Essay Sample on “A View from the Bridge” by Arthur Miller

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“A View from the Bridge” was written by Arthur Miller from new york, before “A View from the Bridge” Arthur miller wrote many other plays which were also success storys but some weren’t “a death of a salesman,” which didn’t have a narrator in it so the audience didn’t immediately understand the meaning of the play when it was first performed on stage. “A View from the Bridge” used Alfieri as the narrator so the audience understood the play with alfieri and the message of the play which was to compromise in life which Eddie failed to do and the message was more clear.Some of Millers plays such as “the man who had all the luck” weren’t successes.

Many of hundreds of years ago, the ancient greeks produced Greek tragedy.alfieri is connected to Greek tragedy because in a view from the bridge Arthur Miller uses a narrator which in Greek culture is a chorus which is the role of alfieri. “A View from the Bridge” ends in a tragic ending where rodolpho stabs Eddie the main hero in the play. Trajedy is a type of drama composed in the Athens in the 6th century.

“A View from the Bridge” uses Alfieri as the narrator who tells the story to the audience.Althought he is a narrator he doesn’t just tell the story and the meaning of the play but he also tells the audience of the time and place of every event that takes place. “On December 27th I saw him,” Alfieri talks about Eddie when he comes to see him. By talking to the audience he makes it more clear of what is happening and makes the meaning of the play more explicit. He also comments on the action in a previous scene and gives hints as to what is happening next.

Alfieri is a lawyer as well as a narrator at the same time. In “A View from the Bridge” Alfieri is a wise and intelligent character, unlike Eddie who thinks that being manly is very important and Eddie even tries to challenge rodolpho, when rodolpho asks Eddie to hold a chair up from it’s leg but Eddie cant and rodolpho manages to.alfieri doesn’t need manliness he has inner strength because he is very wise and strong minded. “Eddie im a lawyer’” alfieri hears both sides of the story.e.g when Marco falls in love with Catherine and he wants to marry her but eddy is very against it, and asks Alfieri for legal advice about it. But alfieri just says that there is nothing wrong about a marrying a immigrant.

Alfieri’s character is to work out what is right and wrong, and as a lawyer he is there to make peace. In “A View from the Bridge” Alfieri tries to sort out eddy problems. Eddie is a very much against Marco marrying Catherine and goes to alfieri for help.alfieri helps people by compromising and hearing both sides of the story. Alfieri is a smart man with a intelligent mind. Alfieri compared to other characters in the a view from the bridge speaks proper English because he is well educated. “Yes we eat very good on the boats,”Marco says this quote. “Wait a minute… which is… I mean its allright… I mean you know what I mean? This is eddies quote. “I’m inclined to notice the ruins in things,”compared to Marco and Eddie, Alfieri is much more articulate.

“A View from the Bridge” is a play with an audience, alfieri is a bridge between the audience and the characters, because for the characters he is a lawyer and for the audience he is a lawyer and a narrator. Alfieri also helps the characters make the right decision and points them to the right direction that is what his role as a lawyer is. Alfieri has the perspective of knowing everything. Alfieri’s theme is to make the mood of the play moving. Alfieri hears both sides of the story. In the community Alfieri is a most respected.

Arthur Miller put Alfieri into this play as a lawyer because a lawyer can talk to the characters and give them advice. Alfieri’s feelings towards Eddie are sympathetic. Eddie confides in Alfieri and asks him what he should do; Alfieri wants Eddie to let Catherine marry Marco. The audience must be thinking that Eddie isn’t compromising and being very selfish. Alfieri tries to make Eddie compromise, and reveals eddies feelings, and inner most thoughts through their conversations.alfieri tries to make Eddie see sense. “She can’t marry you, can she?”He also sees eddies feelings for catherince, and Alfieri sees that Eddie is a desperate man, so desperate, hell do anything. It’s the point where Eddie realises that the only way he can stop the marriage is by calling the immigration officers and he does and Marco and rodolpho are taken by the immigration. At the speech Alfieri says “he allowed himself to be wholly known and for that I will love him more than my sensible clients. He means that even though Eddie was wrong he still believed in himself and if he wanted something he would go for it.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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