How to Write a Deep Exploratory Essay on “What’s in a Name?”

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In the previous two guides, you learned 10 facts for an exploratory essay on “What’s in a Name?” and 20 topics for an exploratory essay on “What’s in a Name?”. In this final guide, how to write a deep exploratory essay on “What’s in a Name?”, you’ll learn how to write an exploratory essay. This will help you tremendously since it provides tips and tactics on how to effortlessly write a liberal exploratory essay.

Unlike other essays, an exploratory essay is something that should be liberal with an exceptional structure, and everything that is written on paper must be clear, concise and to the point. Although it’s challenging to write a perfect exploratory essay, the practice in itself, is worthwhile.

How do you write a perfect exploratory essay without making mistakes? Here’s how:

Choose a Topic

Before you start writing an exploratory essay, you should first choose a topic on which you’re highly knowledgeable. The topic you chose should have credible sources to back up your argument, otherwise it won’t be as remarkable as it can be. A good topic is one where questions begged to be asked, the facts are hard to find, has a multitude of different perspectives to make for a compelling argument and links to a hard-pressing issue.


The introduction should include everything you plan to discuss in your exploratory essay. This is why the first paragraph is always written in the end so that you know what you’ve written, rather than what you are going to write. An introduction is what catches the eye of the reader and persuades him/her to read further. The introduction should include the following:

  • A problem you’ve found in a particular subject
  • People or institutions involved in creating that problem
  • The solution to that problem or sources that lead to the solution
  • Your overall point of view on the problem


The body includes arguments related to the problem. These arguments are supported by strong evidence and credible sources which give your point of view density so that readers are persuaded relate to your perspective – this is exactly what an exploratory essay is all about. However, discussing different perspectives all the while is highly recommended.

When you start to discuss different perspectives, even if they oppose your arguments, you are in a better position to attract the audience’s attention. This way, it becomes easier to skew your audience’s  perspective towards your own and convince them that your argument is a positive one.


Don’t mix up the conclusion and summary. While the conclusion includes a portion of what you’ve written in the article/essay, it’s merely a paragraph which highlights important parts of your work; for example, the problems and its solutions. It is important to write why you’ve taken a keen personal interest in the topic first and then conclude it with convincing evidence and credible sources, so the reader knows you’ve done your homework.

Before Submitting Your Assignment

Here are some things you should do first:

  • Proofread: Everyone makes mistakes, you cannot simply write a marvellous essay without making a few blunders. It’s only natural. However, proofreading will effectively eliminate the ‘little blunders’ and make your writing virtually flawless.
  • Preview: Make everything is laid out as it should be: fonts, paragraphs, headings, title, margin, page size, etc.

Now you are ready to submit your assignment.

We are certain that you’ll receive admiration and highly positive feedback from your professor because every student who has read our guides, has always succeeded in writing a liberal and beautiful essay.

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