My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay Sample for Free

Posted on December 14, 2009

Essay Sample

Two days ago, our teacher asked us to write the “My personal strengths and weaknesses in communication” essay. We got used to writing essays, but this topic was something new and unexpected. Personal strengths and weaknesses belong to self-research topics. As they say, self-investigation is the most complex task because one has to study personal positive and negative sides. I have never researched myself before. Hence, I decided to start with the vocabulary to understand the requirements of my personal strength essay.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, strengths are the abilities of people to perform something, using much mental or physical effort. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines weakness as one’s defect or someone’s desire to get something. Communication had never been my cup of tea because I grew up as a lonely child who lived in a small town. My best friends were books. I read a lot about flora, fauna, science, and other catchy things. My first real friend was a boy from a nearby town. When I went to school, I faced my first serious communication challenges.

I believe one of my personal strengths in communication is that I can talk to just about anyone. I enjoy talking with people. In communication, my strength would be that I have the ability to listen as well as respond. I enjoy having conversations with people of different cultures because it gives me a chance to learn more about their lifestyles.

I decided to read more about my communication difficulties on the Internet. Professionals recommend taking ten steps to improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Speaking about verbal communication, first, one needs to think before speaking. Second, it is necessary to use precise language. Third, a speech is to be listener-oriented. Fourth, one should select the required tone. Fifth, body language is essential because it can show more than words. Sixth, it is good to listen attentively to show that your partner’s comments are significant to you. Seventh, confident speech provides a positive impression. Eighth, one should be sincere. Ninth, it is necessary to practice communication skills. Tenth, one should ask friends or relatives to give feedback about speeches one provides.

I have learned to communicate well with people because I am an outgoing person. Furthermore, I communicate better one on one. I have a weakness with communication when it comes to having to speak to a large group of people. I become very nervous, and will sometimes forget what I wanted to say. So, I tried to check those ten recommendations. They work. I noticed how it is important to show respect to your partner by listening to him, speaking politely, and distinctly, and discussing topics that are interesting for both dialog participants.
My weakness in communication is also when I have to speak in front of the class, or in front of a very large group of people I become nervous because of my weakness of thinking that they are more focused on me than on the information that I will be presenting. I work at that weakness by having the personal strength to try to make the presentation enjoyable so that the focus will not be so much on the speaker, but on the information being presented to the group.

I have learned through the years that it is important to stay focused on your strengths and not your weaknesses and to realize that for the most part, everybody else is probably just as nervous as I am. Furthermore, I have strength in the fact that I can talk about most subjects very freely. I try to communicate just the point I am trying to make and have the point understandable to those who are listening.

Communication for me is easy depending on the topic being discussed. I sometimes have a weakness in the fact that I may be too honest with my answer and do not think before answering. I realize that when you are communicating with people, they really do not want the truth because it hurts and is offensive.
Not only that, but I find that it is much easier for me to communicate when I have knowledge of the conversation being discussed. I am very weak when it comes to starting a conversation and leading the discussion. I will avoid a conversation as much as possible when I have to present the information to be discussed. In communication, I am also weak in the area that I will choose to listen more than participate.

I also have a weakness in my non-verbal communication skills. The weakness is that sometimes my body language will give a different answer than what I would have spoken. When I am using non-verbal communication as a point of contact, I will point out or agree to something by just listening to the topic being discussed. I focus on my non-verbal communication skills because I want the non-verbal to be just as understandable as the verbal. My body language must not present a different communication than intended. With non-verbal communication, I try to give more eye contact so that there is no misunderstanding of the communication intended. I find nodding your head helps in non-verbal communication because a nod can say a lot. In my communication skills, I have learned that if I highlight my strengths. Then the weaknesses would not be so obvious.

In having communicated with all different types of people, I once was told that if you stop and think for five seconds before you speak, your communication skills would present themselves in a most intelligent manner. Communication comes somewhat easy for me because I like to talk, but just talking and not communicating would become a weakness. I try to always have something to communicate to other people that would be beneficial. Whether communicating verbally or non-verbally, your actions will, for the most part, represent how you are feeling about a particular subject or discussion. When it is possible, always, try to communicate verbally and have the person you are communicating with acknowledge that they understand what you are saying.

Communication, verbally or non-verbally, is a very powerful tool and when you understand your strengths and weaknesses in that area you will be able to communicate much more efficiently with people. When you are communicating, with different types of people, you will be able to decide if verbal or non-verbal communication would be the best approach according to their logic and the logic of the situation and surrounding environment. If writing about the topic of communication is not your cup of tea, don’t hesitate to seek help. Contact professionals with write my essay for me message to get a chance to polish up your skills.

Analysis of the Presented Sample “My Personal Strengths & Weaknesses Essay Sample for Free”

In my personal strengths and weaknesses essay, I reflected on my strengths and weaknesses in communication. When considering my strengths, I made a comprehensive list of strengths that included effective listening, adaptability, and empathy. On the other hand, I also had to address the question, “What are your weaknesses?” and provide a list of weaknesses, such as public speaking anxiety and occasional struggles with time management.

Paragraph 1: The essay’s opening paragraph introduces personal strengths and weaknesses in communication. I expressed my initial surprise at my assignment on this topic, indicating that it caught me off guard and was something I hadn’t expected. This sets up the reader’s curiosity about the mine journey of self-investigation. I acknowledge that exploring personal positive and negative aspects can be a complex task, which creates a sense of depth and importance to the subject matter. By expressing my lack of prior experience in researching themselves, I establish a sense of honesty and vulnerability from the outset.

Paragraph 2: In this paragraph, I provide definitions of strengths and weaknesses from reputable dictionaries to establish a common understanding of these terms. By referencing Cambridge Dictionary and Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, I lend credibility to exploring personal strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, I connect my experience of growing up as a lonely child in a small town and finding solace in books. This background information sets the context for my communication challenges when entering school and interacting with others for the first time. The paragraph effectively establishes my context and creates a relatable foundation for the subsequent analysis.

Paragraph 3: This paragraph focuses on one of my good strengths in communication: the ability to talk to anyone and enjoy conversations. My enjoyment of talking with people and my interest in engaging with individuals from different cultures reflects my openness and curiosity. I demonstrate a genuine interest in understanding different perspectives by being willing to learn about others’ lifestyles. The topic sentence clearly states my belief in my strength, setting the direction for the paragraph. The subsequent sentences provide supporting information and examples to validate my claim.

Paragraph 4: I share my decision to seek further information about improving my communication skills in this paragraph. I demonstrate a proactive approach to self-improvement by referring to professionals and my recommendations. The ten steps mentioned provide a clear structure for analyzing verbal and non-verbal communication skills. The paragraph effectively transitions from discussing one of my strengths to exploring areas that require improvement. My decision to research and incorporate expert advice into my analysis conveys a sense of determination and a growth mindset. This paragraph bridges the mine strengths and weaknesses, highlighting my commitment to self-development.

Pro tip

The pro-method used in this essay is an illusion of direct communication with the reader. The author here “exists” in two dimensions: in the sample text as a researcher and in the “current moment” communication while the reader goes through the text. This method adds depth to the essay.

Paragraph 5: I reflect on my common weakness in communication when speaking to large groups of people. The transition between paragraphs is seamless, as I directly address my weakness after discussing my decision to research communication skills. My vulnerability and honesty in acknowledging my weakness create a sense of authenticity and relatability. I also mention my efforts to address my weakness by making presentations enjoyable, which shows my willingness to adapt and find strategies to overcome my challenges. The paragraph ends by highlighting the importance of respectful communication and discussing mutually exciting topics, indicating my commitment to effective interpersonal interactions.

Paragraph 6: In this paragraph, I expand on my weakness in speaking in front of a class or a large group. The transition between paragraphs is smooth as I build upon the previous paragraph’s discussion of speaking to large groups. My biggest strength in making presentations enjoyable to shift the focus from themselves to the content is a strategic approach to overcome weakness. This paragraph demonstrates my self-awareness and ability to find creative solutions to mitigate their weaknesses.

Paragraph 7: This paragraph emphasizes the importance of focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses. I acknowledge that everyone experiences nervousness and encourages staying focused on positive attributes. I assert my power in talking freely about most subjects and the importance of making my points understandable to the audience. The paragraph exhibits my resilience and ability to maintain a positive mindset despite my weaknesses. I convey self-confidence and determination by highlighting some of my strengths and commitment to effective communication.

Paragraph 8: In this paragraph, I explore another weakness in my communication skills – being too honest without considering the potential impact on others. This admission showcases my introspection and self-awareness. I recognize the need for tact and sensitivity in communication, indicating a willingness to improve and refine interpersonal interactions. This paragraph explains my desire to reflect on my behavior and adapt to ensure effective communication.

Paragraph 9: I continue to analyze my weaknesses in communication, specifically in starting and leading conversations. I express a preference for listening over active participation. Additionally, I acknowledge a weakness in non-verbal communication, where my body language may convey a different message than intended. The paragraph effectively transitions from discussing flaws in conversation initiation to non-verbal communication. My focus on improving non-verbal communication through eye contact and clear gestures demonstrates my commitment to enhancing communication skills.

Pro tip

Pay close attention to the logic of the essay composition in the sample. The essay starts with defining strengths and weaknesses, then explores both points and emphasizes the author’s perspective on the topic. Build your composition in a way that comprehensively presents the wideness of your research and preparation.

Paragraph 10: The concluding paragraph summarizes the importance of understanding strengths and weaknesses in communication. I emphasize the power of verbal and non-verbal communication to effectively express. I highlight the significance of understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses to communicate more efficiently with others. The transition from discussing the greatest strengths and weaknesses to the broader impact of communication is smooth. My encouragement to seek professional help if needed indicates a sense of practicality and resourcefulness. The paragraph effectively ties the essay together, leaving the reader with an understanding of the author’s growth and potential.

Overall, the essay effectively analyzes my strength and weakness in communication. Each paragraph contributes to the overall exploration of the topic, building upon the previous one and maintaining a logical progression. Using personal experiences, definitions, and recommendations adds depth and credibility to their analysis. The essay showcases my self-reflection, willingness to improve, and commitment to effective communication.

Understanding and harnessing one’s strengths and weaknesses are essential for personal and professional development. Identifying weaknesses and strengths at work allows individuals to leverage their unique abilities and excel in their chosen fields.

Key Points to Consider When Writing This Kind of Essay

  • Begin with a Trigger. To start the paper effectively, consider using a trigger to explore professional strengths and weaknesses. For example, you can begin by describing a challenging communication situation or an event that made you reflect on your abilities.

Example: “One of my weaknesses is public speaking, as I often become nervous and struggle to articulate my thoughts clearly in front of a large audience. I realized the need to examine my biggest strength and weakness in communication.

  • Use “Beautiful” Words and Phrases. To describe good strengths and weaknesses engagingly, incorporate descriptive language that paints a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. This enhances the overall impact of your essay.

Example: Instead of saying, “I can talk to anyone,” you can write, “I possess the remarkable ability to effortlessly engage in conversations with individuals from all walks of life, transcending cultural boundaries and immersing myself in their captivating narratives.”

  • Provide Concrete Examples. When discussing your strengths and weaknesses, support your statements with specific examples from your experiences. This adds credibility to your essay and helps the reader understand your weakness and strength in context.

Example: Instead of merely stating, “I am a good listener,” you can provide an example like, “During a group project, I actively listened to my team members’ ideas, ensuring everyone felt heard and valued. This collaborative approach led to a stronger outcome.”

  • Conduct SWOT Analysis. Consider using a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) framework to identify and analyze your professional strengths and weaknesses. This structured approach allows for a comprehensive self-evaluation.

My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses SWOT

Here is a SWOT analysis example: Strengths – excellent problem-solving skills; Weaknesses – limited public speaking ability; Opportunities – attending a public speaking workshop; Threats – increased competition in the job market.

Ways of Identifying Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Self-Reflection. Take time to reflect on your experiences, both personal and professional, and identify patterns of strengths and weaknesses. It is entirely okay to think, “One of my greatest weaknesses is my lack of self-confidence,” because self-awareness is essential to personal growth and development. Consider situations where you felt confident and accomplished versus when you faced difficulties. An example of strength may include exceptional organizational skills, which enable you to manage multiple tasks efficiently. Examples of weakness may include a tendency to procrastinate or difficulty adapting to change.
  • Feedback from Others. Seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as mentors, friends, or colleagues, who can provide an objective perspective on your strengths and weaknesses. Their observations can offer valuable insights.
  • Personality Tests. Use personality assessments like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or Big Five Personality Traits to better understand your strengths and weaknesses. These tests provide insights into your natural tendencies and communication preferences.
  • Skill Assessments. Engage in skill assessments specific to communication, such as public speaking evaluations or written communication exercises. These assessments can help identify areas where you excel and areas that require improvement.

Exploring personal strengths and weaknesses is an essential endeavor that allows individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves. While weaknesses in a person may exist, they provide opportunities for growth and improvement. On the other hand, strengths of personality and professional strengths are crucial assets that can contribute to personal and career success. In embracing personal growth, addressing weaknesses, and harnessing strengths, you have the power to unlock your full potential and create a future filled with limitless possibilities.


  1. “10 Ways To Improve Verbal Communication Skills.” Indeed Career Guide, Accessed 1 May 2022.
  2. “10 Ways to Master the Art of Nonverbal Communication.” Verywell Mind, 28 Jan. 2020,
  3. Cambridge Dictionary. “Strength Definition”: Dictionary.Cambridge.Com, 27 Apr. 2022,
  4. “Communication Strengths, Weaknesses and Tips | Free Essay Example.” StudyCorgi.Com, 14 Mar. 2022,
  5. M, Megha. “What Is Verbal Communication? Definition and Meaning – Business Jargons.” Business Jargons, 9 July 2016,
  6. “Weakness.” The Merriam-Webster.Com Dictionary, Accessed 1 May 2022.
  7. “What Are the 9 Types of Nonverbal Communication You Might Be Missing?” Verywell Mind, 28 July 2021,
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