Informative Essay Sample on Social Management: System Changes

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If the statement ‘man is a social animal’ is true then this management principal would be the best possible relevant example of it. Consider this- every individual is shaped by the virtue of his or her environment (Lamb, 23). Therefore it is obvious that an employee would be governed by the nature of workplace he or she is associated with. If the term ‘work culture’ should be taken into account then it becomes more relevant. In most of the third world country ‘red tape vicious circle’ is a usual nuisance under bureaucratic formulations. (Fletcher, 72) But to overcome it if anything is to be done is the entire reconstruction of the system itself. The governing body must make sure to provide the employees with a structure that motivates and accelerates the work efficiency of the employees.

Likewise, this management principal could be an enormous resourceful tool for a HR manager who wants to gear up the efficiency level of the employees. If otherwise, the management decides that system is running smoothly and there are no needs to evoke a revolution in terms of system change, still the HR manager is left with ideas that would enable sea change within the work attitude of the employees by enforcing minor or petite changes within the set principals of the apparently rigid structure of the system. For example, the HR manager can introduce the use of low volume light music to be played though out the working hours. This music can be anything on the path of Kenny G saxophone or Richard Clayderman piano tunes. This would be a direct influence on the employees as light music like these would help them overcome boredom and attain more and refreshed vigor at work. (Podolski, 241)

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