Movie Review on Gravity

Writing guide
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Writing a movie review is not among the most popular assignments that students love to do, because when students think of a movie; their brains switch to entertainment mode where they can relax and enjoy what the movie has to offer them. A movie review certainly takes this away from them because it forces them to concentrate and engage critical thought when watching the movie, regardless of the number of times they must watch the movie.

When asked to compose a movie review on Gravity, for instance, you should try and watch the movie more than once, if circumstances permit. This is because when one watches a movie just once, it becomes very easy to miss key elements, and once one misses these key elements, it becomes difficult to write an excellent movie review. When you write a movie review, it should entail mostly explaining your opinion about the movie, while supporting any criticism you may have in the movie review. For example, if after watching the movie, you felt embarrassed, disappointed or excited, provide a valid reason as to why you felt this way and you could back up this statement by pointing out the part of the movie that made you feel this way.

Do not assume that what you see is obvious because what you assume is obvious may not necessarily be as obvious to another reader. Even as you write the review and criticize the movie, there are things you must avoid and lines that you must never cross; otherwise, your review paper will be regarded as a failed review paper. Such things include writing personal attacks on an actor in the movie, the director of the movie, the genre the movie falls under, or even attacks on a screenwriter.

Before writing the review, ensure that you pay some attention to the reader you think will be reading your paper, because the content you include in your paper should be something a reader will find appealing. Additionally, for any point of criticism you include in the essay paper, ensure it is well supported, because it depends on how you support your ideas that the reader will either agree or disagree with the points you have made in the essay paper.

Spoilers are something else you must avoid in writing your review essay paper, because they do not come out as professional and they could discourage the reader from being interested in reading the movie review on their own. When writing a review, you are basically acting as a judge of the story that has been written, by stating if the actions in the movie can be justified, if the story line is solid and if the motives within the movie are plausible.

If you experience problems in writing your movie review essay on Gravity – don’t hesitate to contact our professional writing service.

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