Essay Sample on Technology Ethics in the Classroom: 3 Questions to Answer

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Technology Ethics in the Classroom essay example:

Question 1:

The application as well as the use of technology in the classroom has been incorporated in learning and hence not a fact that can be ignored. With technology being incorporated in our daily learning and more especially in the classroom, then the students shall be enabled to become more productive individuals in the future. Since every classroom have applied the use of computers in the classroom or current technology, it is very vital for parents and teachers to monitor what the learners are doing on the computers, in addition with, how they are utilizing their time (Ivers & Pierson, 2003). When used properly, computers can be very good educational tools, in addition with, a good investment.

In each day, schools, in addition with, the students and teachers rely mainly on computers in performing their daily activities. Teachers use them in student grades recording, receiving, as well as, sending emails. Individuals mainly depend on the use of computers for creating, storing, in addition with, managing critical information, hence the computers must be protected from damage misuse or loss (Ivers & Pierson, 2003). For example, School districts must take care and guarantee that information of a student such as rates of attendance, grades, learning problems and family as well as personal data protecting them from loss and maintaining confidentiality.

Question 2:


Even though the use of Internet has greatly revolutionized communication, in addition with, providing a new powerful educational student learning tools. It has also established risks, in addition with, raising ethical issues for every student in every grade. It has also created various opportunities for inappropriate, illegal, in addition with, behaviors that are unsafe for the learners (Nets Project, 2003). Progressively, more K12 educators have seen the importance and the urge of not only utilizing the Internet in instruction, but also familiarize and teaching the learners critical thinking skills and knowledge that is required to produce responsible citizens both outside and inside the school. Some of the school district has successfully completed incorporating Internet security and safety lessons into the curricula for the purpose of preparing the learners of all grades to behave responsibly and ethically when they are online. I would implement internet security by teaching the learners to question the authenticity and reliability of the Website that they visit (Nets Project, 2003). The students should be provide and permitted to use specific Website for the purpose of research. In addition, students should be provided by a set of protocol for which they will follow in the event when something that is appropriate when it appears on the screen.


Although most of the news covers on issues regarding Internet security and safety issues mainly focuses on teens. I would encourage schools to start education efforts. I would encourage schools to start Web Usage education when students start using the computers. Students and learners in the first and the second grades should be taught on the use and application of passwords, in addition with, the reasons of keeping them discreet. I would create proper copyright and student use agreements that could be used in your classroom by students and parents signing an acceptable policy use, which regulates the usage of school technology. An Internet safety pledge should be comprised in the code of conduct for a student going home to parents. The web usage would incorporate an acceptable use policy that should be in the first defense line in averting insecure, unlawful, in addition with, the use of school technology resources. The policy for technology shall be reliable with comparable policies for other resources that are school-related and should replicate the basic mission and goals of the school.


  • Parent Involvement: It is not merely the learners, in addition with, the tutors who are targeted by Internet security and safety education. School districts should hold Internet safety rights at schools for parents and students (Cennamo, Ross & Ertmer, 2009). Parents should be involved in the Websites that the students frequent as a part of an Internet security and safety lesson. Parents shall be allowed and given a chance of airing the question that they may provide them with sufficient information on the Website that their children visit.
  • Enlisting of Web 2.0 and data confidentiality: The web 2.o tools can be deployed for the purpose of teaching Internet ethics and security. Confidentiality is limiting the access of information, in addition with, the disclosure to users that are not authorized (Cennamo, Ross & Ertmer, 2009). The students should use authentication methods like the use of passwords and user Ids that identifies the user’s data system, in addition with, supporting the control techniques that limit the users identified to access data that is unauthorized to access.
  • Data integrity: Data integrity encompasses the notion that the individual in question has provided the correct information. The integrity of an information system comprises the no corruption of the data that is entered into the system (Ivers & Pierson, 2003). Integrity in a K-12 classroom shall enable that the student enter into the right Website and that the wrong information has been restricted from access. This shall only allow the student to access into the educative Websites only.
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