Management Papers and Essays

Writing guide
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In management communications either verbal or non-verbal play a big role. Therefore you as a future manager will be learned how to communicate your thoughts and orders on the paper as well. Manager should communicate their message clearly and right to the point so that no misunderstanding had occurred. While most of the communications go through written messages, it is very important for managers to write good memos or letters to their subordinates.

If you have a business major in the university, be sure that you will be assigned to write management term papers, essays, research papers and thesis papers during semester. Term papers on management have the same style as any business papers. The difference is the topic that you will write about. Most probably your management term paper will evaluate your business communication skills and your ability to write effective and clear messages to your future subordinates in the form of memos and letters. In this section we will discuss how to write these types of documents and complete your management term paper successfully.


The principal difference between a memorandum (memo) and a letter is the audience. A memo is internal correspondence written to fellow employees, whereas a letter is external correspondence written to someone outside your company or organization. A memo reflects this difference in its format. When you write your management term paper, essay or research paper writing don’t forget about this difference and use appropriate format for your memos. The sender-receiver routing information in the upper left of a memo’s first page replaces the return and inside addresses, salutation, complimentary close, and signature found on a business letter. In most other respects, memos differ little from letters. Both are single-spaced with double-spacing between paragraphs and sections. It should have the following information:


Business letters are used for external correspondence. The standard business letter has six parts:

  1. Heading, which includes the writer’s return address and the date
  2. Inside address, giving the recipient’s name, title (if any), company or organization, street address, city, state, zip code
  3. Salutation
  4. Body
  5. Complimentary close
  6. Signature block, which includes a handwritten signature with the typed signature beneath it

One of the widely used formats is full block style with the six parts labeled. Another common format—modified block style— places the heading, date, complimentary close, and signature block on the right side of the page (instead of flush left, as in the block style). The modified block format may use either indented or (lush-left (not indented) paragraphs. Simplified style, a more unusual format, replaces the salutation with a subject line and eliminates the complimentary close. Simplified format uses a full block style, with all parts flush at the left margin. This format is easy to type because no lab stops are needed. Furthermore, the subject is immediately clear, and the lack of salutation solves problems when the name of the recipient is not known. It is better to use simplified format in your management term paper, research paper or essay for routine requests or when personalization is unimportant.

There are other business documents that you will need to learn and write during your management course. Business letters are not the only things that you as a future manager should know and that will be required from you during your education process. Your management papers will be also about different topics like leadership and motivation where you will need to make a research or state your personal opinion.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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