Pro and Con Essay

Writing guide
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If you are assigned to write a paper on any topic – and you do not wish to get into detail of the topic – a good way to avoid this is to analyze the pros and cons of the topic. This way you will be able to show your professor that you are knowledgeable of the topic you are writing about, and you will write minimum text, as all you are doing is defining string and weak sides of the paper.

You have to have a controversial topic to write a pro and con essay. Only with a controversial topic – you can easily define pros and cons. There are various topics you can apply a pro and con paper, so try surfing the internet for a suitable controversial topic.

As soon as you have chosen a topic – you can go ahead and start brainstorming on the possible pros and cons of your pro and con paper. Your pros and cons can be divided in different stages.

The first stage is the implementation of various sides of the paper. You can discuss the hardships and easy ways of implementation. This is a very important factor, as the most effective solution can be either hard to implement, or time consuming or money consuming.

The second stage is the effectiveness of the solutions. Here you have to measure the effectiveness of the solution, and try to compare it with the implementation stage.

The third part is the consequence stage. Here you need to forecast possible problems after the solution has been implemented. There are several factors that you can discuss here.

Basically – your number one objective is to think everything through. If you forget something – your professor might have some objections, and your paper will not be successful.

If you are in a desperate need of a custom paper – feel free to order a pro and con paper from our online custom essay writing company.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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