How to Write a Business Research Paper

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Writing a Business research paper calls for both writing skills as well as specialized knowledge of the given topic, just as with other types of written work. However, because of the nature of, and roles within, the business field, business research papers are different from other academic papers in one or two ways. Firstly, this type of paper relies on a wide variety of models and resources. Further, the purpose of this type of paper is multi-faceted and multi-functional.

A business research paper has various sections that must be completed. The introduction section gives a hint of what the topic is about and includes the thesis statement. This thesis statement details the problem being addressed and how the writer plans to address it. The literature review section outlines the importance of the problem, its history, and previous attempts made to address the issue being discussed. It also includes the current research in relation to the topic. This section enables the writer to demonstrate their research skills and their understanding of the topic being addressed.

The methods and procedures section explains the sources of data used. It includes secondary data, primary data, and data collection methods and analysis. The writer has to justify the methods of data collection used and provide details of people and activities involved in the entire research process. The discussion section follows and it is the climax of the whole research paper. This makes it the most important part of the business research paper, and it is where the writer discusses the propositions and identifies the practical value provided by the research. The conclusion is the final section, and it is a summary of the whole paper. It should highlight key points detailed in the discussion sections.

Having discussed the structure of a business research paper, it is best to detail how a writer should go about writing the paper. Firstly, a writer should find a suitable topic for the paper. The topic should be restricted but wide enough for meaningful research. A reader should be able to know what the paper is all about just by reading the topic. The topic should also be appealing to the target audience, as this is what will catch the attention of a reader and compel them to go through the whole paper.

With a topic chosen, the writer should then conduct research from various sources available. From the findings, a strong thesis statement can then be written. An outline or draft should follow, from which the writer builds content for the paper. After writing the final paper, the writer should revise it and make sure that all key points are addressed and that the right structure has been followed. Finally, and importantly, a good Business research paper should be free from grammatical errors and plagiarism.

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