Polish EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices about Vocabulary Teaching: A Republican Study Sample

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Polish EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices about Vocabulary Teaching: A Republican Study


Polish EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices about Vocabulary Teaching: A Republican Study Name: Institution: Instructor: Course: Date: Introduction Learning new words is critical in EFL education. Teachers must understand the significance of applying different techniques to improve language acquisition, retention and application (Peng & Xie, 2021). For example, teachers can use contextualizing to teach vocabulary. It allows learners to comprehend new words and authenticate the meaning and context (Ahmadi, 2021). In vocabulary teaching, insufficient information about the relationship between practices and beliefs of teachers makers it challenging to understand the teaching techniques and outcomes. Therefore, it becomes necessary to study different educational and geographical contexts and observe emerging trends. This study analyses Polish EFL teachers’ practices and beliefs based on Polish educational settings. • Research Question How does Polish EFL teachers’ beliefs and practices affect vocabulary teaching? Theoretical Background • TALIS model is a critical theoretical foundation of teaching. • It entails different pedagogical approaches that teachers use in classrooms. • Vocabulary acquisition requires the use of unique instructional strategies within a meaningful context. • OECD (2009) identified the triarchic model emphasizing student’s motivation and cognitive activation in their classroom learning. • Therefore, constructivist and direct transmission are models used in EFL vocabulary teaching. Teaching Beliefs and Practices Analysis Framework Source: OECD, TALIS Database Research Methodology • Quantitative and qualitative data collection method was selected using a survey-based approach to collect suitable quantitative data. • The method was chosen because it is focused and fast, making it attractive for analyzing large data sets (Rahman & Muktadir, 2021). • Also, due to its concentration on large sample sizes, quantitative research has the ability for greater validity of its findings than other methods. • The method uses standardized instruments and measurements that ensured consistent data gathering • The use of surveys enhanced the application of structured frameworks for collecting data. It allowed researchers to ask specific questions regarding beliefs and practices • The uniformity in data collection guaranteed reliability and comparability of findings • The surveys proved time-efficient because many participants found ample time to respond to raised questions • The closed-ensured structured questionnaires with Linkert scale rating was necessary for the statistical analysis of the data Conti… • The targeted sample population were EFL teachers employed in Poland. • The researchers focused on a sample size of 70 with which they applied purposive sampling method to select for survey. • Bakkalbasioglu (2020) emphasized that this sampling method guaranteed selective representation of the population sample. • The method also allowed the researchers to use specific criteria to exclude or include the participants. • For example, the study only targeted the EFL teachers employed in Poland. • This implies that non-EFL teachers were excluded from the study. • The chosen teachers were issued with questionnaires. • Each questionnaire had 30 closed-ended questions. Findings • Vocabulary acquisition is required in language learning. • All the 70 teachers interviewed mentioned textbooks or coursebooks in teaching vocabulary • Many teachers also agreed that contextualization is a powerful EFL vocabulary teaching strategies, allowing students to comprehend and retain new words that enhanced their vocabulary • Some teachers also explained that learners who learned words in isolation outperformed those who received vocabulary instruction within meaningful contexts. • The study accentuated Multimedia’s effectualness in issuing learners multisensory involvements that deepen their word meaning comprehension and facilitate vocabulary attainment. • Learners who studied word lists were substantially outperformed by those who read authentic texts. Conti… • The findings also indicate that many learners internalized new vocabulary through practice. These results were relevant to Al-Jarf’s (2022) argument about vocabulary acquisitions that involved • EFL teachers certified that communicative tasks, vocabulary games, and roleplays helped learners develop their language skills and internalize new words • Direct method developed learners’ oral skills through vocabulary • All 70 teachers interviewed agreed that students learn new words and vocabulary through oral skills • Vocabulary acquisition determines language learning • Teachers in the interview explained that direct method demonstrated improved vocabulary compared to traditional methods in EFL classrooms • It involves the use of visual aids, gestures, and real-life objects • Total physical response also promotes language learning. Some teachers applied bodily and physical actions to give vocabulary instructions Conti… • TPR incorporates physical commands and actions to engage students in multisensory experience • 70% of teachers incorporated physical commands and actions in a multisensory experience, thus enhancing vocabulary retention. • Communication language teaching (CLT) cultivates communicative competence. Teachers teach vocabulary using context • Desuggestopedia also helped these teachers increase vocabulary learning in EFL classrooms. • 90% of teachers used desuggestopedia by applying rhythmical activities and stimulating music. Discussion • According to Chien (2022), learners who learned words in isolation outperformed those who received vocabulary instruction within meaningful contexts • Interactive digital materials, audio recordings, and video integrations enhance learners’ comprehension and engagement with new words. • Likewise, Alabsi (2020) indicated that authentic materials enhance EFL vocabulary teaching. Learners are exposed to vocabulary in a meaningful and natural context when real-world materials like magazines, authentic texts, and newspapers. • Namaziandost et al. (2020) showed that substantial improvements were realized in learners who were taught vocabulary using the Direct Method, while those taught using traditional methods did not show much improvement in their vocabulary. • Visuals visually represent the vocabulary items, enabling learners to associate words with their meanings and form mental images. • A positive learning experience is promoted since learners feel more confident and comfortable engaging with the target vocabulary. Conti… • Setiyadi (2020) confirmed that TPR provides meaningful and contextualized vocabulary instructions. • Hounhanou (2020) argued that TPR also stimulates comprehension skills and vocabulary acquisition. • Learners cultivate their listening abilities by engaging in physical responses to commands. • Therefore, it is essential to integrate other instructional approaches when educators are teaching more complex or abstract vocabulary using TPR. • Also, studies have evaluated vocabulary’s impacts on EFL classrooms and its role in CLT. • According to Ahmed and Lenchuk (2020), sociocultural practices and cultural references are integrated into vocabulary instruction in CLT. • Thus, an understanding of ways of using the vocabulary within particular cultural settings is provided to learners. Conclusion In Poland, EFL teachers follow established curriculum with limited vocabulary practices and presentations. The EFL curriculum emphasizes grammar for examination. Many teachers apply classroom practices based on individual beliefs about vocabulary practices. EFL teachers add value to vocabulary teaching because they expand the perspectives of learners on vocabulary through the presentation of extra words. Teachers’ practices and beliefs align with each other. However, constraints of curriculum, examinations, and time. EFL teachers’ classroom interests and practices are positively correlated. Vocabulary teaching depends on teachers’ beliefs, not coursebooks. References • Ahmadi, Z. (2021). Effects of Using Instagram on Iranian Intermediate Autonomous/Dependent EFL Learners’ Learning of Pictorial Metaphors. Journal of Practical Studies in Education, 2(5), 11-25. • Ahmed, A., & Lenchuk, I. (2020). Making sense of task-based language teaching in the Omani EFL context. Asian EFL Journal, 24(3), 6-27. • Al Shlowiy, A., &Lidawan, M. W. (2019). 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