide
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There are different thoughts on writing college essay and people have different thoughts on how to write a college essay. Principally, writing an essay for college is not a major problem if you have a natural flair for writing. College students often get confused in their initial college life when they get instructions from teachers to write a college essay. The reason is very simple, they have now no prior experience and they really don’t know how to write a college essay. Some simple steps may be of great use for the students if they follow these with an objective oriented mind.

Write your topic on the first page and divide it into sub topics. Sub-topics are mainly sub headings and related issues that may appear in your completed essay as a finished product. This will give you a fair idea of main contents and thoughts involved. Now see what is the quantity required for that specific essay. Quantity should be considered in number of words and not in number of pages as number of pages may change dramatically with a slight change in layout, font, borders, or theme of the project.

The next step is filling the contents in your proposed or planned contents. Always start from the main content idea or title discussion as it serves the purpose of an attention grabber for the reader. The more appropriate and impressive you prove here, more marks you get from your teacher in evaluation. Writing main theme paragraph in the beginning is also a good idea as it serves the purpose of both attention grabber and idea demonstration. Whenever the problem occurs during writing, never hesitate to look around for more innovative approach and examples. Environment itself guides you on how to write a college essay. Students’ discussions, teachers’ opinion, evaluators’ comments and library’s resources; all can be a good source in writing a college essay.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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