How to Write an Expository Essay on Sanxingdui Culture

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An expository essay is a straightforward presentation of facts about a particular topic. This essay requires the opinions of the writer, but is, in essence, a balanced and objective statement of interconnected facts. Because it helps you learn more about a specific subject, especially beyond textbook materials, your instructor may assign one to you. This is especially true if you are studying the Sanxingdui culture since there is very less information on it yet many archaeological projects going on. However, you can use the following steps for any expository essay you write during your years as a student.

    1. Brainstorm and Research

      You will need to carry out a lot of research for an expository essay.  Make sure to look up authoritative sources and make a list of the ones you will be using because you will have to include them in your references section. There are two elements you have to finalize in this phase.


      Most instructors assign a general topic for an expository essay, leaving their students to narrow down according to their interest. Expository essay topics are easy, but require some thought if you want your essay to be creative. If you are having trouble thinking of expository essay topics for Sanxingdui culture, then use our handy list of 20 expository essay topics on Sanxingdui culture. If you want to put a little more effort, check our 12 facts on Sanxingdui culture for an expository essay for inspiration.

      Thesis Statement

      An essay cannot be e mechanical listing of facts. Each fact should have an underlying idea illustrated. This idea is your thesis. It is basically a claim or argument which you will explore throughout the essay.

    2. Write the Introduction

      The introduction serves as the roadmap for the rest of the expository essay. Do not include specific details in this part; simply describe your topic, its importance in the given context, and then state your thesis.

    3. Write the Main Body of Your Essay

      The body of the essay includes all the detailed facts you found during the research phase. Use each paragraph to address a fact or category of facts. These paragraphs are called topic paragraphs. Start out with a topic sentence, state the fact(s), and then describe why they are important/ relevant. Repeat this formula for three to five topic paragraphs in your essay or more depending on your word count.

    4. Conclude the Essay

      The conclusion is used to further reinforce our main thesis. It is similar to your introduction, but it should be worded differently. Repeat the importance of your topic, review your main points, and then end by providing a summary.

    5. Revise and Edit Your Work

      Once you have finished writing, you need to revise your work and make any changes you deem necessary. Consider the following aspects while revising:

      • Is the analysis objective and unbiased?
      • Are the facts relevant and logical?
      • Is the language clear and effective?
      • Are the paragraphs tightly focused on one aspect?
      • Does the conclusion sufficiently state the overall meaning?

    Once you are happy with the draft, go ahead and proofread your essay. Check for any mistakes in grammar and fix any punctuation errors.

    Expository essays are useful for understanding ideas and their context. So, enjoy your assignment as it will help you understand this ancient civilization better or help you delve in any subject you are interested in.

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