Medicine Term Paper Writing Guide You Shouldn’t Miss

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To write a thorough medical term paper, you should consider all the peculiarities of this type of writing. Besides, it should be mentioned that medical papers are difficult to write due to the complexity of topics and terminology. Even though a medicine term paper writing requires a lot of efforts, medical students have to complete it every term. With the help of a medical term paper, professors are able to evaluate how well a student comprehends the materials presented during the term. This type of essay may be written on various topics related to medical sciences – be it anatomy, microbiology, pharmacology, physiology, and public health. You can be assigned to write a medical term paper about various health issues such as pregnancy, medicine, and physical disturbances. Therefore, one may state that medical science is a vast field that includes plenty of information to be researched and described.

Main Characteristics of Term Paper Writing

In general, a medical term paper is a lengthy essay that should be written on a subject based on the works performed during the term. Consequently, you should just support the received knowledge of different pieces of research. What is more, a term paper is an analytical and critical report on the selected topic. Therefore, it should consist of two equally important aspects, namely your own thoughts about the topic and a demonstration of comprehension of the chosen literature. Hence, the primary goal of this paper is to summarize the material you have learned and present the understanding of the topic. In addition, it is important to start writing your medical term paper as soon as possible to have enough time to proofread it.

Apart from that, the best medicine term paper writing should include some investigations and statistic data to support your ideas and arguments. It has to be mentioned that you should use the information only from the reliable sources, for example, you can use websites which ends in .edu and .gov. Therefore, in some cases, term papers can be referred to as research papers since they investigate a specific matter with the help of the combination of personal knowledge and findings of some experts. What is more, if you are allowed, you can express your opinion about the selected matter at the end of the paper. Hence, one may consider that this type of essay is quite similar to the research paper.

medical term paper writing

How to Choose a Topic for a Medical Term Paper

Usually, a professor has either tell you the exact topic which should be investigated or provide you with the list of appropriate topics. It may happen that you have to choose a topic on your own. In this case, you will be able to research a topic of your interest. Furthermore, you should consider the length of the paper to decide how broad your topic should be. Therefore, if you are asked to write five pages, you can choose a specific issue, but if you have to write ten pages, it will be better to select a broad topic and then focus on its certain matter. What is more, you have to search for recent issues or breakthroughs to choose a relevant topic for your medical term paper. The following list of topics may appear helpful for you to create your own one:

  • Health Institutions in the Developing Countries and Their Influence on Morbidity and Mortality;
  • Organ Transplantation: All Possible Complications;
  • Causes of Child Obesity and Risks of Becoming Overweight Due to Bad Eating and Activity Habits;
  • Drug Facts: Addiction and Substance Abuse and Their Outcomes.

3 Pre-Writing Tips to Follow Before Writing a Term Paper

Having chosen the topic for your medical term paper, you may use some prewriting tips to manage your time and efforts efficiently for the great results in academic writing. With the help of prewriting activities, you are able to brainstorm some original ideas and create the outline. Therefore, it saves your time and energy to write an excellent term paper. Keep in mind that the more work you complete during the prewriting stage, the easier it will be to write the first draft. There are several steps of how to start writing your paper.

  • You have to brainstorm to collect all the ideas related to the topic. While completing this stage of prewriting activity, you should not think about spelling or word choice to save time;
  • After having completed the list of the ideas, you have to choose the most compelling ones to expand them in your term paper;
  • You need to draft an outline of your medical term paper to know what kind of information you should include in every section.

As a result, if you complete the prewriting stage accurately, it will be easier for you to make a final draft due to the fact that all the ideas and thoughts will be collected.

What Sources to Include in a Term Paper

When you choose the topic for your paper and come up with some essential ideas for it, you should find some sources of reliable information to support them in detail. You should convince the reader in the veracity of your term paper. Therefore, you may ask your instructor to provide you with some sources or search them by yourself. Take into consideration the following sources:

You can go to the library since there is a significant number of various journals and magazines, especially medical ones. However, if you are limited in time, you may find some information on the Internet, but you should be careful with websites since some of them may present inaccurate information. To choose appropriate sources for your medical term paper online, you have to pay special attention to the websites which end in .gov and .edu. For instance, the website which ends in .gov is a government-sponsored website. Therefore, it is supposed to be a credible source of information. What is more, it has to be mentioned that the government-sponsored websites may provide you with actual links to different official researches and statistic data. Besides, those websites which end in .edu are designed for educational institutions that makes them credible as well. As a rule, your instructor, who doesn’t give any additional source, state that the process of source selection for the paper is one of the most important processes in writing a medical term paper. It is a good idea to check the research and analytical skills that help you to demonstrate and support your ideas.

The way of referencing differs depending on the style of the entire paper. For example, if you are asked to follow an APA style, you should indicate the author’s last name and year of publication in the brackets, while according to MLA style, you have to indicate the author’s last name and page number in the brackets. Moreover, on a separate page, you should create a list of sources that are used in a paper. That is why one may claim that in a medical term paper, sources play a significant role due to the fact that without them you will not be able to support your arguments.

The Structure of a Medical Term Paper You Need to Follow

Like any other academic essay, the medical term paper has a certain structure which consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion. You should follow this basic structure to present your thoughts clearly. As a consequence, you can make your paper coherent and cohesive. What is more, if you structure your paper properly, it will be easier for you to demonstrate and support your arguments in a logical order. In addition, you should pay attention to the content of your medical term paper. Therefore, you have to conduct a deep analysis of the selected research topic and read some peer-reviewed articles or books to create a well-written paper. As a result, if you structure your term paper well and create compelling and authentic content, you will receive a good mark. What to include in a term paper?

Title That Is Eye-Catching

When you determine what topic will be explored, you should create a title which will present the material of your medical term paper briefly. What is more important, the title has to be attractive to interest the readers, “What is in this term paper? I need to read it to the end”. Bear in mind that the title should contain no more than fifty-one symbols with spaces in any academic style. At the same time, keep it simple, informative and focused on the type of research, be it an analysis or case study. So if you state in the paper title that you are going to perform an analysis, you won’t go wrong.

Introduction That Makes the Reader Plunge into the Topic

This part of your term paper is of high significance due to the fact that it should briefly demonstrate your topic and provide a reader with the background information. In general, this section should present all the important points. Indeed, it should not be so long that the reader gets bored. Therefore, the introductory section should contain only those information that only clues the reader in on the research topic. Moreover, the introduction has a special structure with an opening sentence and thesis statement.
If you choose the first topic from the list demonstrated above, first, you can describe how substance abuse impacts people’s behavior in general. Then, you can enumerate the primary effects of substance abuse on a human body according to the particular scientists. Remember that you are not allowed to include any in-text citations in this paragraph. Furthermore, if you want to create a compelling thesis statement, you should have a clear insight into the selected topic to expand it further. Hence, it can be stated that the introduction should provide the reader with a clear picture of the whole paper.

Main Body That Supports Your Thesis Statement

The central idea of the main part is to support your thesis statement mentioned in the introduction. As a rule, it contains 4 main sections that correspond to methods, results, and discussion. Every logic unit pursues particular aims and objectives accordingly. To make your medical term paper smooth, you have to insert some linking words in order to connect paragraphs with each other. The same as the Introduction section, each part of the main body has a certain structure which consists of a topic sentence, evidence, and concluding sentence. What is more, if you decide to mention some counterarguments, you should create a separate paragraph to make sure that you do not confuse the reader. Unlike the introduction section, you can include some in-text citations to support your points.

If you decide to insert quotations, you should not forget to cite them properly. If you do not refer to the source as it is required in style guidelines, your paper will have a high similarity index. Apart from that, this part of the paper may contain a description of some investigations to provide a reader with as many details as possible. With the help of it, the readers will be able to comprehend the matter better. Therefore, it can be stated that the main body is the most important part of the entire paper due to the fact that it presents central viewpoints and convinces readers that your arguments are accurate.

Conclusion You Need to Arrive at

This part summarizes all points mentioned in the main body in a logical way. Therefore, you have to select the most important information from your paper and present it in the conclusion section. It is important to avoid writing any new information and including in-text citations. Besides, this part of the paper is the last chance to convince the reader it is worth to research a particular issue on Medicine. Moreover, it is necessary to restate your thesis statement and support it with arguments presented in the main body. As a result, one may claim that you should pay special attention to this section to create a logical conclusion of your paper.

Additional Visual Parts of Your Medical Term Paper

It may happen that you will need to create a chart, diagram to demonstrate some figures and explain them in a clear way. There are plenty of charts, such as pie chart, line chart, flowchart, and bar chart that will be able to help you to demonstrate statistic data and any other data in your medical research paper. With the help of those charts, you can demonstrate different kinds of information that includes figures to support your research. What is more, a reader may compare and contrast the presented information. As a consequence, they can reach a conclusion on their own. Such visuals are effective when you want to compare some results of the different investigations or merely demonstrate the consequences of the experiments. That is why various types of charts are useful while writing a medical term paper.

A Bit More from Our Writers: Proofreading Techniques You Should Try Out

It is important to proofread your medical term paper by checking for spelling, grammar, and paper’s overall smoothness. You can just reread the paper few days after you complete it. As an alternative, you can ask someone with good reading and academic writing skills to check your essay. Apart from that, you can read the paper out loud to spot run-on sentences and some other issues connected with the paper’s coherence. You should check whether you do not use personal pronouns because it is not recommended to use them in any type of academic essay. What is more, you have to ensure that each of your arguments is portrayed in an appropriate way and readers will be able to understand your points clearly. Consequently, it should be claimed that the proofreading process should contain a few stages to eliminate as many mistakes as possible.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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