Research Paper: “The Climate Change” – Introduction Section

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We usually pay attention to how the weather changes throughout a week, a month, or even compared to previous few years. On the other hand, there are changes that are not visible and can only be observed by scientists using sensitive equipment. Certain patterns in weather that have a tendency to recur each year are called a climate. Nowadays scientists claim that there are major changes to the climate all over the world that will have, or already have, dire consequences.

Consider these facts provided by NASA:

  • Global temperature increased by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. Nine of the ten warmest years on record have occurred since 2000.
  • The amount of land ice decreases by 258 billion tons per year. Greenland ice loss doubled between 1996 and 2005.
  • According to the latest data, since 1969, the oceans have absorbed much of the increased heat, with more than 2300 feet of ocean getting warmer for over 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The amount of carbon dioxide parts increased to 399.60 per million. Its levels in the air are at its highest in 650,000 years.
  • The amount of arctic ice decreases by 13.3 percent per decade. In 2012, Arctic summer ice shrank to the lowest extent on the record. What is more, the Greenland ice sheets have also significantly decreased in mass. According to the information provided by the professionals engaged in NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, Greenland lost nearly 286 billion tons of ice annually during the period from 1993 to 2016. At the same time, the data prove that Antarctica lost about 127 billion tons of ice annually within the same time frames.
  • In accordance with the satellite observations, over the last fifty years, the amount of spring snow cover on the territory of the Northern Hemisphere has decreased. What is more, the scientists also note the snow begins to melt earlier.

The primary factor that affects all the other changes in our climate is the temperature change. What are the main reasons the temperature changes throughout the years? There is a certain amount of heat that the Earth gets from the sun, and there is also a certain amount of heat that bounces back to the space. Our temperature depends on both these factors. The point is that when the heat reaches the Earth and then is reflected back to the atmosphere, the certain amount of it is stopped by the so called greenhouse gases. They are vital for keeping the right amount of heat on the Earth so that all the living creatures can exist on our planet. However the increasing amount of it changes the average temperature which can lead to unprecedented changes in our climate. The greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Their number has increased due to burning of fossil fuels, which has become the primary source of energy for people nowadays.

Climate scientists all over the globe agree that the Industrial Revolution could be called the defining moment when emissions of greenhouse effect gases started soaring when entering the atmosphere. It is important to mention that the Industrial Revolution wasn’t a separate phenomenon itself. Instead, it was the consequence of less grandiose revolutions, such as demographic, agricultural, transport, tech, and finance. All together, they led to creation of a new model of production and consumption. From that moment, exploding use of available resources, the growth of population (for example, in 1750, the population on earth was less than 800 million people, while at the moment there are more than 7.5 billion people living on the planet), increasing production and demand of energy, all saw the earth entering into the so-called Anthropocene period. The latter is known as a new geological era mainly characterized by how people affect the planet.
It is difficult for most of us to understand why a slight increase in the average temperature on the planet can somehow influence us. Consider this example: there are a lot of glaciers that are at the verge of melting and increasing the temperature by even one degree can make this process begin. In addition, such climate changes can result in longer period of droughts in some regions, the increasing number of wildfires, and the bigger number of tropical storms.

In general, the global temperature increase stands behind catastrophic consequences that are dangerous to not only flora and fauna, but human beings as well. The most disastrous climate change impacts include endangering coastal environments, melting of the poles ice, and flooding. This, in turn, may become the main explanation for some of the small island states’ disappearance in the future. Finally, intensive climate change also tends to cause more severe weather situations, such as the death of plants and animals, fires, droughts, as well as climate refugees, especially when it comes to the developing countries.
That being said, we are going to make an in-depth analysis of all the factors that cause the greenhouse effect, the consequences, including the potential ones, and the ways of solving this problem.

Works Cited

  • The current and future consequences of global change (2014). Retrieved from
  • What Is Climate and Climate Change? (2014). Retrieved from

How to Write an Introduction on a Scientific Research Topic:

  • Remember that an introduction is no less important than any other part of your research paper. Therefore, you should be careful of what information you add to it. Your research paper introduction should be presentable, as it is the first thing your audience will read. Therefore, provide some highlights from the paper to catch the reader’s attention.
  • The length of your introduction depends on the length of your research paper, but don’t go overboard. The introduction shouldn’t be longer than one page.
  • In general, an introductory part of a research paper serves to announce your topic, give research rationale and context for your project, before your provide your research hypothesis and questions.

Serious Mistakes to Avoid in Research Paper Introduction

Check out the most common mistakes that students shouldn’t make in the process of writing an introduction part of the research paper. Keep in mind these:

  • Never include the facts that you won’t be able to prove. For instance, of you refer to the fact that 2016 was the warmest year since 1880, make sure to provide the trusted sources where this information is given (in this case –
  • Don’t skip the proofreading and editing stage to make certain your piece is errorless.
  • Ensure that your research paper introduction includes logical linking to the body section that will prove your main point.
  • Keep away from choosing the general topic that won’t let you answer the research question because it will not only ruin your introduction, but the rest of the project as well.
  • In case with the topic of climate change, never overuse data, stats, and figures throughout your introduction.
  • Figure out your thesis statement and the hook before you begin to write your paper intro.

Your Final Climate Change Intro Checklist

Want to make your research paper introduction impeccable? Here’s an important checklist:

  • Your introduction includes a strong thesis statements that reflects the key thoughts related to climate change.
  • Your introduction is properly formatted, with logical structure, and visible paragraphs.
  • The introduction ends with a strong thesis statement and the core arguments.
  • You proofread it before you submit the paper.

Finally, in a research paper on climate change, there is a solid structure that you’ll have to follow.

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