Selected Tips for Political Science Essay Writing

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What Is a Political Science Essay?

The initial part of the political science essay relates to the establishment of the general understanding of the meaning of such a form of writing and the difference from the other types of materials. Political science essay is eminent for the discussion of the advanced information related to the particular subject. Study of the specific information requires the in-depth knowledge of the discipline to share the experience with the audience. Political science orients on the improvement of the civil autonomy that leads to the conclusion that the paper related to the topic has to discover the aspects of the government and role of varying agents in the satisfactory operation of the society on the local and global basis. Improvement of the acknowledgment of the role of political science essays is necessary for the development of the general world-view of the audience so as the widening of the practical skills.

How to Сhoose a Topic for Political Science Essay Writing?

The choice of a topic is the primary step in the process of working on a successful essay. Such a decision has immense significance because of the determination of the course of the following work. Therefore, there is a need for the advanced analysis of the different topics and evaluation of the personal credibility of the author. People should not teach others if they are not ready to share the information. The specified condition leads to the conclusion that the author should pick the topic where the one has considerable authority. Lack of the readiness to write on the chosen topic does not mean that it is useless, yet points out that there is a need to deepen personal acknowledgment before the beginning of the writing process. Choice of the topic helps people to straighten their ideas and realize the following procedures of the work that makes it crucial. The topics for political science essay can be either broad or detailed. The following examples refer to interesting topic choices:

  • The History of Political Science;
  • Postmodernism;
  • Neoinstitutionalism;
  • Political Systems;
  • Rationality and Rational Choice;
  • Principal–Agent Theory;
  • Political Psychology;
  • Impact of Elections on Democracy.

Presented topics reveal the theoretical, historical, philosophical, and other directions of the discipline. It means that the research related to political science can be devoted to the massive scope of varying topics. Discussion of the theories and movements in the science also deserve the deep study and explanation because of the development of the social acknowledgment with the politics.

Valuable Recommendations on Writing a Political Science Essay

Writing the political science essay is a complex process that requires broad knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is useful for a writer to use the recommendations for the advancement of their works.

  • The first guideline is the planning of the work before the beginning of the writing as it provides the author with the capability of the powers optimization.
  • Another important aspect of the work is the research of the topic, even if the writer has an in-depth acknowledgment with the subject of the essay because it helps to see the approach of other authors and shape the personal approach to the work.
  • Organization of the work and division on the logical sections also provides a person with the vision of the working course.
  • Another useful tool is the application of the personal style for improvement of the text attractiveness and the writer’s representation of the individuality.

What to Avoid When Writing a Political Science Essay?

In the process of writing the political science essay, there could occur mistakes people tend to make. It leads to the necessity to widen useful hints related to the detection of the potential drawbacks. The first and the most significant recommendation is to avoid plagiarism. All writers use the sources for the establishment of credible ideas and improvement of the personal knowledge of the subject. However, in specific cases, performers rewrite the same information in the exact or similar words. Described approach to work damages the credibility and status of the text as it is considered to be a combination of the outside information without the proper input of the writer. Avoidance of plagiarism is one of the rules that must be followed in the political science essay (actually, in any writing). Therefore, there is a need for writers to be attentive to the entire scope of the guidelines to the essay.

Essay Structure

The structure of the political science essay is similar to other types of writing, yet has a variety of points to consider. The structure of the document includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Part of the body paragraphs can include personal position. However, there is a need to mention that it requires correct presentation to become credible and worthy in the essay. In the introduction, paragraph writer has to provide a clear statement the one wants to prove or discuss in the document. Following part of the paragraph has to support the position of the first sentence and lead to the broad description of every supporting evidence in the body paragraphs. The goal of every body paragraph is to convince the correctness of the author’s claim and disprove the counterarguments. The conclusion of the political essay is a summary of the main ideas and restatement of the supportive arguments.


The introduction is the first part of the essay that makes it crucial for the audience and writers to emphasize the particular part of the text. Attention to the first sentence and the paragraph as a whole are a necessary measure for the successful result of the entire text. The introduction reveals the intent and personal position of the writer, yet does not provide an adequate explanation of the position. Therefore, it has to be catchy and attractive to make the audience interested in the chosen issue and devotion of the attention to the study. Through the correct positioning of the ideas and intents of the essay, writers can maximize the impact of their works and advance the audience in the specific area of political science. Another significant part of the introduction is a thesis statement because it sums the entire work in a single phrase creating the frames of the following work.

Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is the most significant part of the political science essay. It provides a brief overview of the key points in the writing. The structure of the thesis statement will vary depending on the length of the argument. However, it is essential to include the key arguments and reasons for enlisting them. The following examples reflect properly written thesis statements:

  • Civic society should represent a consequence of consistent work on public awareness of the governmental process, engagement in democratic processes, and interest in the participation of the communities.
  • American politics is an entangled notion that structures around conflict, negotiation, and compromise of parties.
  • Provision of data safety in elections is a common concern, as results of recent election reveal inconsistencies and inaccuracies in results.
  • Terrorism is a concern of international law, as stakeholders cannot reach the notion of agreement on cooperation in eradicating it.
  • Public opinion on the death penalty reflects the historical background of the country’s political means of handling a criminal case.

And, these are the examples of thesis statements to avoid:

  • Political science is very important to the government.
  • Nationalism cannot be a part of the modern state.
  • Political cartoons are interesting to study.
  • Civil society is an unattainable idea.
  • Democracy holds an entangled structure.

Thus, thesis statements should be rather specific and describe the main point of the essay’s content.

Body Paragraphs

After the presentation of the general directions of the essay, the work has to discover every single part of the subject to prove its credibility and disprove the opposite positions. The section with body paragraphs is the biggest in the essay because of the in-depth analysis of every piece of the information related to the chosen topic with the detailed explanation of the correctness of the chosen position. Effective body paragraph has to present general conditions of the topic for the improvement of the social understanding of its realities. One of the essay’s body paragraphs can be devoted to describing the reason for including statistical information in a graph and its value in the discussion of the researched topic.

Critical analysis of the facts leads to conclusions that reveal the position of the author making the reaction adequate. Additionally, body paragraphs widely apply external sources of information that prove that the author did not make up the information, yet applied real evidence and worked on the ideas of other credible writers.


The conclusion has a high significance similar to the value of the introduction because, in the process of the subject study, readers might lose the connection between the evidence and the general idea of the work. Conclusion repeats the work of the introduction through the restatement of the intents of the writer and also presents the way the writer managed to prove and explain the statement. The conclusion is the last part of the work that means that after the end of the study, the memory about the finishing part of the text will be the freshest. Therefore, there is a necessity for a writer to ensure that the conclusion provides a correct and laconic summary of the information discussed through the course of the essay. A particular part of the text also frames the entire work through the repetition of the thesis that also receives finished and proven form.

Choice of Sources: A Few Tips from Our Experts

Choice of sources has a considerable influence on the credibility of the essay because of the capability to prove the adequacy of the personal position and refer to the existing works related to the same subject. Following the requirement for the particular type of the document to present some credible data, there is a need for the political science essay to include the sources that would prove the efficiency of the information. Application of the references is a part of the body paragraphs because this section is the one that proves the statements of the author through the critical analysis and discussion of the facts. Credible sources always emphasize the name of the author, name article with the date of publishing, and the journal or book that consists specific ideas along with the pages that present the chosen statements.

Application of the Visual Materials

One of the eminent aspects of the political science essay is the opportunity to use visual materials including statistics and graphs. Despite the condition that the author can describe the entire scope of data presented in the graph without its direct application in the text, there is a need to consider that the visual state of the work plays a significant role in the efficiency of the work. Additionally, it might be useful for the preservation of time of the writer and space in the document. However, it is important to provide the analysis of the depicted information to prove its necessity and meaning.

Editing and Proofreading

Students frequently disregard the influence of proofreading and editing of the text that lowers the quality of their work along with the representation of the lack of professionalism. Proofreading is a useful tool for the elimination of grammar issues or logical mistakes. Application of the specified tool improves the influence of the work because of the attraction of the writers by the professional presentation of the ideas. Editing helps the author to rethink the approach to the presentation of the data. It is a necessary measure for the maximization of the impact of the essay because different styles of information presentation result with the growth of the text interest. It develops the aesthetics and also makes people capable of studying longer as they continuously approach the data differently. Overall, editing and proofreading have high significance to ensure the general quality of the work.


Referencing is the insertion of the signs denoting the materials used for writing a specific section or statement in the text. References do not include the entire scope of the information presented in citations. Nevertheless, application of the in-text citations is necessary for the navigation of the audience and easy access to the information the author applied in the course of work. References are the continuation of the citation page because of the establishment of the connection between the text of the political essay, and ‘works cited’ page. Ignorance of the in-text citations is a critical mistake because the work loses the credibility without the proper guidance of the applied information. Therefore, individuals interested in the improvement of political essay writing skills have to consider the necessity of in-text citations application.

There are a few primary formats of political science essays, and they include: MLA, APA, Chicago and Harvard

For example, a source in MLA format has the following structure: Barrow, Clyde W. “Political Science.” Research Gate, 2015, pp. 1–5.

In-text citation for the mentioned source would look as (Barrow, 3), including the second name of the author and the page that contains applied data.

Overall, the political science essay has a variety of similarities with other types of work, yet includes a considerable amount of the crucial differences. There is a need to advance the knowledge of the specified type of writing because the goal of the political science documents is the advancement of the society and government that proves the necessity for attention and devotion to the subject. Improvement of the personal adequacy in political science would develop the personal outlook of the audience and widen its perspective. If you need professional political science assignment help from experts, please contact our service.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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