How to Write a Presentation in Nutrition and Dietary Studies: What Type of Work Is It?

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Nutrition and Dietary Studies is the topic that people discuss daily. One eats to live and be healthy. Food fuels our body with vitamins and minerals. People study this topic to know what food cures specific diseases and prevent health problems. Due to that, they know what to consume and what products are better to avoid. Mothers turn to these studies to learn more about the best nutrition for their children. Students investigate this topic to find something new and discuss it in the academic paper or presentation.

A presentation is Nutrition and Dietary Studies is to be reasonable and informative. Each slide must present valuable information supported by facts and verified examples. Moreover, a person has to choose one topic and devote the whole presentation to one idea. It is impossible and irrational to combine several ideas in one presentation. It will lack deep analyses and logic because of that. Experts recommend reading general rules and conducting thorough research to create a compelling presentation.

This article gives a list of sample topics, tips for topic presentation, and useful sources in Nutrition and Dietary Studies.

How to Write a Presentation in Nutrition and Dietary Studies: Choose a Topic

How do students write a presentation in Nutrition and Dietary Studies? There are two variants.

  • You can get the ready topic, research it, and reflect the most essential information in the presentation. You do not have the right to choose another topic and have to cope with the assignment no matter what.
  • Select a topic. You need to study related literature and look for the freshest and most precious topic to introduce in the presentation. It could steal much time but you are free to create and speak about the topic you are interested in.

It is necessary to deal only with updated information. One should not present old data and fail because of that. Below one can see a list of topics that fit the purpose and might help students create a winning presentation.

  • Animal vs. Vegetarian Meals: Is It Possible to Be Healthy Eating only One Type of Food?
  • Supplementary Food for Children between 6 And 12 Months: Raw and Processed
  • Meals and Their Positive and Negative Influence on a Child’s Organism
  • Is Food Processing Harmful? To what Degree?
  • Is It Possible to Prevent the Deficiency of Vitamins and Minerals in The Organism?
  • Lactation, Nutrition, and Dietary: What Food to Prefer to Make Milk Nourishing for a Baby
  • Meals Low in Carbohydrate: Pros And Cons
  • A Cup of Coffee a Day: An Energizer or a Hidden Threat
  • Is Natural Medication as Effective as Traditional Medicine?
  • Probiotics and Prebiotics: Advantages and Disadvantages for Children with Colic
    Is There Some Food That Helps to Lose Weight?

Articles on social networks argue about the above-presented topics. People doubt the efficacy of various approaches in medicine, nutrition, and dietary studies. Consequently, one can search for the viewpoint of professionals, amateurs, and people who want to find out the truth. Posts on social networks are a perfect source of information about Nutrition and Dietary Studies.

How to Write a Presentation in Nutrition and Dietary Studies: Structure

Each academic assignment demands a specific structure that a person should keep to. An average paper must have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion, and the list of used sources. Each part serves a concrete purpose and a student has to follow them to get the highest grade.

An introduction

It is better to write an introduction after the body. Nobody will know what precious information one has until the text is ready. Sometimes students have to rewrite the introductory part. They often find out that it does not reveal the value of the presentation or it is not full. An introduction usually has a thesis statement that frames the basic idea in one sentence. A slide does not contain many words. That is why it is important to convey as much sense as possible.

Experienced students devote not more than 2 slides to this part. The first one speaks about key moments and the second slide introduces the thesis statement. If a person manages to find an informative picture, it will help the audience understand the topic better and even memorize basic notions.

Besides, an introduction must be striking. A speaker should attract the attention of listeners at the very beginning. Professionals often use jokes, interesting stories, citations, and even read poems by heart to impress everyone. A student should see the eyes of everybody and only then speak about the topic in detail.

A body

Even though a body continues the message of the introduction, experts recommend writing it first. Its purpose is to accumulate everything one knows about the topic. The body includes from 5 to 7 slides and the speaker adds supporting details orally. Nevertheless, each slide provides a visual background of the speech. Many people have eye memory and depend mostly on the words they see on the screen. Images in combination with oral explanation create associations a person will be able to restore later.

If the presentation has words without vivid facts, it will sound miserable and unreliable. A person must back up all the data with examples and facts. Senior students select citations and shreds of evidence that represents the key idea of the presentation. It looks impressive and trustable. Moreover, a citation or a fact is not to be long and contain up to 6-10 words per slide.

A conclusion

Just like the introduction, a person usually writes a conclusion after the body. Due to that, a person will be ready to summarize the given data. It will be easier to pick up words that could mirror the value of the presentation. The pre-last slide should better conclude everything with the help of a diagram, table, or infographics. Such visual aids save space but are informative enough to convey the message.


Each research needs information. A presentation collects the most essential data. A student has to analyze available literature on the topic to sound smart and be an expert in it. It is not a secret that the audience and college committee often asks questions during or after the presentation. A knowledgeable person will be able to answer them or at least suppose something that might fit the answer.

Nobody welcomes plagiarism. It is cheating, breach of the law, and gross violation of copyright policy. It goes without saying, nobody knows everything. Even Google does not possess answers to all questions. Consequently, a person needs to protect one’s dignity. The last slide must present the list of applied sources, both web and printed. ABC order is required for the bibliography section. Still, the formatting must correspond to academic requirements.
It is not easy to create a citation and take into consideration each peculiarity. Fortunately, there are online tools to generate citations in several minutes. For example, Scribbr asks to type the author(s) of the article or book, mention the year of publication, and pages. If it is an online source, one will just copy and paste the link and the tool will find the required information. Another free citation tool is Cite This for Me. It supplies the user with citations in APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago formats.

How to Write a Presentation in Nutrition and Dietary Studies: Sources to Study

It is better not to cite literature taken from the yellow press or blogs with a doubtful reputation. For instance, bloggers long for many likes, comments, views, and followers. They are ready to give unchecked information with a picture altered by Photoshop or other image editors. It is risky to use such information in the presentation for the basis. One can mention such ideas as possible variants. Only trustworthy websites have materials that are worth citing.

To recognize a reputable website, a student has to pay attention to several things. Such websites update their articles regularly. They give links to data presented in articles to avoid plagiarism and problems with copyright policy. A student can cite a blogger only in case he or she can prove the reliability of the post and visual aids.

Professionals often have a pile of web links they investigate to find a good topic for research. These are some worthy online sources in Nutrition and Dietary Studies.

Reliable web sites include valid news about Nutrition and Dietary Studies. Moreover, they are based on scientific investigation. So, people read them to learn more about things that are important to them. Students research them to find a respective topic for a presentation and facts that can involve listeners and make them follow the speaker with enthusiasm.

How to Write a Presentation in Nutrition and Dietary Studies in 5 Steps

Sometimes the best way to do something is to have a step-by-step plan that will help to concentrate on the assignment and to everything right. Professionals take 5 steps to complete the presentation successfully.

Step 1. Know your audience

If a person wants to impress listeners, it will be necessary to learn more about the target listeners. Experts recommend using words that will inspire and make them believe each word. It concerns also the topic. It must be intriguing for the chosen auditory. Besides, one should be able to predict questions the audience could ask after the presentation.

Step 2. Learn recommendations

Everybody knows that a presentation demands formatting and specific features. Professionals speak about 5 basic things.

  • 6-10 words per slide
  • high-quality pictures
  • no emojis
  • up to 10 slides per presentation
  • 1-2 fonts and colors that match

Sometimes these recommendations bound students because it is not easy to accommodate much information within a couple of slides. A person has to reduce the text to a minimum and identify the most influential words and sentences to place on each slide.

Step 3. Edit and rewrite until it is perfect

Slides serve as a background for a speaker. That is why each of them must be to the point. 6-10 words are not usually enough to introduce everything one wants to say. Hence, experts polish the presentation to make it perfect. Beginners are to do the same to succeed. Many tools assist in the excellent creation of the presentation. Canva, PowerPoint Presentation, Prezi, Keynote, and other tools are perfect assistants in this assignment.

Step 4. Be yourself

A person should be sincere with the audience. A student should be open and a little vulnerable with the listeners. Such a method destroys a wall that appears between a student and the audience. Brilliant speakers tell jokes to ruin the barrier and attract their attention. It is important to avoid lies because they spoil the impression.

Step 5. Practice

A student should definitely know how much time the presentation will last. To get this data, a person will need to make a video on a mobile phone or a laptop. He or she will watch a video with his or her presentation. It will be easy to notice problematic points and test gestures that serve as transmitters of the idea and human emotions. Speakers are actors and due to that, a person will have a chance to improve one’s talent. One should also create a list of possible questions and answers to predict undesired consequences.

There is one more important thing to remember. When one is going to introduce the presentation, it will be necessary to save it on a virtual cloud, on a presentation tool, or a USB device. The best option is to do 3 things. In case one forgets to take a memory stick with, it will be great to have its copy or original variant online.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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