Outline Samples of 3 Types: Choose the Best Way to Organize Your Work

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The outlines represent the type of work that demonstrates particular hierarchical connections between components of the message or reveals the logical structuralization of the data. Some tasks with a large number of points require this solution to control and order details required for the topic. In argumentative essays, the outlines aid to organize the argumentation and rebuttal. In the case of reflections, the solution helps to structure the thoughts that support the central idea. Finally, in creative writing, the outline is beneficial for tracking the events and plot lines.
Meantime, there are several types of outlines: alphanumeric, full sentence, and decimal. The first two types serve the most common solutions for the essays. The only difference is that the second category uses full sentences for each point. At the same time, decimal outlines are similar to alphanumeric. Nonetheless, the former use a system of decimal notation, which is more convenient for the demonstration of hierarchical relationships between particular segments of information.

The Ways of Our Living Require Changes

(Alphanumeric Outline for the Argumentative Essay)

  • I. Introduction.
  • II. Arguments for the changes.
    • A. Failure to eliminate the gap between the rich and the poor.
      1. Equality as a convenient myth.
      2. Real cost of luxuries.
    • B. Decrease of the great scientific breakthroughs during the last years.
      1. Focus on the profitable spheres of science.
      2. Economic advantages and blockades of progress.
    • C. Global warming process.
      1. Influence of transport.
      2. Animal-based food and adverse climate changes.
      3. Choices in energy production.
    • D. Pollution’s place in the context.
      1. Convenient packaging over the health of future generations.
      2. Disregard of the green initiatives.
      3. Rejection of the replacement for plastic and other goods in the sphere.
    • E. Irresponsible consumption of the various resources.
      1. The question of oil.
      2. Coal mines.
      3. Freshwater.
    • F. Gun ownership and the following consequences.
      1. Suicides.
      2. Mass shootings in public places.
      3. Accidents resulting in injuries and deaths.
    • G. Endless war conflicts.
      1. Reasons and the current situation.
      2. Consequences.
    • H. Hunger in third world countries.
      1. Casualties of the colonial worlds.
      2. Invisible hand of profit.
        • a. Hunger.
        • b. Underpayment and large corporations.
    • I. Multiple types of discrimination and stereotypes.
      1. Gender.
      2. LGBTQ and society.
      3. Religion.
      4. Ethnicity.
      5. Race.
      6. Physical and psychological aspects.
    • J. High crime rate.
      1. Connection to education.
      2. Link to job opportunities.
      3. Impact of stereotypes.
    • K. Failure of capitalism and democracy.
    • L. Disappearance of various species regarding the animal and plant kingdoms.
      1. Influence of the processes on the environment.
      2. Entertainment and satisfaction of vulgar tastes as torture, murder, and violence.
    • M. Terminal illnesses due to irresponsible consumption of medical supplies.
  • III. Arguments against the changes.
    • A. Consequences of the unsuccessful attempts to reach the balance.
      1. Human casualties.
      2. Economic dis-balance.
    • B. Shortage of resources.
      1. Current ideas as unsuitable suggestions in the context of the available resources.
      2. Major miscalculations.
    • C. Human nature versus political systems.
      1. Inability to find a consensus for everyone regarding systems.
      2. Key stumbling block between two approaches.
    • D. Global warming as a natural process.
      1. Facts about similar processes on the surface years ago.
      2. Improved view of these processes.
    • E. Equality as unfair treatment.
      1. Connection between efforts, values, work, specialization, and money.
      2. Spheres inequality affects these days.
    • F. Power of evolution and disappearance of species.
      1. Natural domination of the strongest species.
      2. Extinction of the weak.
    • G. Planet as the natural controller of the open possibilities.
      1. Uncolonized space and Earth as the only channel of the resources.
      2. The future well-being of the planet.
    • H. Humans, other organisms, and evolutionary wars.
      1. War conflicts;
      2. Mutation of organisms and the role of natural selection.
    • I. Cultural tradition and freedom of choice.
      1. Discrimination versus custom.
      2. Opposing approach.
  • IV. Rebuttal of counter-arguments.
    • A. Inadequate stability as a doubtful defense of the current reality.
    • B. Need to aid and finance science.
      1. Development of the alternative ideas instead of harm of the well-known solutions.
      2. High costs at the beginning of the cheap and green initiatives in the future.
    • C. Further work in the field of politics: Solutions.
    • D. Human factor and interruption in the natural mechanisms.
    • E. Failure of capitalism to provide fair treatment and payment.
    • F. Human beings as the detonators of evolution.
    • G. People’s interruption and imbalance of natural resources.
    • H. Irrational consumption and production, wars, and clear interruption in the mechanisms of natural selection.
    • I. Historical, ethical, and scientific progress as the determinants of the required changes.
    • J. Weight of the arguments for the changes in the light of solutions for the counter arguments’.
  • V. Conclusion.

M.A.S.H. 4077 as My First Guide in Life and Pacifism

(Full Sentence Outline for the Reflection)

  • I. Introduction. Although the show serves an entertaining role, the representation of such topics as war, ranks, purpose, dilemmas, death, relationships, loss, responsibilities, and discrimination make the series a perfect guide for the adult life.
  • II. M.A.S.H. 4077 addresses various issues that do not have easy or perfect answers.
    • A. The show teaches that there is nothing only black or white.
      1. I realize how the medical aid for the enemies or confrontation between Hawkeye and Charles represent the complexity of real life.
    • B. I am convinced that the series focuses on the idea of war not being the answer in political debates over the territories and resources.
      1. Hawkeye’s psychological state, failure of Margaret’s marriage, Henry’s death, and Francis’s loss of hearing demonstrate the nation’s suffering during wars.
      2. In its turn, such exposure leads the readers to the idea of peace importance.
    • C. M.A.S.H. 4077 reveals to me that the power of a clear mind, compassion, knowledge, and dialogue should dominate over the ranks and posts.
      1. While Frank, Margaret, and Henry have higher ranks than Walter, Hawkeye, and John, the last three characters frequently find better solutions from ethical dilemmas.
      2. In this way, the author stresses the clear attitude towards the person’s mental abilities in decision-making.
    • D. I consider the sense of purpose in the series a vital element of plot building.
      1. Francis’s endless sacrifices to protect the orphans, Hawkeye’s dedication in aiding patients from both sides of the conflict, and Margaret’s transformation from the order machine into compassionate specialist and friend reveal the high calling in love, care, and peace.
      2. Overall, the purpose embodies helping each other to live in peace and build a better place for everyone.
    • E. The complicated nature of represented dilemmas teaches me to remain honest and fair in search of the solutions.
      1. Hawkeye, B.J., and Potter sacrifice their relationships, comfort, and time to teach this vital lesson to the audience.
      2. Hence, I see that human lives and justice are larger than my own life, position, or questionable connections.
    • F. The show pays much attention to the question of death.
      1. For example, Hawkeye’s letter to the kid, who lost his brother in the conflict, and Potter’s reaction to the loss of the last friend from the World War I show how the individuals should develop themselves when the grief can awaken worth.
      2. In brief, these instances dictate the ethical code of treating the subject of death.
    • G. The depicted events reveal how war can influence relationships through building and destruction.
      1. Breakup with Frank and friendship during the last seasons between Margaret and Hawkeye, John’s and Herty’s cheating, and Francis’s dedication to vows are the keys to understanding the war impact.
      2. Namely, owing to them, I comprehend how the war affects people’s struggle to defend sanity, strong social connections, and homesickness.
    • H. The impact of loss in the war on the health and perception of the characters demonstrates the power of the phenomenon in the context.
      1. “Dreams” as the episode that reveals the psychological pressure.
      2. Simultaneously, hopelessness, doubts, and pitfalls of the conflicts are the other signs of the Korean War illustrated by the hospital’s staff.
    • I. The heroes address the question of taking the responsibilities despite personal worries, danger, pain, and state of health.
      1. Drunk Hawkeye being unable to operate, Francis risking his life to save a person, and Maxwell working despite various obstacles demonstrate the importance of responsibility and humanism over an individual’s life and issues.
    • J. The power of war also tightly connects with the issue of discrimination.
      1. The show manages to uncover the broad set of issues in the sphere as racial or religious discrimination during the war.
      2. Such an approach allows attracting attention to the problem and development of the solutions.
  • III. Conclusion. The complexity of the story’s representations teaches me to understand the variety of issues, which emerge during war or become aware of peace significance.

The Rules of Nature

(Decimal Outline for the Creative Essay)

1. Nature is the wild place that has certain laws mixed with chaos.
1.1 The highest tops of the mountains are covered with snow as the big, restrained giants.
1.1.1 The broken trees under the snow and the spots of patrol and paint on the stone express the hidden threat.
1.2 This scenery creates the vision of the wolf hunting for the rabbit.
1.2.1 The predator catches its prey without noticing a large amount of snow falling in the direction of the animals.
2. The massive crew of people gathers the inventory after a hard day of shooting a tough scene for an unnamed movie.
2.1 The people divide into smaller groups to discuss the plans for the following day.
2.1.1 One of the operators describes how he will enjoy a big strawberry cake after they return to civilization.
2.1.2 The director hears some noise from afar, looks at the snow peaks, and shakes his head.
3. The last preparations are made.
3.1 The cameras and microphones are almost packed.
3.1.1 Director looks at that process and approaches the leading actor for a talk. The artist says to the employer that there are so many things left undone at home and smiles sadly when director points at performer’s young age.
4. Everything is packed.
4.1 All members of the group are on the way to their cars and trucks.
4.1.1 Director wants to discuss some important stuff with the actors.
4.1.2 The actors reject the idea, as they are too tired and want to return to the camping to rest.
5. The local woman stops the director’s car as he pays her to make pasties in the morning of that day and insist he should come and take them without delay.
5.1 Director wants to reject, but the female is persistent.
5.2 The figure tells the operator that he and his assistant will arrive with delay.
6. The men visit the local village and come to the house of the baker.
6.1 She takes care of her guests, makes tea, and brings the pasties on large trays.
6.2 The males drink and eat making comments about female’s talent.
6.3 Another delay takes place after they make the order for tomorrow to feed all group with tasty pastries and pause near the door to listen to her husband telling them an inappropriate joke about a goat.
7. Director and assistant leave the house, sit in the truck and ride in the direction of the camp.
7.1 They cannot concentrate on work.
7.2 Filmmakers begin to talk about mantis, and how the animal can escape wildfire.
8. When the car stops near the required tree, the place looks unfamiliar.
8.1 Director has little patience and begins to scream at his assistant that there is a mistake.
8.2 His colleague only bites his lower lip as tears start to fall down his cheeks.
9. The place with the campsite is all covered with dirty snow, clay, and stones.
9.1 The sirens from afar reach their terrified minds.

The present outline samples serve different goals of the writer. The alphanumeric outline for the argumentative essay aids to cover the main aspects of the future essay. It consists of a broad set of subcategories, as it has to cover each side of the argument and rebuttal. Meanwhile, the full sentence outline for the reflection includes more massive word constructions to indicate all critical points in the context of the outline sample topic. Finally, the decimal outline for the creative essay demonstrates the sequences of different actions in the novel as the chain of the characters’ moves and consequences in the context of nature’s power. All outlines show the constructions that correlate with the typical structure of the papers: the introductory part, body, and conclusion. The present samples will be helpful for the creation of successful academic papers.

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