Writing on Point Argumentative Essay on Microeconomics

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To recap what we have learned throughout our guides, we first discussed 10 facts for on point argumentative essay on microeconomics, where you learned 10 credible pieces of evidence on microeconomics, helpful for  composing your argumentative essay. Along with the facts, you must have also gone through the seven references, which can be used to explore the issues in detail.

On the other hand, we also discussed 20 microeconomics essay topics in our second guide, which must have helped you choose particular subject/topic on which you can start writing immediately. You must also have gone through our sample essay, which, we bet, you have found informative. Apart from that, we’ve also included references that you may use later for more research.

However, this final guide is something else. Here, we are not going to discuss microeconomics, but how you can spiff up your argumentative essay and make it exemplary – leaving your teacher or professor under strong impression. With that said, let’s get started:

Composing an Argumentative Essay

The best technique not to waste your time looking at the blank document is to put together an outline of the argumentative paper you’re going to write. To do this, you need to know that an argumentative essay is comprised of four main sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. First Body (Where You Develop Your Argument)
  3. Second Body (Where You Refute Opponent’s Arguments)
  4. Conclusion

Here is how you would want to outline your argumentative essay:

Writing an Intro

Composing an introduction can be daunting if you don’t have an idea what a “hook” is all about. A “hook” technically means that you’re going to capture the attention of the reader, making him/her sure that your essay is worth checking out. This hook should be placed in the first two-three lines of your introduction.

Afterward, you should keep the reader interested in reading your essay by sharing the context of the topic. In this background part, you would want to share the essence of the issue: who cares about it, where this issue may be prevalent, and its significance.

Adding Your Thesis

Of course, the main “component” of your essay is a thesis statement, which should be placed in the end of the intro section. Make a statement that shows that you’ve made a stance on the argument. The thesis should also include the claims that you will be discussing later in the essay. But there is no need to consider the evidence here.

Writing the First Part of the Main Body

In this first part of your essay’s body, you would want to focus yourself on the statements (or arguments) that you’re going to make related to the microeconomics topic. These statements are known as claims. But claims alone aren’t deemed credible, which is why you will support them with evidence and sources agreeable  with your claims.

Depending on your topic, you can have either one claim or multiple.

Writing the Second Part of the Main Body

Actually, the real action happens here. Since the argumentative essay is about having a debate with your opponent, you’ll do just that in this part of the body. Try to perceive the viewpoints of your opponents, and then refute them, in a convincing way, supported by substantial evidence, which cannot be overthrown. In this kind of essay, anyone with different views is your opponent, even if we are talking about your readers.

Writing a Conclusion

Once you have refuted your opponent’s view, it’s time to conclude your essay. In this section share the importance of your issue, and how your statement can be implemented to improve the world of microeconomics. It’s also recommended to draw  a picture of the world now and later, when your changes are implemented, which really convinces the reader in your competency.

Final Words

Of course, it’s not a good idea to submit your essay without proofreading and editing. We recommend you to proofread the content at least twice, and add/subtract the parts you are not sure in. To do that, perceive your essay as your teacher/professor would and you will be able to criticize your own work.

With all these materials you don’t have excuses left, so start writing immediately!

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