How to Write an Essay to Get an A+ Grade?

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essay writing
Students write a great variety of essays. It is a compulsory demand and so all get used to it sooner or later. Nonetheless, not all of them like to write certain types because they induce certain complications. Among the most popular essay types are argumentative, reflection, persuasive, narrative, reaction, expository, and other essays. They all are different and may confuse students.

Luckily, there are certain signs and recommendations that suit every essay type. This informative guide on how to write an essay of any type. It explains how to start, end, use a hook, write the main sentence, and so on. This guide is extremely useful for all students who do not know how to make good essays.

How to Start an Essay to Attract Your Readers?

When a student writes an essay, he or she surely starts with a question – How to start an essay? It is a pretty short section because it commonly consists of 3-5 sentences. Nevertheless, its role is crucial. It is supposed to get the attention of potential readers. It can be done with the help of a mean called “hook”. It is something uncommon and interesting that grabs the attention. Your introduction may contain the next hooks:

  • Rhetoric question;
  • Shocking statement;
  • Citation of a famous personality;
  • An anecdote about your life experience.

It should also provide general facts that are dependent on the topic of your project. Finally, it ends with a thesis statement. It is a one-sentence claim that clarifies the main purpose of the entire essay.

For example, you write about the use of technology in schools. Your general facts should be related to the common use of technology. Provide a hook and finish with a thesis statement. It may be like this – Technology is surely very useful in learning, but we ought to be sure it does not harm students.

How to Write a Good Essay That Is Readable?

The main body of an essay is crucial. It develops the main idea. Accordingly, it is expected to provide great examples and explanations. Many students do not know how to make an essay readable. We will answer this issue as well. You are to follow the next points:

  • Don’t cram it. You should never try to cram all the questions into a single paragraph. Remember that you will have at least paragraphs. Therefore, cover one point at a time!
  • Watch the word count. Be sure you do not exceed the word count. You also have no right to write less than was required. Be precise in essay writing!
  • Check the lexicon. Watch the words you use. You should avoid slang, jargon, technical terms, etc. You should also keep away from clichés and stereotypical thinking.
  • Make it logical. It is vital to make smooth transitions. Every time you finish a paragraph, check if the next part is a logical and readable continuation.

How to End an Essay Properly?

After the first 2 stages are over, students begin to ask themselves – How to start a conclusion? The conclusion is also a short paragraph, which consists of 3-5 sentences only. Its main task is to summarize the entire project.

You should rewrite the thesis statement in other words. Outline the main facts of the essay and interpret the outcomes you have received. Now you know how to end an essay. Use these tips to make it perfect.

What Should Be Done After You Finish to Write?

Once you’re through with the writing stages, you should not relax. The deal is far from settled because you have to revise your essay. This stage is crucial because it helps to identify writing and logical mistakes, define weak argumentation, and other downsides.

To be sure you have spotted all the errors, follow the next tips:

  • Revise it twice or thrice;
  • Read aloud, in your heard, and from the end to the beginning;
  • Ask other people to read your paper;
  • Use grammar checkers and editors for better results.
Essay stage Its purpose
Introduction It provides general facts, a hook, and a thesis statement to get the attention of the readers.
Main Body This section develops the central idea of the paper. It provides convincing examples.
Conclusion It sums up the entire essay, restates the thesis statement, and interprets the outcomes.
Revision The last stage should define all grammar mistakes, check flow, readability, etc.

If you forget about what must be done in all sections, take a look at this table to recall everything.

Pro tip

We would like to add a few helpful tips for students. Make allowances for the next essentials:

  • Conduct in-depth research;
  • Make sure you use official facts;
  • Create a good outline with instructions;
  • Apply checking apps to revise precisely;
  • Revise your essay at least twice;
  • Get rid of distractions when you write.

Jacob Lee Top-10 Writer at

If you do not know how to write a conclusion for an essay, wait until the main plot and introduction are ready. Afterward, you will understand everything by learning the outcomes of your paper.
If you research your paper properly, the story will appear in your head, and it will be perfect.

We would like to provide a few useful resources. They provide useful examples and clarifications about the successful accomplishment of essays of all types.



Now you know how to write essays of all types. The instructions suit every diversity of this piece of writing. Follow our smart tips and you will surely succeed.

About authors
James Snyder A Top-10 writer at
James is one of the most prominent authors on our team with more than 7 years of experience. He specializes in writing essays and coursework. James loves to work from home with a cup of hot chocolate and his cat Archibald.
Kate Roth A Top-10 writer at
Kate likes to read long stories and write essays. She’s experienced in both academic writing and marketing activities, so she can tell everything about a writer’s job in a few simple words. You can use our website to request the help of our experts anytime.

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