How to Write a Narrative Essay on Women Empowerment

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The process of composing a story is known as narrative essay writing. In this third guide, we discuss tips and strategies which, if incorporated well enough, will allow you to write a liberal, informative and compelling narrative essay. If you want your professor to admire your work, we highly recommend that you follow everything we’ve outlined in this guide.

If you skipped through our first and second guide, 10 facts for a narrative essay on women empowerment and 20 topics for a narrative essay on women empowerment essay respectively then we urge you to go read them first before reading this final guide. It is absolutely vital to thoroughly check those two guides first as they discuss credible facts and great some topics to choose for your narrative essay writing.

If you’ve already gone through our first and second guide then let’s get started:

What Is a Narrative Essay

Unlike other essays where you have the reader skewed towards your thesis, thought, argument or idea, a narrative essay is about explaining what you experienced at a particular event. Such type of essays merely enlightens the reader so as to what your personal experience was during the course of a particular event as opposed to persuading them to agree to an opinion or argument of yours.

How it’s Written

A narrative essay must not only be interesting to read but it should also retain your audience’s attention. This can be achieved by writing vivid and colorful details of your personal experience or account that is of relevance.

A good narrative should include your point of view on the event that took place; i.e  your thoughts, actions and emotional state during the event.

Composing the Essay

Before you start to write a narrative essay, it is essential for you to point out the events you’ll be discussing in your paper. You need to plot your narrative essay first before you start writing, which greatly helps to write an exemplary essay.

Start with an introduction which is interesting to read and catches the attention of the reader. It should include a brief description in the next paragraphs so as to what you’ll be talking about along with other highlights that will be discussed in the topic.

In the body, explain in detail the personal experience you had in regards to an event, which in this case, is women empowerment. Writing about the experience you went through makes your essay interesting to read and compels your audience to read it further and relate to your point of view.

Finally, in the conclusion, you will reinstate the core points discussed in the essay and conclude it in a way that the reader clearly understands your motives and intentions behind writing on the topic in question.

That’s it! You are now ready to write a narrative essay on your own. Be sure to proofread your paper before you submit it so that your professor appreciates your hard work.

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