How to Write a Research Paper

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While writing research papers you often ask yourself

Students usually face problem while writing a research paper because they do not know how to write a research paper. If you also do not know how to write a research paper, don’t worry and consider the following guidelines to know about writing a research paper:

1. As is evident from the name “research paper” that you will need to do a lot of research for the research area of your research paper. Always try to select a topic that is of your interest so that you may like the process during which you are conducting your research.

2. For writing a good research paper, assemble all the details in one place and also keep in consideration your research strategy. If you are doing quantitative research, you have to get data and information from people’s responses and other ways by which you will come to know about the quantitative reports about your research topic. In case of qualitative research, you have to see the background works of people on the same topic for which you are writing.

3. Literature review plays an important role in a research paper as it informs about the previous researches and views of people who have already done work on the same research area or related to that research area. For qualitative as well as quantitative research, literature review plays an important role. Qualitative research is based on literature review but quantitative research only reports it as a help for the conduction of research.

4. A result analysis is a must part in a research paper because it informs about all the research that you have performed to reach at a result. You have to indicate all the research that you have done in the result analysis and draw a result out of your researched area.

5. Now you know how to write a good research paper.

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