Application Essay Sample to Get Into the University

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Contribution by the school of art and science

Once I enroll in the school of arts and science, I expect my career to be improved by the knowledge from my tutors and also from the colleg3e archives that include materials used in their one and a half decades of operation.

Apart from that, I expect the Penn community to provide a good ground for my projects. This will help on reducing my traveling expenses during project writing. In addition, this will help me give back to the community as my findings will be relevant to the issues on the ground

The unique aspects of the University of Pennsylvania

As the university draws its students from all over the world, I expect my stay in the university to provide me with a chance to interact with persons from diverse cultures. This will help me increase on general knowledge as well as getting first hand information of people from various places.

The university has campuses situated in different parts of Penn. I believe that the university will thus give me a chance to transverse across Penn and eventually learn a lot about the community and traditions of Penn.


Apart from academic qualification I believe that I will have benefited from the vast of knowledge about the state as well as giving back to the state at the end of my course. This mutual benefit, I believe, shall be a boost when I get into the job market. I also believe that at the end I will have contributed to the growth of Penn community.

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