Writing Causal Argument Essay on Introduction to Gender Studies

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There are many ways for a student to get his or her point across and through writing. One of the best methods happens to be through the use of a causal argumentative essay. While we believe most students know the basics for creation of an argumentative essay, some of you may just be hearing about it for the first time.

A causal argumentative essay is simply an essay where the use of compelling arguments to pass your opinions across is allowed. But unlike the argumentative essay, here you are also allowed to write informally to your audience. So here are some tips on writing a compelling causal argumentative essay.

Pick a position. When discussing your views on a subject matter through an essay, the first step to take is picking the side of the fence you intend to seat. Once this is done, you can easily start conducting your essay work by choosing a topic. If writing on gender studies, and you believe women studies should take on greater importance than men studies, then choose a topic that clearly states this. A great example is ‘Discussing the Role of Women’s Studies in Driving the Creation of Man Studies as an Academic Discipline.’ Here you are irrevocably stating that advances in women’s studies led to the clamor for a similar course for men. You can find similar examples in our list of 20 introduction to gender studies causal argument essay topics.

Plan a winning argument. Note that a causal argument essay has given you the right to argue how you choose. Therefore, making use of salient points and relatable case studies is the best way to drive your point home. To start, you still need to structure the entire paper. Therefore using an introduction that summarises what you intend to accomplish, the essay body has to drive prove your argument and a great conclusion should round it all up.

Introduce your argument in style. It is a causal argumentative essay, so take some liberties, surprise your audience and state your beliefs forcefully. An excellent introduction allows you to do all this and more. It also serves as an intro into what you intend to discuss in the preceding paragraphs of your essay.

Make a case and state your case. Now you are at the point of writing the body of your essay which forms the most integral part of all your works. Here, you are charged with stating your grievances and challenging the cause of these grievances. In gender studies, coming against patriarchy using the suffrage movement is the way to go.

A good conclusion can be a winning argument on its own. So why not attempt to round up your essay with hard-biting truths on what society will become if women are not equally a part of it. This leaves your reader in no position to question where your allegations lie.

We have provided even more ammunition for anyone interested in writing a causal argument essay on gender studies in the article 10 facts for causal argument essay on introduction to gender studies.

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