How to Write Report in Public Administration With No Trouble

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Why students have a fear of failing the writing? This can happen for various reasons such as lack of knowledge on one field, laziness, lack of information on how to compose the papers, fear of missing the deadline or even delivering the speech publicly.

The report is the type of paper that usually does not demand to deliver a speech when submitting it in the universities or colleges. But, in the future, if a person connects his life with public administration and becomes responsible for organizing the meetings, he should know how to present the reports. That’s why now, it is a good practice while you are still studying. Let’s find out the stellar topics for a report in Public Administration, and tips on prewriting and post-writing stages.

How to Master Public Administration Topic?

Once you are currently getting a degree in this discipline, be ready that your professor will assign you to write not an essay, or paper but a report. But, do not be scared it is not considered a complex type of assignment. First of all, it only deals with the clean-cut purpose of writing and a particular audience. There is no place for improvisation but facts and evidence. And, most importantly there should be logical arguments, the structure of the composition, headings, and paragraphs.

Usually, professors and educational establishments, in particular, provide students with guidelines on how to write it and with a list of possible topics. If there are none, it is not the end of the world, you can check them online. So, what is this subject about?

Public Administration is a set of particular processes related to organization, society, groups, and individuals that are involved in implementing the regulations, rules, or laws administered by particular executives, government, or the judiciary. After graduation, a student may work in various institutions such as healthcare companies, embassies, corporations, banks, etc. Accordingly, these fields can be the areas for choosing the topic. But, the main target is to not get puzzled with a variety of subjects and not to touch similar fields that are related to other disciplines.

What Are the Topics to Choose for a Report?

Once you have no idea what to select for your further writing, it is possible to simply surf the Internet and learn the ready examples of papers in Public Administration. However, in most cases, they are boring, not unique and have no conducted research, analysis, or results. Here are a top 7 examples that may come in handy when struggling with the subject.

  • Security Challenges in the Educational Establishment. Nowadays, this subject is actual due to many terrorist attacks. For example, if considering the post-soviet countries there were a few accidents when students came to school and killed the people. To not make a topic look very spooky, speak of the events that lead to them, regulations that control the safety in such institutions, and conduct research on how to solve such events that, in turn, impact the mentality of children from the young age.
  • Pharmaceutical Public Administration in Third World Countries. It perfectly fits students who know how to provide much detailed information for assignments involving diagrams, polls, statistics, and clearly stated facts. For example, compare the drug administration rules in Russia with Canada. Research how the affordability and accessibility impact the segments of the populations. Find out the rules of distribution, and offer your personal strategy on how to improve this system.
  • Public Relations Processes in the Factories. To be more precise, it can be an industry that somehow involves human resources. For example, speak of the main regulations of the operation processes and how they affect the nearby populated areas. How the government locates the factories far from the main cities to avoid technogenic disasters and pollution of the local rivers or lakers. Provide a professor with your opinion on how to regulate the public attention to the activity of fabrics.
  • Incentives Schemes in Public Organizations. There are lots of private companies that encourage the employees to work efficiently by providing them with various incentive programs, in particular, cash bonuses. At the same time, such approaches are not well-proven in public organizations. Conduct research or analysis why it is not so popular in public and what are the legal ways of encouraging the staff without involving money.
  • Corruption in Educational Establishments. To not beat about the bush, such a topic can be also a perfect match for lazy students because first of all, there is plenty of information online with materials on the real examples, and many ready to use templates as well. However, keep in mind when researching corruption, the amounts of money, the behavior, and approaches, for example, of professors, do not lower the importance of teachers and examiners. There should be only facts and no personal opinion except the last stage when you speak of the ways on how to get rid of it.
  • Useless Regulations in the Public Sector. Are you an adventurous person? This subject may inspire or cheer you up to find out what are the useless or nonsense regulation presented within states, organizations, and parties and what was the target when they have been established. Research the impact of such rules on society, and if possible provide the audience with examples of funny regulations to create a friendly atmosphere in case of delivering a report publicly. In the end, offer the regulations that are in your opinion essential to have a healthy and safe environment.
  • Investment in the Public Sector by Foreign Investors. This is such a controversial subject that is not always announced by the government. Find out what are the institutions that are invested the most in, and speak of who are the investors in particular. Research the ways on how one or another government attracts people with money to their countries, it is also possible to involve the citizenship programs by investing, and at the end speak of how the countries should encourage local businessmen to invest in the public sector.

Other topics may concern ethics, public budgeting, organizational theories, non-governmental parties, and many more.

Pre-writing Tips

Let’s prepare you for writing by dividing this process into four essential steps that may enhance the working process and can help to reach more inspiration and motivation.

  • Visible algorithm of thoughts or presented logic. In this type of assignment, a student should demonstrate the target of writing and address it to a particular audience. For example, the same as one public administrator refers to his colleagues when dealing with budgeting issues and their solution, the same a student has to indicate the purpose of speaking of corruption in the public sector and offering his ways to solve such an event. There always should be present relevance and by no means abrupt jumpings from one idea to another one.
  • Pay attention to the structure. If a professor did not provide students with the requirements for the composition of a text, there are plenty of examples found online or by accredited parties such as universities. But, in most cases, the guidelines on the composition does not differ much from essays. A report looks like this – Title – Content – Executive Summary – Introduction – Methodology – Results – Analysis – Conclusion – Recommendations – References – Appendices.
  • The main body of a report. There should be in-depth analysis, in particular, again conducted research that has results and may change the discussed event for better or worse. For example, coming back to the topic Corruption in Educational Establishments, find the publications online or from the magazines and journals, where the police caught such intention or students themselves reported such an event. Also, to add more value, a person can investigate the rate of universities where corruption is the most likely to happen.
  • Conclusion. Keep in mind, on this stage it is important to summarize the results from the main body and add your personal opinion. Please, avoid writing irrelevant and new information. First of all, a professor will lower the grade, then it will mix him up when reading the text.

Also, a person can refer to the next scheme, especially when dealing with a topic related to the importance of sports activities in public organizations, in particular, schools.

And, the last but not least tip is to write the table of the content in the end to have a better idea of the composition. Create a plan on how you will approach the writing. This plan will involve the time when you most probably will sit writing, the proofreading timings, and what online programs will be used then to check the quality of work.

Post-writing Tips

Now, it is almost done. This stage is important before submitting the work and any mistake can be spot right now. Check your text following the next criteria:

  1. The sentences should be short and simple. Perfectly, they should consist of not more than 15 words and include one linking word such as However, Nevertheless, In fact, Also, and others. Besides, they should be precise and complete. For instance, if you speak of the public regulations in one sentence, the second one cannot speak of their failures among the population. It does not have sense.
  2. No slang or jargon. Even though some examinator allows using modern words to make a report look interesting, try to avoid these words because who knows who will assess the report for real.
  3. Avoid passive words if possible. They are useful and important but sometimes they complicate the reading of the text. If you cannot replace them with active words, make sure they do not repeat in each sentence.
  4. Pay attention to punctuation and grammatical mistakes. For these purposes, students may use one designated service that fastly detects such mistakes and generates accurate text. Grammarly is available even without paying for advanced features. Also, Hemingway’s application can help you to see if all the sentences are easy to read.
  5. If it possible, leave your report for a few hours apart. It may help to free up your mind and you will easily find the mistakes when reading the text the next day.
  6. Do not mix up the British and American English. For instance,
    • Corruption in state schools are a rarity (British)
    • Corruption in public schools (American)
  7. Add a minimum of 5 references from both online sources and books. The works with the bibliography only from the Internet do not add value, and some professors may even lower the grade. Also, make sure, you cite them professionally, there are plenty of online services that can do it for you.
  8. Avoid using too many first narratives such as I, me, you. The conclusion and recommendations are the only paragraphs when you can demonstrate your opinion. Otherwise, it looks like persuading that you are the smartest one.
  9. Ask people online to check your report and give independent feedback. For instance, when a student asks his friends or family to assess the work, they usually do not say much just not to offend him. If turning to advisors online, they are not interested in making compliments and you may get to know whether your work is worth attention.

One more approach may also concern the individual recommendations again of other educational establishments. In most cases, five of ten universities have their designated web page where there are either the examples of reports from the previous years to give hint to freshmen or tips on proofreading, prewriting, and general recommendations to meet the requirements of writing any type of a paper.

If following all the above-mentioned advice, there are more chances to present a stellar report on Public Administration. Stick to the best tips, reread a text, provide a professor with evidence, facts, logic arguments, use online helpers, and get skills of composing the reports for future occupations. When such a task seems a burden for you, try to learn time management hints that may help you to organize proper timing for writing assignments.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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