How to Write a Case Study Analysis

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Before starting on writing a case study analysis, it is best to first read about the issue that is to be analyzed in the case study with the aim of better understanding the key issue. If it is a case study about a certain company, the writer should begin his or her case study project by investigating and thoroughly analyzing the history and growth of the company that is being analyzed. An organization’s past usually affects the present and the future characteristics of a company to a great extent and as such, the best way of finding out the reasons behind certain issues within a company is to examine the company’s history. Examining a company’s past can also provide the writer with vital information explaining why certain events regarding the company are likely to occur in a certain way.

Some of the things that must be explored while examining a company’s past, to mention a few, include:

  1. how, when and under what circumstances the company was founded;
  2. critical incidents that occurred in the company, from the company’s foundation till present times;
  3. the structure and hierarchy of the company;
  4. the history and major points of its growth.

After gathering information about the company’s past, the next step in the case study project is identifying the company’s strengths and weaknesses using data gathered from examining the company’s past. Finding out the strengths and weaknesses entails examining company operations that create value. For instance, the company may show strength in employee retention but may have a weakness in product marketing. After gathering this data, the next thing to do is gathering data on the company’s external environment. This basically entails examining the company’s opportunities and identifying any threats facing the operations of the company. Some of the things the writer needs to examine during this process include the company’s bargaining power and threats due to competition or changes in government policy.

Once all the information is gathered, the next step is analyzing the information. A thorough analysis should include comparing the company’s strengths and weaknesses and also analyzing opportunities and external threats facing the company. It is from the analysis data that the writer may determine if the company has a strong competitive position in the industry in which it operates. The analysis should also entail examining certain corporate strategies the company is currently using, as well as those that should be used that the company is not currently using. Only when you have all research data at hand, you can start actually writing the paper.

You can buy case study analysis online at case study writing service. We provide students with custom case studies on any topics and disciplines.

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