Tips on Writing an Essay about Yourself

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In many elementary learning institutions, creative writing begins when a learner is asked to complete a certain pattern. As one becomes conversant with patterns, the teaching approach changes, and pupils are usually asked to write essays about themselves.

For a beginner, such an essay could be challenging. This is normally because a person feels that there is so much about him or her to fit in a piece of paper. Due to this, teachers mark essays that are so broad in scope that they tend to be boring. The implication of this is that an essay about an individual ought to be narrowed to the greatest level possible.
From this preamble, this article provides timeless tips on writing an essay about oneself. The first aspect to consider is to understand the context of the essay-writing task. In many cases, a teacher asks pupils to write essays about themselves after teaching writing skills. For example, the teacher might have spent one or two lessons teaching about paragraphs and their organization in an essay.

‘Let me introduce myself…’
Writing about yourself can be harder than writing a cause and effect or argumentative essay for a biology or history course. The reason is that there is a lot you can and would like to say. You have many talents, unique experiences, and skills to describe in 1-2 paragraphs. Whatever is your purpose or type of writing, you have to distance a bit and think about yourself as a complete stranger. What does your audience need to know about your unique personality? These questions might help you, just answer them:

  • Who are you, and what kind of background do you have?
  • What are your talents/interests?
  • What kind of challenges have you overcome?
  • What are your life achievements?

In such a scenario, you will need to begin your personal essay with an introduction. Here, you will indicate your name, age, grade, and your teacher’s name. In the same paragraph, you are free to include details such as your hobbies. It is important to note that in creative writing, each notion in your essay must relate to the concepts taught in class. For example, your introductory paragraph could be an excellent section to say that you enjoy reading and writing short articles. By including such a statement in your essay, you are likely to capture the interest of the reader to read more into your article.

Narrow Your Topic

It is important to focus on one specific topic, expand it in detail, as well as use it to let the world know about yourself. It’s better to work with one thing and describe it in as many details as you can than to discuss everything at once and make your readers feel confused.
If you can’t decide what topic will fit your personality, ask yourself:

  • What is your most unique and eye-catching quality? Are you brilliant with languages? Do you play multiple instruments?
  • What words could be used to describe you the best? Artistic? Polyglot? Multi-tasker?

Choose the topic that will show a unique ‘you’:

  • The Works of Art that Make Me Feel Alive
  • The Biggest Disappointment of Mine
  • Why I Admire Commercials
  • The Biggest Challenge that I Managed to Overcome on My Own
  • How I Overcame My Aerophobia
  • My Attitude to Feminism (Why I Actually Like It)
  • Why It Is Important to Be Reluctant to Fashion
  • Happiness or Wellness: What Is More Important to Me

Use some great details. Thing is when you have a narrow topic at hand, it’s better to provide your target readers with some unique details that will hook them. Do not forget that you’re talking about yourself, so ensure to provide facts that will show you in the most positive light!

    • ­
    • Okay: I like movies.
    • ­Good: I am a huge fan of art films made by Italian film directors.


  • Better: I am a huge fan of art films of the1950s, especially the ones made by Italian directors, such as Federico Fellini and his masterpiece called “Nights of Cabiria” (1957) that influenced my taste.

Write the Body

The next paragraph of your essay is the body, which will contain a more in-depth exposition of your personal goals. Be careful to relate this with the career of your choice.
There is no standard format to follow in the body of your essay. On the contrary, the most crucial point to observe is that you should discuss matters that are pertinent to the intention of the essay. Often, essays written by a person about himself or herself are intended to appeal to a donor, sponsor, or an employer. Depending on the objective, you should design the body of your essay such that the ideas are linked with the overall goal. Again, it is substantial to understand that few people find a lengthy personal essay catchy. To avoid this, it is prudent to write short paragraphs, each of which should begin with a captivating sentence.

It doesn’t matter what topic you choose for your personal essay – always stay humble! Even if you’re the next Einstein or Beethoven, you want to present yourself like a down-to-earth but unique person. Don’t write your paper to show off. Instead, discuss your successes and accomplishments, but arrange them using humble language.

    • ­
    • You show off: I am the most talented and self-inspired students in our art class, so you just have to pick me because of my unbelievable talents.


  • You’re being humble: I was lucky enough to be born in a family of a painter, so I know and understand all the inner workings of this field.

The Conclusion

When you’re sure that everything important is out there in the intro and the body of your essay, it’s time to think about the last step in the process of writing – a conclusion. Your task here is to end up your paper with all the peculiarities that are important to your image.

The closing section is crucial, and sometimes it might be even more important than the main part of the essay. The reason is that sometimes your tutor may read only the opening and closing part of the essay to get a quick idea of the paper.

When you’re done with the body section, make sure to use some transition phrase or sentence to help your readers understand what you’re about to close your project. If you’ve provided your personal essay with a thesis statement, you shouldn’t just rewrite it, but rather concentrate on the results you came up with. So, how did your experience change you? What did the situation you’ve been in teach you eventually? Is it possible to add some emotional appeal at the end? Maybe there are some particular feelings that you’d like your reader to feel as well? Make sure to do your best to evoke them, but do not overdo it!

In your conclusion, you should not forget to write a summary of the main points. This should not be a repetition of the content in the body paragraph. On the contrary, reiterate your strong points using different wording. Moreover, use this section to remind the reader of your ambition and self-drive. Remember also to end your essay in a formal way, by thanking the reader.
We don’t recommend making the conclusion too detailed or wordy – it’s better to leave some things unspoken. There is nothing so powerful as the unspoken that will leave your readers wanting more.

Proofread and Edit!

The last step that you have to take on your way to a perfect personal essay is to check your text several times. The point is that a single typo can take your essay from a top-level to it’s-kind-of-alright. In addition to thorough proofreading, it’s important to re-check the structure of your sentences and/or remove some info blocks in order to make your paper stronger.

Final Tips on How to Prepare a Great Essay About Yourself

Below our write my essay service gives some recommendations that you should consider when talking about your personality in an essay:

    • ­Be honest and open to reveal your goals, achievements, talents, and past experiences. For some students, it is a real challenge to openly speak about themselves. For that reason, you have to make sure that you have a clear message in your mind and can present it clearly and honestly.
    • ­Avoid delicate topics. No matter how interesting your personal story is, some things should be better left undiscussed. For instance, if you want to talk about attitudes towards religion in modern society, it’s important to keep in mind that some topics might be controversial and that you should better not discuss them.
    • ­Never exaggerate. Every person has some valuable qualities, and you’re no exception. It doesn’t matter how good you are at writing songs, playing baseball, or singing, make sure to avoid forming an impression of a self-centered and arrogant human.


    • You better don’t use clichés. To achieve this, you should focus on narrow and complex topics by describing your unique skills, experiences, and only original stories.


  • Find out if you have to be (un)concise. Understand whether you should provide a detailed description of your unique traits or whether brevity is a must.

A lot of college students get confused when asked to write a piece that informs about themselves. The task “tell us about yourself” looks tough at first. But it doesn’t have to be like that. If you’re in need of professional help writing an essay about yourself and feel that all tips on the web puzzle you, it’s time to turn to our experts for assistance.

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