How to Write an Expository Essay on Drug Use and Its Consequences

Writing guide
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When writing the expository essay on drug use and its consequences there are a few basic steps that you should follow:

1) Review the Information Given to You by Your Teacher

What many students fail to do at the start of any writing task is to review the instructions and highlight key terms like “process” or “define” or “example”. These words are things which are important guidelines for you and knowing them can help you to know what your teacher expects. In addition to this, you want to highlight key instructions like:

  • the number of pages or words;
  • the number of sources required;
  • the types of sources, if any;
  • the spacing;
  • the format and reference style required.

2) Select Your Topic

Selecting the topic is a difficult step for students because often the first choice of topic is too broad (although it may be much easier with our suggested topics). If, for example, you are asked to write a two page essay, you need to ensure you have a topic which is narrow enough that you can introduce it, describe it, and conclude it within 2 pages. Obviously items such as “drug use” is far too broad for a 2 page paper. You would need to try and refine this. You can refine a large topic by:

  • Adding a specific time period, such as between 2004-2005;
  • Adding a specific person, such as an important individual who was studied;
  • Adding a specific place, such as one city;
  • Adding a specific demographic, such as males;
  • Adding a specific age group;
  • Adding a specific treatment.

3) Write Your Thesis Statement

Do not feel obligated to stick with this original thesis statement, as it might change ever so slightly throughout the course of your writing. You want a single statement that best expresses your idea in such a way that it is not too broad and not to narrow, much like the Goldilocks of the thesis world.

4) Select Your Method for Developing the Content

This refers to the way that you write out the exploratory content in such a manner that it serves your thesis best. This can be classification, examples, process analyses, or something else.

5) Organize the Content of Your Essay

Now it is incumbent upon you set up an outline that best organizes the content you want to include. You should refer to any notes you have made and use them to write out the key concepts you want to present in the body of your essay and the supporting information (glance through the facts on the drug use that we have prepared for you beforehand). Remember that for each key item you need a separate paragraph.

6) Craft Topic and Transitional Sentences

Every paragraph in your work needs a topic sentence at the start and a transitional sentence at the end. The topic sentence introduces the topic of that paragraph with words from the thesis and the transitional sentence easily moves the reader from one paragraph to the next. This is what creates good flow in your custom essay you can easily get from our company.

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