Reflection Essay Sample on the Book Tuesdays with Morrie

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The reflection essay designates the type of work that puts into perspective analysis of the writer’s evaluation of the particular text. Moreover, it implies the involvement of personal experience, which provides an overall understanding of the specific topic. In some cases, it is possible to omit the provision of individual’s experience as the assignment may focus only on the evaluation of the writer’s opinion. In this case, the writer reflects the effective and ineffective parts of the essay. Moreover, he/she explains why the narrator’s point of view deserves consideration. Therefore, the reflection essay sample demonstrates the involvement of value judgments for the description of the particular case and provides a balanced evaluation of the targeted source.

‘Transcendent Ideas in Tuesdays with Morrie’ Essay Sample

The book Tuesdays with Morrie is one of the most bestselling novels in the USA. The narration demonstrates the conversation between the professor and his former student Mitch that is listed in the set of the postulates. Morrie drives the reader’s attention to the indeed significant matters in the individual’s life. His critique of the contemporary culture and the predominance of money over the mind forces Mitch to reconsider vital values and ponder over his future. Hence, the essay reflects on such Morrie’s postulates as pity for oneself, regrets, emotions, family, money, and modern culture.

Pity for Oneself

Indisputably, the opinion of the surrounding society plays a significant role in the development of the individual’s self-esteem. However, it is essential to mention that the personal attitude towards himself/herself, as well as the attitude to the upcoming issues, designate the background for the formulation of the self-evaluation. Morrie signifies that the paralysis deprives him of personal independence, as he needs constant assistance from the others (Albom 36). Personally, the severe disease alters his world-view and overall perception of the familiar matters. However, he mentions that the pity for oneself deepens the depression, wastes time and leads to self-withdrawal (Albom 36). It is possible to cry but not to concentrate on important issues as it breaches the inner balance. Regarding own experience of the unjust occurrence, the pity for oneself does not provide the solution of the problem as the emotions take over rational thinking. The case of the mentioned reward assists in the realization of the early preserved plans as another individual can take advantage of them and succeed. Therefore, the pity for oneself leads to a self-withdrawal as it breaches the rational comprehension of the situation and complicates the rendering of the possible solutions.


Usually, the feeling of regret intertwines the pity for oneself as it blurs the clearness of mind with the fixed ideas of the possible solutions to the issues or situations of the past. For example, Morrie recollects the conflict with a friend who did not support him in the critical moments of life. Later when that friend wanted to excuse and maintain the contact, the protagonist refused to do it. Consequently, the man dies and Morrie regrets that he did not forgive that person (Albom 91). The feeling of regret designates the barrier between the past and present as memories restrain a person from the acceptance of the consequences of the particular situation. For instance, in the novel, the personal initiative of the main character to take part in the competition designated the reason for the upcoming conflict. The mentioned friend excused for the implementation of the idea and wanted to take the deserved reward. In that case, forgiveness represents the most powerful tool to overcome the feeling of regret. Moreover, the state of perception motivates to develop personal prudence towards trust. Hence, the sorrows do not solve the upcoming issues. On the contrary, they blur personal consciousness with the negative emotions, and in some cases, impose the individual with the feeling of guilt. It is essential to use the mental power of regrets for the rational comprehension of the issue and elaboration of the possible ways of its solution.


On the other hand, the community tends to underestimate the influence of emotions on the formation of the world-view and perception of reality. Morrie signifies that the inner intention to pity himself and regret the lost physical abilities are connected with the dominance of the negative emotions over his mind (Albom 60). On the other hand, the feelings related to the success lead to the predominance of the positive emotions over the rationalism. Personally, it is possible to agree with Morrie’s opinion as emotions impose individual with the illusion of happiness or grief that alienates the person from the rational comprehension of the particular situation. In this case, Morrie suggests people let the feelings pass by and not to concentrate on the specific case that can cause emotional overload (Albom 59). For example, the victory in the competition imposed a hypothetical individual with the feeling of the predominance over the others. However, in two months this person might be defeated, and it can lead to regrets. In this case, it is possible to use Morrie’s lesson of letting the emotions pass by. The victory can be regarded only as a source of motivation but not arrogance. Hence, it is essential to take control of emotions. Otherwise, they will breach the rational thinking and harden the usual perception of reality.


Regarding the rapid development of the world, the process of the urbanization provides an individual with a vast amount of possibilities. However, the accomplishment of the planned goals imposes a person with the loads of obstacles that represent complications in the success achievement. According to Morrie, family designates the most powerful social construct for the formulation of the future generation (Albom 53). The mentioned social group can be regarded as a source of love, care, and encouragement that alleviates the overcoming of real-life obstacles. Moreover, he adds that without a family the obtaining of the assistance would be a great challenge for him (Albom 54). These words are worth consideration as the concept of the family indeed correlates with the love that assists in the healing of any wound. Regarding personal experience, parental support played a significant role during my graduation. After three years of studies, I already gave up and was afraid I would not cope with my diploma. However, their care and encouragement raised my spirit, and I have succeeded with the graduation paper. Therefore, the family designates the sociocultural construct, which contributes to the formulation of the decent member of the community and assists in the overcoming of the hurdles.


Nowadays, urbanization creates possibilities for the financial development of almost every individual. However, society makes a shift from the moral virtues to the material ones that demonstrates great concern for the citizens as they suffer alienation. Morrie states that culture imposes an individual with the false necessities that do not lead to spiritual satisfaction as the abundance of the necessary goods deepens the interpersonal gap (Albom 69). He mentions that it is essential to share moral virtues with others (Albom 70). That opinion forces us to over-think the system of values of the contemporary world. Providing people with moral support plays a significant role in the development of relationships as it leads to the satisfaction of personal acceptance. Money cannot bring comfort and encourage.
On the contrary, they bring to people feelings of fear and greed. While fear leads to the mistrust towards the surrounding people, the greed forces to earn more and more in order to predominate over the others. Hence, it is essential to reduce the power of money over the individual’s mind, as it does not provide the spiritual satisfaction. Moreover, it erodes the soul of a person instilling it with greed and fear. In this case, the best possible solution is the provision of the person with the spiritual support that designates his or her understanding and acceptance.


Year after year, the government accompanied by mass media shapes public culture. The culture of the US population leads to personal alienation as it puts into the perspective the financial security instead of the development of the national spirit based on the predominance of peace and equality. Morrie identifies that the government utilizes the spiritual threat that instills the individual sub-consciousness with the idea of money predominance (Albom 85). From their perspective, people are scared of being fired and determine the fundamental reason for letting others down. However, such a savage behavior of the survival of the strongest leads to the undermining of the cohesion of society. For instance, some time ago I was framed as a group mate took advantage of my project, copied it and got a better grade. When I asked him to explain his behavior, he replied that only the strongest should survive. In this case, the culture develops the attitude of hostility and mistrust that breaches the cannons of the human relationship. Therefore, culture puts into perspective a task to impose people with the false dictation of money. However, the mentioned intention breaches the rational thinking and develops the herd instinct to earn more than others. Unfortunately, the perspective of the money predominance erodes the functioning of society by excavating the roots of basic communication.

The book of Mitch Albom Tuesdays with Morrie represents a set of postulates for the proper spiritual development of every individual. In our lives, the concept of pity for oneself intertwines with the regrets that undermine rational thinking. On the other hand, the government is imposing the society with the false culture of the money predominance that leads to the alienation of the individual and breaches the moral virtues and the cannons of communication. Finally, the family as the most significant social construct provides a person with love and care that serves as the most potent tool for the overcoming of the inevitable obstacles and negative issues.

The provided reflection essay sample demonstrates the involvement of the personal experience towards the evaluation of the narrator’s opinions. The implication of the individual examples reveals the points of the author’s view that aim the reader to ponder over the significance of the message. The demonstrated essay put into perspective the assistance to the writer for accepting a challenge and write a decent reflection on the particular reflection essay topic. Use the sample to alleviate the work on this type of essay.

Work Cited
Albom, Mitch. Tuesdays with Morrie. Doubleday Company, Incorporated, 1997.

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