Unveiling Top Cornell Essay Examples And Tips

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When applying to Cornell, a well-composed admission essay is essential. Submitting a paper replete with clichés and empty phrases will not impress the admission committee, whereas a paper showcasing an applicant’s strengths will pique the commission’s interest. The Cornell essay examples and recommendations in this article will help you if you reveal your best qualities via your admission essay.

Pro tip
Crafting such a compelling essay can be challenging. If you find yourself in need of professional assistance, consider utilizing our ghostwriter service to help articulate your unique story effectively.

Why Cornell Essay Example#1

The fundamental knowledge, ethics, and sense of self that one gains at the university level play a tremendous role in shaping the rest of one’s career and life. They affect not only the success of the individual in their future specialty but also impact other aspects of their life, from their political views to their sense of responsibility for their communities.

The university and the quality of its educational services have a direct bearing on the individual’s personality. Given that the ages of 18 to 25 play a key role in the process of personality development, it is difficult to overstate the importance of this period and its impact on individual growth. The place of study, the conditions under which a person studies, the environment, teachers, traditions, and history of the particular university all have a bearing. At this time, the foundations of one’s worldview and attitude towards many aspects of life take form. New knowledge and hobbies are acquired, the meaning of friendship is explored, and the tremendous influence of social activities is revealed, wherein these bonds often lead to excellent future partnerships in business, science, and the arts. And, above all, of course, there’s the knowledge and training one gains in one’s chosen field.

With that understanding, I approached applying to a place of higher learning very seriously. I started thinking about this well in advance of my high school graduation. I studied a variety of resources, asked older friends, and got acquainted with information that I found in reference books and online. It was very important for me to make the right choice because I realized my entire future path in life would be influenced by the choice.

The main criterion for me pertained directly to the history of the educational institution.

  • It should not be a “young” university without much experience
  • It must have a rich and eventful history
  • It should contain various disciplines and areas of training
  • A mission and training strategy that will appeal to me must be formulated

In other words, I was looking for a place with professionals who care about the harmonious formation of personality and are passionate about educating their students. I also paid attention to the student atmosphere in universities by studying available information about student life, competitions, and student communities. I got this information from forums and friends.

During the collection and analysis of information, I almost immediately focused my attention on Cornell University.

Furthermore, from the history of the educational institution, it is clear that Cornell is actively involved in international activities. This is very important in the modern globalized world. International experience is the key to a successful future for a student.

I dream of going to study in the USA and of becoming a highly qualified specialist in my field. Cornell offers such opportunities by providing grants and organizing international exchange programs. This was another important factor for me when choosing where to apply. From my research, I can see that Cornell’s values align with the most impactful components of successful education:

  • Seeking knowledge
  • Supporting free and open intellectual inquiry
  • Embracing diversity and difference
  • Collaboration, collegial, and caring community

Among other things, I am very drawn to Cornell’s focus on providing an expansive range of disciplines and courses, as well as a multitude of high-level competitions, conferences, and challenges that elevate its students and their respective fields of study. This aids students wishing to deepen their mastery of a speciality, broaden their horizons, find new friends, and discover new interests.

For all these reasons and more, deciding on my ideal university was easy – Cornell!

Cornell Essay Example #2

My teacher was right when she accused me of lacking zeal for the piano… The truth in her words hurt. I was slowly walking down the hall of my music school, internally disquieted by the sounds bursting from the rooms that no more lifted my spirits than the cacophony of sounds on a busy city street. Then suddenly, my ear detected something familiar and alluring. I followed its siren call to the door of our chamber hall.

It was drums. Someone was playing Tina Turner’s “You’re simply the best!”—my favorite song. The song’s drum beat sounded as near and vital as a heartbeat. In a minute, I found myself sitting in the back row of the small auditorium, hypnotized by the performance of a student band. The drummer was a long-haired guy with a Metallica shirt and a magnetic charisma. He, with his steed, a drum set, made an organic whole, guiding every piece the band performed like a heart pumping blood through the body.

When I returned to my senses at the end of their rehearsal, I felt invigorated. This was my awakening and the beginning of my journey into the universe of percussion. The very next day, I came to the drum teacher with an ardent wish to study. Unlike my previous music experience, I started advancing at a delightfully whirlwind pace, practicing daily both at school and at home, listening to the records of famous drummers, mimicking their style, and improvising my own.

Carried away by the rhythm and beat, I put all my heart and energy into it and became immersed in the music I played. Seeking to recreate the excitement I felt upon my first encounter with the long-haired guy’s band, I decided to start my own.

I managed to get four of my classmates to join my band, and I persuaded our music teacher to be our supervisor, allowing us to practice in empty classrooms, which we would do every day right up until the security guard would come by with his 5-minute warning. Sometimes, we’d gather at my place afterward and talk hurriedly and ceaselessly about music. Our new songs came easily, bursting out of us like primordial volcanic eruptions.

After months of practice, we had our first public performance. Of course, we were nervous, but all the worries and fears evaporated when we started playing. From the first beat of my drums, the audience was with me, captivated and conveyed by the music. We began performing regularly at community concerts, regional and state music festivals, charity events, and international workshops. I guess I owe something to my piano teacher. who unintentionally pushed me to discover my passion for drums and the exciting world of performing arts and self-expression.

Cornell Essay Example #3

Brought up in a family of economists, I have always been fascinated by the intricate nature of the world of economics and attempts to put numbers in meaningful equations to predict future economic trends. Being one of those students who enjoyed puzzles and logic games, I was among the only girls who always took part in Math and Physics competitions.

My academic and research engagements during my undergraduate years motivated me to seek a Master’s in Economics in order to acquire the specialized skills necessary to analyze global economic phenomena. Being at the academic forefront in the field of economics, Cornell University offers truly comprehensive preparation to ensure its students are equipped with a broadly encompassing set of tools and a spectrum of opportunities to undertake advanced economic analysis under the ever-changing global economic environment.

As a Bachelor’s student of Economics, I developed both a theoretical and practical background in economic research. By gaining a fundamental understanding of the core theories in both Micro- and Macroeconomics, as well as Econometrics and Game Theory, I gained the conceptual foundation to undertake more complex multi-level analyses.

One of the most exciting practical research projects that I undertook during my undergraduate degree became my third-year semester research work. The project was in the field of institutional economics. It explored the relationships between freedom of the press and the level of societal corruption. Integration of various instruments of Econometrics and Game Theory analysis, such as Nash equilibrium in three-player games and instrumental variables, allowed me to identify a clear correlation between these parameters.

I concluded that the press can effectively combat corruption under the conditions of a strong judicial system wherein bribery is punished. In the framework of game theory, factors such as legal guarantees accompanying freedom of the press solidly impact a journalist’s ability to perform their duties. Examining highly corrupt political environments through the lens of powerful economic measurement tools earned my project recognition from the Department of Economics in the annual student research project competition.

I believe that Cornell’s Master’s Program’s holistic approach to economic research will equip me with all the necessary tools to open the doors to Ph.D. study and an impactful career in economics.

Crafting Your Cornell Application: A Strategic Overview

Almost everyone has heard of the Ivy League.. The Ivy League are the oldest and most prestigious universities in the United States. It includes eight elite educational institutions with very high ratings for academic excellence. Studying in any of them means not only being able to attend the lectures of some of the most accomplished people within their respective disciplines but also, upon graduation, receiving a prestigious diploma.

Many students misunderstand the application process at Cornell University, fail to properly complete documents, or don’t pay attention to other important factors. Often students try to get into their desired university with a weak application essay, believing that good grades are enough. But, excellent grades are only the starting point to getting into Cornell.

How does admission to Cornell differ from other universities?

  • They only select the most qualified applicants. The percentage of accepted students – the admission rate – is 5% of applications
  • As mentioned, admission requires high academic scores as a base. They also pay attention to university application essays, extracurricular work, volunteer activities, scientific research, etc
  • Ivy League universities are the most expensive in the United States, but they are also among the most generous in offering scholarships to highly qualified students. Most of these go to American students, but there is funding for international students as well

The process of selection or admission to Cornell is holistic. It includes the following factors on the basis of which the selection of applicants is carried out:

  • Grades or academic performance
  • Extracurricular activities, hobbies, awards and achievements
  • Personal statement insights presented in the application essay
  • Letters of recommendation.
  • Interview

Decoding Successful Cornell Essays: Key Themes and Strategies

What strategies can help align my essay with Cornell’s values? While working on your paper, keep in mind the following Ivy League essay strategies:

  1. Show the commission your strengths.
  2. Tell them about your achievements and motivation.
  3. Tell them why you chose this particular university to apply to.
  4. Tell them about your interests and plans.

If you’re unsure what to write about in your essay, here are some winning themes:

  1. “What makes your family different from other families?”
  2. “Does your family celebrate cultural holidays? Do any of them mean a lot to you?”
  3. “Do you have a unique family tradition?”
  4. “What do you want to become? What did you do during your studies at high school to achieve this?”
  5. “Recall a time you encountered an obstacle, problem, or failure, how it affected you, and what you learned from that experience.”
  6. “Think of a time when you questioned or challenged a public opinion or idea. What inspired you? What was the result?
  7. “Describe a problem you solved or a problem you want to solve.”
  8. “Describe a topic, idea, or concept that you find so fascinating that it makes you lose the passage of time.”
  9. “Talk about an accomplishment, event, or change in outlook that sparked a period of personal growth and new understanding of yourself or others.”

Personalizing Your Cornell Essay: From Planning to Execution

First, let’s start with the Cornell table of contents essay example:

  • Introduction
  • What are your aspirations?
  • The skills you’ll need to gain
  • How the university can help you gain these skills
  • Conclusion
Pro tip
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A Cornell essay needs a strong start. Write about your desire to study there to pursue a goal, and show how you have already been pursuing that goal with specific real-life examples.

Try to answer the following questions:

  • Who you are? What was your upbringing like, and how has it shaped your personality?
  • What sparked your interest in this specialty, and what influenced your decision?
  • Was there a specific incident that made you consider this profession or career path?
  • What steps have you taken or do you plan to take to at the university to help you achieve your stated goal?
  • How do you see your future?

Main Part

How should I reflect my academic interests in my Cornell Essay? You should explain why you chose to apply at Cornell. Remember everything you’ve learned about the university and convincingly tell the commission why you’d be perfect there. Highlight your positive character traits and relevant skills for the program or university. If you played sports in school, describe how it shaped and taught you to overcome adversity. Also, describe your work experience.


In this part, write about why you are the ideal candidate and about what you hope to gain from your education. At the end of the essay, it’s polite to thank the committee for the time they spent reading your paper.

The Cornell Ethos: Reflecting University Values in Your Essay

While writing about Cornell’s ethos, you can mention its academic excellence, openness and inclusivity, community engagement, integrity, and innovation. Let’s say you’re writing an admissions essay because you aspire to study engineering. You can see in Cornell engineering essay examples’ introductions how they start writing about the university ethos in the following way:

“Cornell values openness, community engagement, and innovation. I share these values and believe I can positively contribute to the university by researching and analyzing innovations and engineering using reliable sources and presenting my findings in a clear manner to the public. As a part of the team involved in renovating our community library, I researched a variety of innovative methods to make our 200-year-old library more energy-efficient and produced recommendations for our town officials. As a future engineer, I want to design and create solutions myself that will make safer spaces for the disabled and involve the innovative use of ethically sourced materials.”

Integrating Your Intellectual Interests with Cornell’s Offerings

Your essay is the place to show off your unique qualities and experience. Cornell’s diverse academic offerings provide students with many options to pursue their interests and passions. If you have a clear goal that you hope to achieve following university, it makes sense to be knowledgeable about the department and major that corresponds. Here is a Cornell transfer essay example showing how one might begin writing about their intellectual interests according to the university offerings:

“Through my studies, I’ve come to understand that my intellectual interests are rooted in the fields of philosophy, psychology, and linguistics. I believe that Cornell’s College of Arts and Science (CAS) can help me integrate these diverse interests by joining the university’s anthropology department. I aim to pursue a project studying how the three branches interact and influence a culture’s zeitgeist. .”

Balancing Personal Anecdotes and Academic Aspirations

Of course, one should balance personal history and aspirations in one’s essay. Many students may find it difficult to maintain this balance. On the one hand, a personal anecdote can make your paper stand out from the crowd. On the other hand, your academic aspirations should be prominent. Let’s say you decide to enroll in the agricultural department. This introduction of a Cornell CALS essay example with an anecdote might help inspire you:

“As they say, there are three ways to part with money:

The fastest way is to go to the casino.

The most pleasant way is to buy a car or house.

The most reliable way is to start a farm.

Despite this statement, I always wanted to be involved in farming. Since childhood, I have loved nature, so I decided to study agriculture. I hope Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) will help me pursue my dream.”

Future Visions: Aligning Your Goals with Cornell’s Resources

Your goals and ambitions should correspond to the resources available at Cornell University. In this way, you will achieve your aspirations and make sure that your passion has a place to grow as a student at the university. The first resource is the Career Services Office, which offers career counseling, resume-building workshops, and job/internship search assistance. Another resource is using academic opportunities that the university offers, like participating in research projects, joining clubs and organizations, and attending workshops or conferences that interest you. Also, extracurricular activities can enhance your growth and development.

Should you want to write about academic and personal alignment, you might start your essay in the following way:

“I have always wanted to make a meaningful impact in the world. I want to use my skills to bring about positive change through my academics, extracurricular activities, and future career endeavors. I believe that Cornell’s resources will provide me with the necessary tools and knowledge to achieve my goals.”


How can I make my Cornell essay stand out?

An admission essay must demonstrate an applicant’s motivation, determination, and readiness to succeed. Cornell supplemental essay examples can show you how to do it right. You will see that the structure of the essay is flexible, but it should effectively demonstrate your potential and suitability for admission to the faculty or department.

What are the key elements of a successful Cornell essay?

If you consider why Cornell essay examples work, you will see that many of them contain some main elements, such as an introduction, body, and conclusion. Admission committees are very attentive to the epistolary genre. We also recommend including polite addresses to the committees’ officers at the beginning of any essay.

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About authors
John Williams A Top-5 writer at CustomWritings.com

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

Patric Johnson Head of CustomWritings.com Writing Center

Patric is a 4th year and Assistant Engineer who can juggle his studies and work. He’s also a dedicated parent and husband. Despite his busy schedule he never misses a Texas Longhorns baseball game.

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