The Guide on Writing the Medicine Research Paper That Helps You Out

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The research paper is a specific kind of text that includes references to scientific studies with reliable sources. It is very important to use credible information to prove and strengthen all the arguments in the paper. Nowadays, there are a lot of academic papers which are in great demand in the sphere because of their perfect organizational and functional structure. In fact, a medical research paper requires a considerable knowledge of medicine and all the aspects related to the subject. Besides, the results of a certain medicine paper are concentrated on improving and expansion of actual goals that have already been achieved.

This complete medicine research paper writing guide will help you to achieve great results in writing a medical research paper. Just follow all the recommendations and enjoy the writing process in full.

10 Writing Tips That Work for Research Papers in Medicine When Our Writers Prepare Them

  1. Correct title. The title should attract the attention of a reader and inspire to read the whole text. It should be interesting, understandable, informative, and organized in an appropriate way. According to the title, the reader determines whether one should read the research paper and whether one will get useful or important information from it.
  2. Introduction keeps the reader’s attention and facilitates the continuation of reading. There is no doubt that it must contain information about the main idea of the whole paper and a brief statement of its content.
  3. Thesis statement. There should be a statement of the whole text of the medical research paper or some details that are potentially interesting to the reader. When writing the main text, one should strictly adhere to the topic and its main principles:
    • Conciseness;
    • Literacy;
    • Reasoning.
  4. The medicine research paper must be written in simple sentences using medicine terms. Therefore, the provided information will be appropriate for understanding or memorization.
  5. The logical separation of the main ideas. The text must be divided into logically complete paragraphs. There should be no more than 5-10 sentences in one paragraph for easy reading.
  6. Plan. To follow the topic, it is necessary to use a plan listing two or three convincing arguments for the main part and a few phrases for a convincing conclusion.
  7. Logical sequence of paragraphs. It is important to move from one paragraph to another smoothly without losing a basic idea. The writer must keep in mind the accents that draw attention to the necessary moments.
  8. When writing the medicine research paper, the student should adhere to the required language and style avoiding slang and jargon lexis. In contrast, the writer must avoid words that may not be clear to the reader when text is outlined.
  9. The text must be checked not only for spelling and punctuation errors but also for the vitally important terms regarding the medicine notions and processes.
  10. The conclusion of the paper should be logical and must contain the key positions of the medical research paper.

How to Choose a Topic for a Medicine Research Paper?

When choosing a topic for the research paper, it is worth taking into account the interests, views, and own preferences. It is quite evident that it would be difficult and even impossible to make a medicine research paper valuable without a competent writer who would contribute a lot to this kind of work. Hence, as a researcher, you should be deeply interested in the chosen topic. It would give an opportunity to find more credible information. Besides, you should analyze the results of a careful investigation as well as the consequences of the research. It will help to make the paper more accurate because there would be personal reflections and opinions concerning the topic.

After all, the topic of the medicine research paper is something that must come from the heart of the individual. The student can discuss the topic with the professor during the preparation stage and elaborate priceless thoughts and pieces of advice, which would help to make the paper perfect. All in all, the experienced person is worth trusting, and it would not be a mistake to contact a mentor to make some improvements. There are some suitable topics for a medicine research paper:

  • The Role Of Antibiotics in Human Life;
  • Child Obesity in Modern Society;
  • The Importance of the Placebo Effect;
  • Disorders Connected with Poor Sleep;
  • Drugs and Their Impact on People’s Lives;
  • The Study of Genetic Disease;
  • Homeopathic Medicines and Their Benefits;
  • The Percentage of Autistic Children among Modern Teenagers.

Non-deliberate topics are:

  • The History of Medicine;
  • Vaccination;
  • Cancer Research;
  • The Treatment of Virus Infections.

Creating an Outline for Your Medicine Research Paper

Unfortunately, many difficulties occur while writing this certain paper, especially when it includes experimental medicine studies. The outline help reasonably to organize the whole paper, and it would be definitely clear to analyze the medicine research paper where all the needed information is written in the outline. The outline of your research paper in Medicine must include:

  • Paper title;
  • Thesis statement;
  • Major research ideas indicated by Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.) or capital Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.);
  • Supporting points indicated by capital letters (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)

It is time to have a look at your research paper in details, which should be in your outline, to understand what your paper will bring to the field of study.

Sources for Your Research Paper in Medicine

When conducting research, students must devote significant attention to the sources. It goes without saying that they must be credible, reliable, and adequate. Moreover, the person must check all the information thoroughly in order to demonstrate one’s knowledge brilliantly. Nowadays, the majority of teachers and professors encourage their students to use books, textbooks, and different medical journals, which can be easily found online or in the library of the university. In fact, it is comfortable to have such an opportunity, but there is still a part of students who are used to finding the needed information in their own ways.

You certainly know that the Internet is rich in various sources but not all of them tell the correct facts and ideas. In practice, it is difficult enough to distinguish the trustful. Consequently, it is better to be aware of any good ways of choosing the needed knowledge before taking a topic of medical research into work.

How to Cite Sources Properly in a Medicine Research Paper?

After choosing the needed sources, one can face the troubles with citing them. However, this site is one of the most simple and useful for it. The student can easy revise one’s citing skills or even learn how to cite sources in a proper way. As a rule, professors require the researchers in different format styles, but the most widespread are MLA, APA, Chicago. The paper must also contain the appropriate citation due to the required writing format.

List of suitable sources for the research paper in Medicine:

  • Principles and Practice of Clinical Research. Elsevier/Academic Press, 2018.
  • Rich, Mari. Medicine. Mason Crest, 2017.
  • Shiralkar, Uttam, Ms, Frcs, Mrcpsych (Worcester Health And. Surgeon, Heal Thyself – Optimising Surgical Performance by Managing Stress. Taylor & Francis Inc, 2017.
  • Stenhouse, Louise. Anatomy. Mosby Elsevier, 2015.
  • Solomon, Eldra Pearl. Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology. Saunders/Elsevier, 2016.

The Structure of a Good Research Paper in Medicine

When writing the medicine research paper, it must include the information about its purpose. At the end of this section, it is necessary to clearly formulate its hypothesis, research data, and their methods, as well as the list of abbreviations used and the entire list of parameters applied in the paper. When writing the section “Introduction”, the student must follow ‘from general information – to a specific detail’ principle, to bring the reader to the next” direct solving”- the purpose of research, creating a broad picture of the problem.

In the ‘Materials and Methods’ section, it is necessary to explain the process of an experiment in a chronological and clear way so that readers could evaluate the results of medical research, and recreate the experiment to check the reliability of its results.
Besides, students must try to maintain a balance between brevity (one cannot describe every movement of the scientist in the experiment, but can refer to the necessary broad description of operations in a different source) and exhaustion (key details of the experiment should be given with sufficient diligence). In the description of the experiment, the relation is conducted in a third person way. Some common statistical methods of providing research are given in the section without comments. Advanced or unusual statistical methods require a link to a more exhaustive description in the literature. It does not recommend to mix the chronology of the experiment and its results by keeping the logical sequence of material presentation not to be distracted by strangers data.

The section “Results and Discussion” aims at highlighting the student’s generalization and thoughts on the main idea of the medicine research paper, explaining the essence of the achieved results, as well suggestions for the further research. In the text, the article should not describe in detail the concepts, methodologies, terms, which are commonly known in the specific medicine industry. Reference should be made to all information that does not belong to the student personally. Logically, the section is combined with the “introduction” and explains how the research findings confirm the positive results of the basic scientific hypothesis testing. The discussion is considered to be the most important element of scientific research. Specific results should be precisely combined with the answers to specific research questions. For instance, the question of the scientific hypothesis of the author in the introduction must be verified in the end regardless of how much of the results reliably confirmed it. To construct an interesting discussion, a writer must evaluate the contradictions of some of the received goals. The student can find results and figure out any unexpectedly-invented achievements. What is more, it is better to start the paragraph with the fact of obtaining an unexpected result. An artificial limitation and the weakness of the author statement when discussing the results lead to the uncertainty of their significance and the overall reliability of the proposed materials.

The medicine research paper involves the usage of tables and figures with the outcomes of the research. Of course, they are intended to inform the reader about the achieved results. It is necessary to determine which of the questions must be addressed and discussed before the formation of tables and figures. The used sources should correspond to the data in the table or figure. Also, a writer must limit the number of tables and figures to the themes that will directly provide the necessary information. These tables should not duplicate the data already given in the text. The student has to include the results that are important for the entry issues and independently decide whether they confirm the reliability of the discussed hypothesis. Text must strictly adhere to the order of the numbering of the tables and figures. They are usually placed on individual pages followed by citation links. Actually, tables can be used to synthesize extensive numerical and also literary data.

The “Conclusion’ section plays a significant part in a medical research paper. Its central part must summarize the described information and confirm the thesis. Strong arguments are the key elements, which would help the student to organize successful medical research. They must be listed in conclusion. The competent approach towards writing the paper would help to create the respected research. In general, the conclusion should be based on the achieved results from the described study. Also, the writer must include all methods, elements, and aspects, which were used during the study. It is necessary to remember to summarize everything logically and in the correct order.

Additionally, the medicine research paper would definitely have many professional terms, which must be necessarily explained properly. It is recommended to devote the separate space for giving the definition for each of them. This would give a chance for all readers to understand the whole information and the principles of the research correctly.

Editing the Medicine Research Paper Correctly:

  • The student should revise the whole paper thoroughly in order to ensure that everything is written in a logical way with no mistakes;
  • He or she must proofread the information to exclude the grammar and spelling errors;
  • The student should pay significant attention to the terminology, read each definition to understand that all of them were explained correctly. It is a responsible enough task because the topic concerns medicine and many people can absorb the provided knowledge.

Checking the Research Paper for Plagiarism

Plagiarism is one of the most serious threat to get a worthy mark. The medicine research would count a lot of terms, and, therefore, students must take care of this issue and properly write their research paper with correct citation. Nowadays, there are plenty of free plagiarism checkers where students can revise their academic papers.

Now you’re equipped enough to create a masterpiece in Medicine. It will be your research paper if you follow all the medicine research paper writing tips mentioned in this guide. Don’t hesitate to show your knowledge in practice!

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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