How to Write a Presentation in Mathematics: Ultimate Guide & 20 Interesting Topics

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Looking for advice on how to write a presentation in mathematics? Many students experience difficulties at the beginning of writing because they lack confidence in their own abilities or just don’t know how to start. On our website, you can find a lot of full guides to all writing assignments out there, and here is an easy step-by-step guide on how to plan, structure, and write a good math presentation. We will also provide you with a short list of interesting math presentation topics and offer you some tips on how to prepare slides and deliver a powerful presentation and impress your audience.

Pro tip

What Is a Presentation in Mathematics?

[highlights]The goal of a math presentation is to inform an audience about a specific topic.[/highlights] It can be done in a form of a lecture, a talk at a colloquium, or a speech at an academic conference. Speaking in public may be scary because no one actually teaches students to deliver a speech, but you will feel more confident and avoid anxiety if you take the time to prepare well and follow a certain formula.

Today, most presentations make some use of visuals and the most common technique is using PowerPoint. That’s why the ability to make a PowerPoint presentation is a valuable skill that can be useful for any student and can help them succeed in their academic and professional careers. But before you start making slides, you need to choose an engaging topic and write a text for your presentation. Another way to approach making your math presentation is to plan your slides and your oral presentation together because they are actually mutually supporting activities.

Writing well in math requires practice, careful composition, editing, and proofreading as well as attention to detail and target audience. Keep in mind that writing in mathematics should be clear, precise, concise, and objective. It often involves combining precise descriptions with calculations, equations, algorithms, proofs, graphs, tables, code, and more. When making your math presentations, you should communicate mathematical ideas with clarity to enhance your audience’s knowledge of the subject and provide them with insight.

When you are doing your math homework the skills you develop will help with your presentation making. Solving complex problems helps to hone your critical thinking and analytical skills which are essential for structuring and delivering a math presentation. If you ever feel overwhelmed with the volume of work or need help, you can always count on CustomWritings for assistance. This will help you stay on top of your assignments and maintain academic excellence.

You can also use your Math homework insights in your presentation to make it more relatable and practical for your audience. Whether you are explaining algebraic functions or diving into geometry, solving homework problems often provides the examples you need to back up your points. By using your completed assignments you can create a presentation that shows both theoretical knowledge and real life applications and leave a lasting impact on your audience.

Choosing a Good Topic for a Presentation in Mathematics

The general recommendation is that you should choose a topic you are interested in. You will enjoy working on your project, and your audience will notice that you are passionate about the subject of your oral presentation and will appreciate it. And you’ll feel more confident when making your presentation.

But you should also choose a topic with your target audience in mind. Your audience could be students in the class, math majors, and the faculty. Remember that some people may not be familiar with your particular topic, so you should determine the level of knowledge of your audience. You should tailor the complexity of your presentation to the needs of those who will listen to it. Choose a subject that you think your intended audience will like, but don’t expect that they know much about it.

When selecting math topics to write about, consider exploring concepts such as probability, trigonometry, mathematical modeling, number theory, or optimization. You can delve into topics like the Monty Hall problem, the concept of infinity, the Golden Ratio, or the applications of mathematics in computer science and cryptography.

To get math homework help from experts, here is a short list of topics for a fabulous math presentation. You may use them for inspiration.

  1. In your opinion, what are the top three discoveries and innovations of Mathematicians?
  2. What is the value of the Möbius loop?
  3. What is encryption, and how does it work?
  4. How does the secret of Blackjack players who count cards help them win?
  5. How can a person benefit from the K-theory application?
  6. What is so special about the snowflake invented by Helge von Koch?
  7. Can game applications teach children Algebra or Geometry effectively?
  8. What educational approaches help inclusive students understand the basics of Mathematics?
  9. Is it possible to develop a Math formula to solve Sudoku?
  10. What is the reason for using Boolean algebra instead of elementary algebra?
  11. Develop an easy instruction that primary school students can learn to solve a cube of Rubik
  12. Why is it impossible to find the area of Gabriel’s horn?
  13. What are the seven unsolvable tasks according to the Cambridge Institute of Mathematics?
  14. What types of statistical analysis do medical organizations use?
  15. The simplest and the most difficult ways to divide numbers for students in the secondary school
  16. Where can we use Math theorems in real life? Do we really need them?
  17. What algorithms did A. Samuel use to discover machine learning?
  18. Who uses Knapsack problems in real life?
  19. Why does the Bernoulli scheme not suit long texts?
  20. Why do physicists need Lie algebra?

Making a good math presentation requires planning, research and practice. But if you’re short on time or unsure how to structure your ideas, you can always buy presentation services from professionals. These services offer custom made solutions for your topic, so your presentation meets academic standards and looks good and engaging for your audience.

By buying presentation you not only save time but also get access to expert insights and polished designs that amplifies your message. Professional writers and designers work together to create presentations that combines clear mathematical explanations with great visuals, so you can deliver a killer performance that leaves a mark. Whether you’re a student or a professional, these services can help you achieve your goals with ease and confidence.

What Are the Most Interesting Math Topics for Presentation?

Mathematics is both an exciting and challenging subject. In school, algebra and geometry are important parts of math. Also, these disciplines are the most extensive in terms of learning. Here are the mathematics topics for presentation related to algebra and geometry that are of particular interest to students.

Equations and inequalities

Solving equations and inequalities often attracts students because of their logical sequence and the possibility of obtaining a specific result. The pleasure of finding the right answer and checking its correctness motivates students.

Solving problems gives students a sense of accomplishment and success. Equations and inequalities are common in real life, which makes learning them more meaningful. This is one of the best math presentation ideas because students can visualize the process of solving equations, making it more understandable and interesting.

Functions and graphs

Students are attracted to functions and their graphs because of their visual nature and the ability to analyze real data that they provide. Graphs allow students to see mathematical relationships and patterns. Functions are the basis of mathematical analysis and are widely used in physics, economics, computer science, and other disciplines.

Function graphs are interesting math presentation examples because they demonstrate mathematical relationships visually. Students can explore real data, such as economic or environmental indicators. Learning about different types of functions (linear, quadratic, and exponential) shows the diversity of mathematical models.

Polynomials and their properties

Working with polynomials involves many interesting operations and opens up opportunities to explore their properties and roots.

Polynomials can be used for many operations, such as addition, multiplication, and division. Many students find the roots of polynomials and their graphical representation fascinating. Polynomials are used in various mathematical and applied problems, which makes presentations about them meaningful.

Construction and properties of triangles

A triangle is one of the fundamental shapes in geometry, and learning their properties and constructions is interesting to students due to the variety of problems and theorems involved.

Learning theorems such as the Pythagorean Theorem is interesting to students due to its historical significance and practical applications. Triangles are often used in engineering and architecture — that’s why you can make an interesting presentation about them using examples from these disciplines.

Circles and circumferences

Circles and circumferences have an aesthetic appeal due to their symmetry. Exploring tangents, secants, and circular arcs involves many fascinating problems.

The transition from 2D to 3D shapes opens up new horizons for students and allows them to develop spatial thinking. Working with 3D shapes helps them develop spatial imagination. 3D shapes are important in architecture, design, and engineering, and using 3D models in presentations makes them more interesting.

Complex numbers

Complex numbers consist of real and imaginary parts and are an extension of the set of real numbers. They are used in physics, engineering, and technology, as they allow you to conveniently solve equations that cannot be solved using only real numbers (and there are quite a few such problems). Complex numbers are also used in probability theory and statistics, as well as in various areas of mathematics, such as analysis and algebra. That’s why it is one of the most interesting maths presentation topics.

Rational equations

Rational equations are equations that involve fractional expressions with variables. This topic has practical significance, as many problems in various fields of knowledge can be formulated and solved using rational equations. Doing presentations about solving rational equations requires skills in algebra and the use of various methods, such as multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same expression, as well as sign analysis, factorization, etc.

Sequences and series

Sequences and series are fundamental concepts in mathematical analysis. They are used to describe and analyze the behavior of infinite sequences of numbers or sums of an infinite number of terms. This is an interesting topic for a presentation because sequences and series are used in physics, economics, statistics, and other fields, as they allow students to model and analyze various processes and phenomena that depend on time or other variables.

The Binomial Theorem

The Binomial Theorem is a formula for expanding the power of a binomial or its calculation. It helps one find the coefficients of the expansion of a binomial into a power using Pascal’s triangle. In your presentation, you should explain this complex theorem in a sample and interesting way.

Plan Your Math Presentation and Create an Outline

Any presentation should be straightforward and logical. It’s up to you to decide how you are going to present your message, but you’d better avoid complex structures. For example, you may use a basic presentation structure like this one:

  • An engaging and informative introduction where you present your subject;
  • Several key points you want to cover are communicated in a logical sequence; Break down complex mathematical concepts into digestible chunks, ensuring a smooth flow of information. Use headings and subheadings to create a clear structure within your presentation.
  • A compelling and purposeful conclusion that wraps up your talk. Leave your audience with a memorable takeaway or a call to action, encouraging further exploration of the mathematical topics.
  • Throughout your presentation, maintain a cohesive narrative and ensure that each part is connected logically. Use transitions between sections to create a smooth flow and enhance the overall coherence of your presentation.

In fact, structuring a math presentation doesn’t differ much from writing a report or an essay. And you should make sure that all parts of your talk are linked clearly. By following these steps and creating a well-structured outline, you can deliver a compelling mathematics presentation that effectively communicates your ideas and captivates your audience’s interest in the math subject. Now let’s discuss the parts of the basic presentation structure one by one.


In the introduction, you need to explain the content of your presentation and its purpose. It’s the most important section of your presentation because you need to gain your listeners’ interest and confidence.

If you deliver a speech in front of the people who don’t know you, you should start by introducing yourself like this:
‘Good afternoon, my name is John and…’
Then, you have to tell your audience what you are going to discuss and how you will approach your subject (describe, evaluate, compare, contrast, etc.):
‘I am going to explore … and I will be describing the concept … and comparing it to …’
You should also tell about the expected outcome of your talk:
‘I hope this explanation will provide us with a better understanding of …’
Besides, you should explain what your listeners will need to do, for example, whether they can ask questions:
‘At the end of my presentation, I will pass around a handout with a summary of my key points, and you will be able to ask questions.’
You may explain to your audience why you are interested in the subject, tell them an anecdote, or start with a provocative question. Then you need to present your thesis statement and briefly overview your outline. You may give some background information to provide a context for your subject and define some important terms. You can also relate the subject of your math presentation to other topics.

Major Points

You need to tell your audience about your research. Reread your research notes and choose 3 main points that you would like to make. Then think about supporting information that you can use to clarify them. Don’t try to include more than 3 ideas in a short presentation because your audience may find it hard to follow such a complex argument without the significant assistance from the presenter. You can include factual data, explanations of the processes, formulas, equations, and complex terms or provide some details about possible applications. You can clarify your argument using diagrams and support your claims with appropriate data. Try to use intuitive definitions and simple examples, avoiding technical details.
It’s important to ensure the logical flow of your presentation, so you should use linking statements to highlight your next points and link them to the previous ideas. They will show how your major points fit together and will help your audience follow your logic. You may say:
‘The next stage in our research was …’
‘I will begin by explaining …’
‘Another important aspect to consider is …’

Math Presentation Major Points


An effective conclusion is your last chance to impress your audience and make your math presentation memorable. In this part of your talk, you should provide a summary of your content, remind yourself about the purpose of your talk, and briefly overview of what you managed to achieve. Remember that your listeners won’t remember your entire presentation in mathematics – they can remember only the key ideas, so you should review and reinforce them. After that, you can give your listeners some recommendations about taking this work further and thank your audience for their attention. Finally, you should invite them to ask questions or comment on your ideas.

In the conclusion of your math presentation, there are several key elements to consider in order to make it impactful and memorable. Here are some specific tips on how to write an effective conclusion for your chosen math topic

  • Summarize your content. Provide a concise summary of the main points and key findings you discussed throughout your presentation. Remind your audience of the key takeaways and highlight the most important information. 
  • Revisit the purpose. Remind yourself and your audience of the purpose of your presentation. What were you hoping to achieve or convey with your talk? Restate the main objective or goal to reinforce its significance. 
  • Highlight achievements. Briefly overview what you have managed to achieve or present during your talk. Emphasize any notable findings, insights, or contributions your research or analysis has made to the field of mathematics. 
  • Reinforce key ideas. Remember that your audience will likely remember only the key ideas from your presentation. Take this opportunity to reinforce those key ideas, emphasizing their importance and relevance. 
  • Provide recommendations for further exploration. Offer suggestions for further research or exploration related to your topic. This could include additional avenues for investigation, potential applications, or areas that warrant further study. 
  • Express gratitude. Take a moment to thank your audience for their attention and engagement throughout your presentation. Acknowledge their presence and express appreciation for their time and interest.
  •  Invite questions and comments. Encourage your audience to ask questions or provide comments on your ideas. This can foster discussion and interaction, allowing for a deeper understanding of your topic and creating a more engaging experience for everyone involved. 

By incorporating these tips into your conclusion, you can leave a lasting impression on your audience on any math topics, ensuring that they walk away with a clear understanding of your main points and a sense of the significance of your research or analysis in the field of mathematics.

Pro tip

When you introduce your Math PowerPoint slides, do not forget to create a list of used sources. A presentation topic is based on research, so students cannot present somebody’s theory or discovery for their inventions. The font and word order should correspond to the required format. If your tutor has not concretized it, use MLA or APA.

So as not to feel lost and confused about the assignment, you should read more about the creation of presentations. Maths Powerpoint free is a good start for those who have never created a single slide that corresponds to college requirements. The web links below will tell you more about this academic task.

How to Prepare Slides for a Presentation in Mathematics

When you prepare PowerPoint slides, you need to organize the key information in bulleted lists. You should tailor the number of the slides and their order to the content of your presentation. The first slide should act as the title page and include the title of your presentation, your name, the name of your university, and the date. Make sure that your title is short and informative. You can also include an abstract where you may indicate the level of your presentation, but you don’t need to read this slide aloud. For example, you may write:
‘This presentation is suitable for those who have studied exponential and logarithmic functions.’

Devote the next several slides to the introduction or background information. Then make some slides showing the results of your investigation and include supporting output and graphs. Continue the presentation with a conclusion where you tell about some strengths and weaknesses or outline the future study. Your last slides should be devoted to references.
Follow these tips to make your slides visually appealing:

  • Don’t include too much information on one slide because too many definitions and formulas are hard to follow;
  • Place only one idea on one slide. Write not more than 6 words per line and 6 lines per slide;
  • Use a very large font (at least 24 pt) consistently for all slides;
  • Use multiple colors to organize your information to help your views understand it;
  • Use keywords and key phrases instead of sentences;
  • Include tables, graphs, charts, models, lists, and animations;
  • Use images and accompany them with a few words;
  • Don’t make too many slides. Make one slide per minute of your oral presentation;
  • Be careful with colors and designs and resist the temptation to include lots of slide builds because they may distract your audience.

You can enhance the visual appeal of your math presentation template by choosing a math Google Slides theme that incorporates relevant mathematical symbols and equations. If you are going to create a presentation for the first time, you should try Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides to practice. If you are experienced but tired of the PPT program, you can try other tools to create a presentation in Mathematics. The list below has top-three choices for advanced students:

Edit and Proofread the Content

When you finish the final draft of your presentation in mathematics, you should review it and edit it to ensure that your ideas are conveyed in the most effective way.

  • First, check your language and remove jargon and complicated terms. Try to keep technical terms to a minimum. If you use some of them several times, try to remind your audience about their specific meaning from time to time.
  • Use a thesaurus and a good dictionary to enhance word choice – replace generic words with more specific ones.
  • Check your sentences and keep their structures simple. Remember that people will be listening to your ideas and not reading.
  • Check the logical flow and improve it to ensure that your audience will be able to follow your argument and draw conclusions for themselves.
  • Check spelling, grammar, and punctuation, and make sure that your slides, illustrations, captions, titles, etc. are error-free.
  • Consider seeking feedback from a colleague, mentor, or teacher to gain additional perspectives on the clarity and effectiveness of your content. They may offer valuable suggestions for improvement.
  • Pay attention to the formatting and design of your slides. Ensure consistency in font styles, sizes, and colors. Use bullet points or numbering to organize information effectively. Avoid cluttered slides and aim for a clean and visually appealing presentation.
  • Consider the length of your presentation. Make sure it fits within the allocated time frame and allows for audience engagement and interaction. If needed, trim or expand certain sections to maintain a balanced powerpoint math presentation.
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Practice Delivering Your Math Presentation

You should practice delivering your presentation in advance with a real audience, even if it is one person (or your cat). And you should do it several times to make sure that your talk fits within the time parameters. A good idea is to prepare prompts that will help you remember what to say next and will prevent you from reading your presentation. In this way, you will increase your credibility as a speaker. Create small cue cards with lists of main points, supporting details, and examples, and number your cards to see their sequence. You will feel more confident if you rehearse your presentation in front of the mirror. In this way, you will learn to control your posture and your body language.

Any oral presentation is actually a performance. If you want to impress your audience, you should do your best to act like a confident speaker. Many people feel nervous when they have to deliver a talk in front of an audience, so it’s quite natural if you feel worried too. Being well-prepared will help you reduce anxiety. That’s why you should rehearse a lot and make sure that your cue cards are arranged in the right order. Besides, you should check that all visuals work properly.

When giving your math presentation, you should smile so at least, you will appear relaxed. It’s better to speak using a formal but conversational tone and avoid colloquial language. You should slow down or make pauses to emphasize important points.

Practice delivering your math presentation in advance with a real or imaginary audience. Rehearse multiple times to ensure that your talk fits within the designated time frame. Consider recording yourself during practice sessions to assess your delivery and identify areas for improvement.

Prepare prompts or cue cards to help you remember the flow of your presentation. Instead of reading directly from your slides, use these prompts to maintain a natural and engaging speaking style. Number the cue cards to ensure the correct sequence of your main points and supporting details.

Enhance your confidence as a speaker by practicing in front of a mirror. Pay attention to your posture, facial expressions, and body language. This allows you to become more aware of how you present yourself and make necessary adjustments for a confident delivery.

Treat your math presentation as a performance. Act like a confident speaker, even if you feel nervous. Remember that being well-prepared through thorough rehearsal helps reduce anxiety. Organize your cue cards properly and ensure that your visual aids, such as slides or props, are functioning correctly.

Practice handling questions and be prepared to provide clear and concise responses. Anticipate potential queries your audience may have and develop confident and knowledgeable answers.

 Seek additional opportunities for practice by delivering your presentation to a small group of friends, family members, or classmates. Their feedback and questions can help you refine your presentation further. 

Finally, on the day of your math presentation, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you have prepared diligently. Trust in your abilities and focus on delivering your content with enthusiasm and clarity.

We hope that our easy guide will help you prepare and deliver an effective oral presentation in mathematics that will make a great impact on your audience. Follow these useful tips to feel more confident during your math presentation, and you are sure to succeed.

Remember to choose interesting topics in math that both captivate your interest and suit the needs of your audience. Structure your presentation with a clear introduction, three main points supported by relevant information, and a powerful conclusion that summarizes your key ideas. Use visual aids, such as PowerPoint or Google Slides, effectively to enhance understanding and engagement. Edit and proofread your content to ensure clarity and precision, and seek feedback from others to improve its effectiveness. Finally, practice delivering your presentation multiple times to build confidence and master your delivery.


The creation of a presentation does not resemble any other academic assignment. Except for decent and valid content, a student must visualize information with the help of slides. One should be ready to speak in front of the audience. Besides, one needs to use mimicry and gestures to let the audience understand when to listen to the speaker and when to look at the screen. Our experts from PowerPoint presentation writing service can help you to succeed.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

Patric Johnson Head of Writing Center

Patric is a 4th year and Assistant Engineer who can juggle his studies and work. He’s also a dedicated parent and husband. Despite his busy schedule he never misses a Texas Longhorns baseball game.

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