How to Write an Impressive Speech

Writing guide
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Apart from studies, extracurricular activities are an essential part of academics. They help to shape the students up for real life. Activities like debates, quizzes, questionnaires, speeches and essay competitions are a colorful part of academics. Speeches especially pave the way for sequels of many great orators and even leaders. Nevertheless, many great orators cannot take part in such competitions because they are not as good writers as they are speakers.

The following points will help you write a good speech yourself:

  1. Make sure you understand the topic of the speech thoroughly. It is always a good idea to discuss the problem with someone first, preferably someone who is knowledgeable but is not taking part in the competition himself.
  2. Make points that you would like to add to your speech. Start by gathering material from books, websites, etc.
  3. After gathering solid content, go for quotations. Look up the speeches and letters of great people, preferably good orators, e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, and Helen Keller, to name a few.
  4. You can add as many quotations as you want, but keep in mind that the speech is to be based on your own opinion, not others’.
  5. Write the statement while imagining yourself speaking it.
  6. Practice in front of the mirror, or if you want to overcome stage shyness, in front of friends during breaks to polish the final thing.
    Once the speech is written, try to practice it as much as possible.

Some language tips to be used while writing speeches are:

  1. Do not use flowery expressions that may sound too spurious during formal speeches.
  2. Never use the expression like wanna, ain’t, gotcha, gonna, etc. in your speech.
  3. Always use language that is advanced yet easy to understand.
  4. Try to use minimum passive sentences.
  5. Do not use phrases that are too long as they may become complicated to understand by the listeners.
  6. Your speech should address the audience directly.
  7. There should be parts of the speech to jerk up the audience when it starts feeling bored.
  8. Humor is always appreciated in speeches, but it should be decent and relevant to the topic of discussion.
  9. Add pauses in between paragraphs to avoid mingling of concepts together. It will also help you remember which paragraph starts after which one. It will make flow in your thoughts visible.

For more information about writing speeches including persuasive speeches and informative speeches, you can find at our custom speech writing service.

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