How to Write an Argumentative Essay in Religious Studies: What to Do on Every Step

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An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic, adopt a clear stance, and provide compelling arguments supported by credible evidence. Anticipating counterarguments and refuting them strengthens your position, making your essay more persuasive. Argumentative essays are among the most frequently assigned academic writing tasks, making mastery of this format a crucial skill.

Religious studies, by its nature, involves analyzing and interpreting texts, which often leads to multiple perspectives. Being able to argue and defend a viewpoint with scholarly evidence is essential in this field. This guide will equip you with the necessary skills to craft an effective argumentative essay in religious studies.

Step 1: Choosing a Topic

Professors sometimes assign topics, but in many cases, students are expected to formulate their own. A strong topic is the foundation of a compelling essay. Here’s what to consider when selecting a topic:

  • Ask a ‘Why’ or ‘How’ question rather than a ‘What’ question. For example, instead of asking “What is the Catholic Church’s stance on total depravity?” ask “Why does the doctrine of total depravity conflict with Catholic teachings?”
  • Narrow the focus. Avoid broad topics like “The Role of Predestination in Christianity.” Instead, opt for something more specific, such as “How John Calvin’s concept of predestination shaped Reformation theology.”
  • Ensure textual evidence is available. Religious studies rely heavily on texts. If no supporting texts exist, your argument will lack credibility.
  • Look for contradictions or puzzles. If a doctrine or scholar contradicts themselves, explore why this occurs.
  • Understand the distinction between ‘religion’ and ‘religious studies.’ Religious studies approach religion from a secular perspective. Avoid trying to prove or disprove religious beliefs.

Example Topics

  • Can Intelligent Design Be Reconciled with Modern Science?
  • Should Buddhism Be Considered a Religion or a Philosophical System?
  • Does Atheism Exhibit Characteristics of a Religion?
  • How Do the Dead Sea Scrolls Influence Our Understanding of Jewish History?
  • A Jewish Perspective on Why Jesus Christ Was Not the Messiah.

Step 2: Pre-Writing Preparation


If you’re struggling to begin, try freewriting. Set a timer for 10–15 minutes and write down all your thoughts on the topic without worrying about structure or correctness. Later, refine and organize these ideas.


Outlining saves time by providing structure and preventing unnecessary revisions. A typical argumentative essay follows this structure:

  • Introduction
    • Hook: Capture the reader’s attention.
    • Background Information: Provide necessary context.
    • Thesis Statement: Clearly state your argument.
  • Body Paragraphs
    • Topic Sentence: Introduce the main idea of the paragraph.
    • Evidence: Provide textual support.
    • Counterarguments: Address opposing views and refute them.
    • Summary: Reinforce key points.
  • Conclusion
    • Restate the thesis.
    • Summarize key arguments.
    • Provide final insights or recommendations.

Writing a Strong Thesis Statement

A strong thesis is:

  • Concise: Ideally, one sentence.
  • Specific: Focused on a narrowly defined issue.
  • Original: Formulated independently, not borrowed from other sources.
  • Arguable: Open to debate, with supporting evidence available.
  • Falsifiable: A claim that can be tested with evidence, not a self-evident truth.

Step 3: Writing the Essay

Defining Key Terms

Clarify any terms that might be ambiguous or open to interpretation. Establishing clear definitions prevents misunderstandings and strengthens your argument.

Going Beyond Citing Sources

Religious studies heavily depend on textual sources. However, quoting texts is not enough—you must analyze them:

  • Clarify the meaning of the quote.
  • Analyze its significance.
  • Explain how it supports your argument.

Avoiding Out-of-Context Quotations

Misquoting or omitting parts of a text to fit your argument weakens credibility. Always consider context to maintain scholarly integrity.

Addressing Counterarguments

An effective argumentative essay acknowledges opposing viewpoints. Address counterarguments by:

  • Summarizing opposing views fairly.
  • Presenting counter-evidence.
  • Explaining why your argument remains valid.

Writing a Strong Conclusion

Your conclusion should:

  • Restate your thesis in a fresh way.
  • Summarize your main points.
  • Offer broader implications or suggest further research.

Step 4: Editing and Proofreading

Revising for Clarity

  • Remove unnecessary words and redundancies.
  • Ensure each point logically follows the previous one.
  • Use transitional words to connect ideas.

Checking Logical Consistency

  • Ensure each paragraph supports your thesis.
  • Verify that evidence is relevant and properly interpreted.
  • Make sure counterarguments are addressed.

Ensuring a Strong Introduction and Conclusion

Your introduction should create intrigue, and your conclusion should leave a lasting impression. Make sure they align and reinforce each other.

Anticipating Missing Counterarguments

After setting aside your essay for a day or two, reread it. Ask a peer to review it and identify any missing objections that should be addressed.


Writing an argumentative essay in religious studies requires a strong understanding of texts, logical reasoning, and persuasive argumentation. By following this guide, you’ll be better prepared to construct well-reasoned, scholarly arguments that engage with complex religious topics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main goal of an argumentative essay?

The main goal of an argumentative essay is to present a clear stance on a topic, support it with evidence, and address counterarguments to strengthen the argument.

How do I choose a strong topic for a religious studies essay?

Choose a topic that is specific, researchable, and open to argument. Ensure textual evidence is available to support your claims.

What makes a good thesis statement?

A good thesis statement is concise, specific, arguable, and supported by evidence. It should not be self-evident but open to debate.

How should I structure an argumentative essay?

An argumentative essay typically consists of an introduction (hook, background, thesis), body paragraphs (topic sentence, evidence, counterarguments), and a conclusion (restating the thesis and summarizing key points).

Why is addressing counterarguments important?

Addressing counterarguments demonstrates awareness of different perspectives and strengthens your position by refuting opposing views.

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Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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