Essay Sample on Marriages: Why Do They Fail?

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Marriage is often considered the union of two individuals who share mutual interests and decide to build a life together. An old saying compares a husband and wife to the wheels of a vehicle—when one faces difficulties, the other is likely to be affected as well. However, not all marriages succeed. Many face challenges that ultimately lead to separation or divorce.

There are two primary types of marriage globally. The first is based on love, passion, and commitment, while the second is an arranged marriage, typically organized by families. In Western countries, love marriages are more common due to open societal norms, whereas arranged marriages are more prevalent in Eastern cultures. The nature and challenges of marriages often depend on the societal framework in which they exist.

Common Reasons for Marriage Failures

While some societies uphold marriage as a lifelong and sacred bond, others experience high divorce rates due to various challenges. Below are some of the most common reasons marriages fail:

  1. Cultural and Family Background Differences
    • Couples often struggle to anticipate the impact of differing cultural values, traditions, and family expectations on their marriage.
  2. Unrealistic Expectations of Equality
    • Many enter marriage with a “50-50” mindset, expecting their partner to always meet them halfway in all matters, leading to disappointment when this balance is not achieved.
  3. Self-Centeredness in Relationships
    • Modern society often encourages individualism, leading couples to focus on personal needs rather than mutual growth and compromise.
  4. Inability to Handle Life’s Trials
    • Instead of supporting each other through hardships, some couples blame one another, causing resentment and eventual separation.
  5. Idealized Notions of Love
    • Many individuals enter marriage with a romanticized perception of love, only to feel trapped when their partner does not meet unrealistic expectations.
  6. Lack of Religious or Ethical Foundations
    • Some marriages suffer due to a lack of shared values or ethical foundations, which can result in misaligned priorities and unresolved conflicts.
  7. Forced Marriages
    • In many cultures, forced marriages result in dissatisfaction and inevitable separation due to a lack of genuine connection and compatibility.
  8. Jealousy and Possessiveness
    • Excessive jealousy and insecurity, particularly regarding interactions with the opposite sex, can strain relationships and lead to breakdowns.
  9. Abuse and Domestic Violence
    • Physical, emotional, or psychological abuse, often linked to alcohol or substance abuse, significantly increases the likelihood of divorce.
  10. Lack of Intimacy and Emotional Connection
  • A lack of sexual fulfillment and emotional intimacy can create dissatisfaction, pushing one or both partners away from the relationship.
  1. Lack of Proper Marriage Education
  • Many individuals enter marriage without proper guidance on conflict resolution, financial management, and effective communication, leading to avoidable issues.

Preventing Marriage Failures

While no marriage is immune to difficulties, certain strategies can help couples maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship:

  • Voluntary and Unconditional Commitment: Marriage should not be forced or based on external pressures. Instead, it should be built on mutual respect and commitment.
  • Shared Values and Understanding: Like-mindedness and shared goals contribute to a stronger foundation for a lasting marriage.
  • Cooperation and Forgiveness: Couples must learn to handle disagreements with patience and forgiveness rather than allowing minor conflicts to escalate.
  • Sacredness of Marriage: Recognizing marriage as a lifelong commitment, regardless of religious beliefs, can help partners remain dedicated to one another.
  • Family and Societal Support: Support from extended family and communities can help sustain marriages, especially during difficult times.

In some countries, legal and societal barriers make divorce difficult, particularly for women. In such cases, individuals must work even harder to sustain their marriages while advocating for fair and equitable marital laws.


Marriage is a sensitive and complex institution that requires continuous effort from both partners. While love and passion may initiate a relationship, long-term success depends on commitment, communication, and mutual understanding. By prioritizing each other’s well-being, embracing differences, and addressing challenges together, couples can create a lasting and fulfilling union. Ultimately, a successful marriage is built on trust, respect, and the willingness to navigate life’s journey hand in hand.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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Patric is a 4th year and Assistant Engineer who can juggle his studies and work. He’s also a dedicated parent and husband. Despite his busy schedule he never misses a Texas Longhorns baseball game.

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