Management Essay: Full Guide to Create a Winning Paper

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Need advice on how to cope with your management essay? There is a common misconception that management skills are important only for leaders. That is not true. Everyone needs to have a good understanding of the essential management concepts such as planning, coordinating, and organizing that very important for all employees in any organization. So you have to master your knowledge and skills in management if you want to have a successful career after your graduation. Reading books is not enough and you will need a lot of practice to master the key concepts in management.

Management essay is a common assignment that is used to test how students can apply their skills to solve different management issues and demonstrate their critical thinking. Keep reading to learn how to write an awesome management essay and impress your instructor.

What Is a Management Essay?

Actually, your management essay doesn’t differ much from other academic papers. Its primary goal is to assess students’ knowledge of particular topics and their analytical skills. But it’s a creative task as well. Besides, you have to demonstrate your ability to apply your theoretical knowledge to practice and that’s why management essay differs from other academic assignments that are mostly aimed to evaluate knowledge of theoretical concepts.

It’s not enough to use bookish terms to explain some ideas and provide a bunch of stats if you want to succeed. You should provide an in-depth analysis of your topic, for example, conflict management or management of human resources, and explain how the concepts you discuss in your paper can be used to provide some real-life outcomes. You should highlight your abilities to act in real life situations in a business environment and demonstrate your own style of thought and essay writing.

Now let’s discuss with experts from our essay writing agency how to choose a good topic for an impressive essay on management.

How to Choose a Great Topic for an Essay in Management

Typically topics or prompts for writing college essays are given by the instructors and that makes things much easier because you will not need to spend a lot of time on doing research and brainstorming your essay topic ideas. But if you have to choose a topic for writing your essay on your own, you might feel at a loss. Here are some aspects you should consider when deciding what topic to pick.

First, you should think about some management issues you are interested in. In this case, you will enjoy doing research and writing and are more likely to sound more convincing and impress your audience. Just make sure you write about practical, actionable business questions like management challenges in the 21st century or the big issues facing HR management etc.

You can use another approach and write about some relatively new and unexplored concepts. In this case, your management essay will be interesting to read and it won’t sound dull. For example, you can write about issues facing business management today like making connections, talent management, employee appreciation, and their career development.

Besides, you should do a research and make sure that your topic is broad enough and you will be able to find a lot of sources on it. At the same time, you should narrow your management essay topic to make it manageable within the word count of your essay.

Lack interesting ideas for your management writing project? Have a look at our short list of impressive management essay topics and feel free to use them for creating your own college papers.

  • Strategic Management in the Automobile Industry;
  • Impact of Culture Revolution on Recruitment and Selection;
  • The Role of the Project Manager in Achieving Client Satisfaction;
  • The Importance of Good Leadership for a Business;
  • Human Resources: Steps to Building an Effective Team;
  • Building an Effective Talent Management Strategy;
  • Tactics to Improve Employee Development Programs;
  • Leadership Skills Assessment;
  • Components of an Effective Information Management Strategy;
  • Ways to Maximize Employees’ Competencies and Performance.

Before You Start Writing Your Essay: Research Ideas from Our Writers

When you have chosen a good topic you are interested in, you should do research using primary and secondary relevant sources. You should avoid Wikipedia because it’s not an academic source although you can use it when starting a research stage to get a general idea of the topic. You are likely to work with 4 types of sources:

  • books which place the subject of your essay in a broad context;
  • texts that focus on a specific aspect of the subject;
  • relevant articles in academic journals;
  • articles in the business press and financial magazines.

You can look for sources online and take books from your college library. While reading, you may want to take some preliminary notes about the key ideas, interpretations, and arguments that you may use for developing your own argument, paraphrasing or direct citing. Here are some practical tips on how to organize a   process better and be more productive:

  • Use abbreviations and headings. It will save you a lot of time when sorting your notes because you will not need to reread very long and elaborate sentences;
  • Use uncluttered notes to speed the process of writing. Start taking notes for every article or book on a separate sheet of paper and write only on one side leaving additional margins for afterthoughts;
  • When you start a new text, jot down information about the author and the title on the top of the page and write the number of a page in the margins. You will be able to use this information when writing your Reference page.

Organization of a Strong Management Essay

When you have done the research and completed taking notes, you need to think about how to organize your essay. Now it’s time to make a good outline that will allow you to stay relevant and interpret the set question properly. Your essay should demonstrate a clearly expressed and coherent thought. The typical management essay structure includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.


You can start your essay with some attention grabber:

  • an interesting quote;
  • a provocative question;
  • some statistics;
  • an anecdote etc.

A good technique for starting your management essay is to provide an answer to your question directly from the beginning. It will show your readers that you have understood the question and will provide an answer to it. An introduction should also include a strong thesis statement that will help you stay focused on your subject and guide your writing.

Besides, you can explain the structure of your paper, why you include particular evidence, and how it can help you support your argument.


The number of body paragraphs should correspond to the number of logical arguments. You should start your body paragraphs with a topic sentence, and then provide supporting arguments and relevant evidence that proves your ideas. Topic sentences at the beginning of the paragraphs will help your instructor to skim the paragraphs without the need to read every sentence in your essay and the entire essay. Your last sentence in a paragraph will function as a transition that connects the paragraph with the next one. Make sure you use different transitional words and phrases, for example:

  • furthermore
  • moreover
  • last
  • finally
  • next
  • in addition
  • to clarify
  • in other words
  • that is to say
  • consequently
  • for the reason
  • in order that
  • to summarize etc.

Don’t jump from one argument to the other. Make sure that each new argument follows the logic of the preceding paragraph. Here your outline will help a lot so you should try to make it as detailed as you can before you start writing.

You will not be penalized for reaching a conclusion that your professor personally disagrees if your argument is logical and sound. But you will be penalized if your conclusion is not supported by the evidence you have presented in your essay or if the necessary evidence was omitted. You need to be convincing so you have to present an informed argument. All your major arguments and claims need to be supported by the evidence on which they are based. Wondering how much evidence you need to support each point? Typically, 1 or 2 convincing examples will do but sometimes you may need a more detailed explanation.


It is actually a short summary of your management essay where you have to restate your thesis statement. The main goal of a concluding paragraph is to make sure you have given the answers to all questions that were asked in the introductory paragraph. You don’t have to provide a lot of details here and should try to be concise. If your essay is not long, all the information is fresh in your reader’s mind and there is no need to repeat it again. But if your essay is lengthy, you can sum up the major points that you have analyzed in your conclusion.

When writing your management essay, you need to take care of the neat sentence construction and proper grammar because they are the key components of clarity. Besides, you should avoid slang, jargon, and clichés that are usually penalized.

Don’t write too much and don’t exceed the specific word limit. Remember that the length of an essay and its quality are not the same. If your essay is too long, it may just indicate that you failed to master the research material and choose everything that is relevant to the subject of your essay.

Revise Your Draft and Make Improvements

When you have finished writing your first draft, you will need to revise it more than once. You need to reread your essay and make sure it is organized logically and written clearly and concisely. You have to check the logic and the flow and eliminate wordiness by omitting unnecessary words and sentences. For example, check your introduction and make it shorter. Just read your management essay again and think if you can say the same things in fewer words or in shorter sentences.

Make sure there are transitions between your paragraphs. It’s important that your writing style should be powerful to make your arguments more persuasive. When you are satisfied with the content of your management essay, you need to edit and proofread it and make your good essay great. Here is what you need to do:

  • improve word choice;
  • correct grammar and spelling mistakes;
  • check punctuation, for example, the use of commas.

When you finish editing, you have to put your management essay aside for some time and re-read it later. Here your goal is to do a final check and fix small grammar and spelling mistakes and typos that may have overlooked when writing and revising your management essay. You can use online spell checkers as well. Your next step should be to find a second set of eyes to proofread your essay and ensure that there are no minor mistakes or typos that you may have overlooked. You can your friend or a member of your family to help you with proofreading.

Referencing Sources

To avoid plagiarism, you have to reference all sources that you have used for writing your management essay when directly citing or paraphrasing them. There are lots of academic styles such as MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago, and more. When making references, you should follow the guidelines provided by your professor. You should carefully study the instruction to make sure that will be able to meet your instructor’s expectations. If your professor hasn’t specified the preferable formatting style, you can use MLA style. You can find a good MLA style guide on the website of Purdue University.

As you see, writing an impressive management essay is not very hard but it is time-consuming. Such essays are important for your GPA and successful career after college so you should work hard and we hope that this management essay writing guide will be useful for you and will help you cope with this typical college assignment.

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